Sunday, April 1, 2012

The Abnormal Entity In A Normal World

Have you ever imagined what it would be like if there existed a planet made of normal nations inhabited by normal people living normal philosophies of life with the exception of one abnormal entity in which normal looking people live under the rules of an abnormal philosophy of life? Stop imagining, my friend, because there exists one such situation near to us -- it is Earth itself. The normal nations are those which exist now and those that have come and gone; the abnormal entity is the thing they call Israel whose philosophy of life never seems to vanish despite the incentives for it to do so.

Tribal lands, settlements, city states, nations and empires are the sort of entities that still exist on planet Earth or have existed and have gone away. Some have survived almost intact since the beginning of recorded history, some disappeared for a while then came back under a different form, some were swallowed by other entities and some have amalgamated with other entities to form bigger ones. They all adopted mores and philosophies of life that proved useful for the times during which they existed and the places where they stood. When it became clear that an entity had outlived its time, it modified its conduct willingly, was forced to modify it by others or it disappeared never to be heard from again.

The exception has been Rabbinical Judaism, a philosophy of life whose premise is that if you convert to it and adhere to its decrees, you will become a member of the chosen few who are deemed to be superior to everyone. Regardless of your race or ethnic background, you will enjoy privileges that no one else enjoys. Well, the result has been that such beliefs gave rise to mores that served to turn the converts into pariahs. Normal people throughout the planet and through time have looked askance at all those who called themselves Jews –whether Rabbinical or not -- and have shunned them. As to the people who were compelled for any reason to live near to them or forge a relationship of sort with them; they ended up hating them. Some people even enjoyed picking on them just to humiliate them.

The shame is that very little of these mundane realities filtered down to our time because history was written solely on the basis of what used to happen to the men and women at the top of the food chain such as kings, queens, heads of the army, heads of powerful religious institutions and the like. This view of history did not leave much by way of evidence as to what else was happening below the upper layers of society. For this reason, some people were able to deny the authenticity of the Protocol of the Elders of Zion, and other people were prompted to deny that the Holocaust ever happened. But the truth is that normally intelligent people, even highly civilized ones, felt it necessary to force the Jew to spit on the floor and lick his own spit just to humiliate him. They also felt that it was perfectly acceptable to make products with the skin of a Jew the way you do with the skin of animals. It is that ordinary people had become used to the idea that to pogrom or to holocaust a Jew was the natural thing to do. But this was the Holocaust, and it was as real as the description of the Jewish character was authentic in the Protocol of the Elders of Zion.

Things have changed during the last few decades in the sense that history began to be written not only as it relates to Nefertiti, Napoleon and Nehru but as it relates to the ordinary people who struggle to feed their families; who get angry, seek revenge, strive to live in dignity, aspire to the little joys of life and have lofty dreams. The fact is that history is leaving to future generations not only a paper trail of sanitized events to study in school but also an audio visual trail that is based on electronics, digital technology and God knows what else will be invented to record authentic and spontaneous history as it happens, and preserve it for posterity. But while authenticity is the hallmark of the way we record history now, you will find that some Jews are using modern technology to glorify themselves and put down everyone else in their quest to control the world. This being the premise of the Protocol of the Elders of Zion, you will find that the negative reality detected in the Jewish character today surpasses by far the negative portrayal of the Jews in the Protocol. You may, in fact, consider the Protocol to have been a document sanitizing the image of Rabbinical Jews.

The sheer number of the people who are mobilized to work for the Jewish causes today, the monstrous volume of the work they do in this regard and the magnitude of the pressure they put on other people to do the bidding for them or suffer the consequences, leave you with no doubt that these people -- be they Jewish or gentile -- are driven not by normal human impulses but abnormal demonic urges. And this begins to explain why it happened that people who were intelligent, normal, and considered to be civilized, felt it was necessary to force the Jew to spit on the floor and lick his spit. Why they felt it was acceptable to make products from the skin of Jews. And why they thought it was natural to pogrom and to holocaust the Jew.

Clifford D. May is one of those who will leave to future generations a trail that will show and tell how much he and people like him were able to plague humanity with a philosophy of life so deformed, you are revolted by the extent of mutilation you see when you look at it. Whatever method you use to try to understand their philosophy of life and try to assess it, you find that they seek to impose weird and dangerous values on friends and foes alike. May's latest work is titled: “Diplomacy and Iran” with a subtitle that reads: “Sanctions (and strength) let our enemies know we are prepared for more talk.” It was published in the National Review Online on March 29, 2012.

Actually he wrote that article to respond to someone else but the debate between these two is not what I take up in this work. Rather, it is the mentality that is displayed by Clifford May -- that which tells ordinary human beings there is something seriously faulty and monumentally calamitous about the way that these people live, work and communicate. This should make you conclude that people throughout history must have felt the same way -- the reason why they wished to humiliate the Jew; to pogrom and holocaust him over and over.

May begins the article by quoting a saying which tells of the wisdom that exists in calling a dog 'nice' till you find a rock to throw at it. It is the analogy he uses to describe the rulers of Iran whom, he says, wish to acquire nuclear weapons so as to escalate the war against Israel, America and the West. He does not say how he knows this but he asserts that there is “them” who are bad and wish to harm “us” who are good. The truth, however, is that Israel was supposed to have been created because the Jews were treated badly in the West and not in Iran. What boggles the mind when you see someone treat reality like this is that these people never bother to tell how they judge that the “antisemitism”, the Inquisition, the pogroms and the Holocaust that were inflicted on Jews in the West translate into the West being good and Iran being bad. It is beyond comprehension because it seems to indicate they like the horror and they abhor being treated well. Go figure.

The author then tries to endear himself to the reader by displaying a sympathy which, on close scrutiny, proves to be a false sympathy because, in effect, he turns reality on its head. He asks who may possess the rocks that can be thrown at the dog, and he answers: “The United States does, but President Obama is not eager to utilize them.” And why is that? Because the “Americans are war-weary” says he, which he explains with apparent sympathy that such sentiment is “understandable.” But this is where the thing is turned on its head. You see, the problem is not that Obama refuses to throw rocks at Iran; the problem is that Obama, along with others, are being kind to the charlatans who convert to Judaism for one purpose only; that of using the past suffering of now dead Jews to cash in on money, and to grab power, influence and control. Thus, if there is something to be understood, it is that there exists a misplaced tolerance towards the charlatans, a tolerance that perpetuates the never ending tragedy of the Jews.

The author then takes a few paragraphs to advance the same old talking points. They are: [A] the Jews are good: “The Israelis would like nothing better than to resolve this conflict diplomatically.” Never mind that no one believes this, least of all himself as it is apparent in his article. [B] The Iranian rulers, and everyone else for that matter, are bad because they: “refuse even to talk with the leaders of the tiny Jewish state.” Never mind that the Israelis are not talking to anyone that may have a claim on them, and they counsel the Americans not to talk to such people either. [C] Obama has recognized the “legitimacy of Israel's concerns.” If only Clifford May would reciprocate by showing due respect for his President. [D] He claims that if Iran acquired nuclear weapons on Obama's watch, “history will not judge him kindly.” This guy has no sense of history because he sees things in black and white not in terms of hard alternatives from which a leader must choose. But Clifford May and the Jewish organizations want us to believe that, all this aside, there still exist powerful incentives and a justification for America to throw rocks at Iran – a metaphor to mean bomb that country.

Having advanced the same old talking points, he now advances the same old conclusions which are nothing less than to call for and to incite the unleashing of a biblical style orgy for endless pain and suffering, for blood and gore. And he does this the old fashioned Jewish way. Having complained that the Iranians refuse to talk to the Israelis, he now tries to make you believe that all of America is siding with Israel: “tough measures produced by the U.S. Congress on a bipartisan basis and signed by Obama.” He goes on to say that these measures are sanctions which, in his words, are only means and not ends.

The end he wants to see is this: “For there to be … success, Iran [must] feel vulnerable … that Americans and Israelis have rocks and are prepared to use them.” But he does not get to this point right away. Instead, he takes a number of paragraphs to say that sanctions, even stiff ones, do not work. They exist, he says, only to create a debate, to help in weakening Iran and “should more kinetic measures be used … it will be vital for sanctions to be in place – and remain in place – during whatever diplomatic palaver may follow.” He is trying to have it both ways, you see.

Having said that sanctions do not work, having then counseled to keep them in place anyway, he now attacks those who advocate diplomacy over the use of sanctions. And this, in fact, is the debate he is having with someone else. I shall thus refrain from pursuing this line, but continue to probe the mentality of Clifford May, and all those who think like him. He says this: “If we want [the] Supreme Leader … and the … Guard Corps to stop doing what they are doing … we have to do more than 'nudge' them. We have to offer them something of great value.” This would be the promise to abstain from launching a war on them. You understand what he is saying? He is saying let's threaten to obliterate them but promise not to do so if they will knuckle under. Can you think of something more Jewish than this? You can't; and this is why people have wanted the Jew to spit on the floor and lick his spit. It is fighting humiliation with humiliation. These people always ask for it and they always get it.

Without saying from where he gets his information, he asserts that the Iranians want “dominance of the Middle East in the short run, and 'a world without America' eventually, with the extermination of Israeli men, women, and children somewhere along the way.” This is an outright lie, and he leaves enough clues on the table to show that he is more than a liar; he is dimwitted too. The truth is that the Iranians only said the world will be better off without Zionism; and they said it in response to all the loose talk about war that was generated by the likes of Clifford May. Nothing in what they said mentioned a world without America, and there was nothing in it about exterminating Israeli men, women and children. For May to associate with America what was associated with Zionism is to show he deliberately fabricated a lie that can easily be unmasked. Yes, the man must be dimwitted but he can also fantasize. Look here; if the future extermination of Jews he predicts comes to pass, the pattern has been that he, and all those like him, will try to claim compensation from oil rich, deep-pocketed Iran. Now you know why these people fantasize about a holocaust that never seems to come their way. Pity them those poor things or tell them to buy a lottery ticket.

Before he ends the article, he takes a paragraph – an infamous one -- to deliver a parting shot so as to disparage the Iranians one last time. But having understood what he tried to do all along, you know what he is trying to do now, and you dismiss it off hand. You reckon that he must have looked in the mirror, has seen the ugliness he represents and has attributed all of it to the Iranians. You thus take the infamous paragraph and you rework it to represent reality as it is on the ground, not the illusion that he and all those like him are creating in the clouds.

Here is the infamous paragraph as it ought to have been written: When conducted between reasonable, peace-loving people, the “art and practice of conducting negotiations” can lead to compromise and the resolution of conflicts. But when dealing with Jewish despots, people who respect only power and see even mercy as weakness, there are no talking cures. Israel's rulers see the World as soft, high-minded, weak-willed, and just plain tired of carrying the burden of having to punish Israel for its numerous crimes. They are convinced the Palestinians will accept what they have considered “unacceptable,” because when you come right down to it, those Palestinians see that the world is allowing the world’s worst butchers -- and the number one terrorist state in all of human history -- to arm themselves with the world’s worst weapons, then ask for more as if there was more to be had. It is that these people are always hungry for more, and you can never appease their hunger.

You now judge for yourself whether the Clifford May version or this one is closer to the truth.