Sunday, October 28, 2012

How To Liberate Jewish Dominated America

There is soon going to be an election in America, and except for two thirds of the members in the United States Senate, the job of everyone else is up for grabs. It is expected that many of these people will be re-elected because the odds have always favored the incumbents, but some members will be replaced by new faces because they did not want to run for the office again, or because they ran and were defeated by someone new.

Most of the newly elected members if not all of them will have already encountered the subtle and the not so subtle hands of the lobby groups that will seek to infiltrate their offices if they win the election, intrude on their legislative work if they will have it, and dominate them for the period of their tenure if they will be so lucky as to get it. But the intensity of the meddling exerted by the lobbyists on the candidates during the campaign while running for office will pale when compared to what the lobbyists will exert on the newcomers when the latter will finally move into their offices and begin to exercise the powers vested in them by virtue of their electoral win.

The two most active and most demanding lobbies that the new Senators and new House Representatives will encounter when they start working will be the Gun lobby of America and the Jewish lobby of everywhere else. Members of the first lobby will seek to put a gun in every American hand claiming this to be necessary for the purpose of hunting animals of the tame variety and the wild one, and for the purpose of protecting the self from human beings who may look tame on the surface but are very much on the wild side under the skin. The lobby characters will also claim that military guns used in wars would be perfect to hunt tame animals and wild humans. Go figure.

As to the members of the second lobby, they will seek to put an American made bomb in every Jewish hand claiming this to be necessary for the purpose of defending their most cherished values. They will assert that such values do exist but will not spell out exactly what they are. The lobbyists will also seek to put a bank account full of donated American money – spirited out of the country through the loopholes of the tax code – in the hands of every Jew who happens to live somewhere, anywhere and everywhere on planet Earth. And they will claim that such action is necessary to promote the aforementioned cherished and still mysterious values.

As to the incumbent legislators who will be re-elected, they know all about the monkey business that goes on to make up those realities because they lived with them in the years that they sat in the House of Representatives or the Senate. They are familiar with the tricks employed by the Jewish lobby in particular because these are the sort of tricks that no one ever forgets. What is clear-cut about them is that the lobbyists who pull them start by deceiving the intended victim. To do this and succeed, they begin the game by acting softly while flashing a big smile. And like the fox that comes dressed in the clothes of a lamb, they fool the unwary and start their long journey of deception at this point.

The foxy characters will maintain their soft posture as long as they will get what they ask for. But if and when this will come to an end, the Jewish lobbyists will switch to the next stage of the game which is to sting the American legislator. There are many ways to execute this treacherous act, but the way they prefer the most is the way of the scorpion. It consists of the lobbyists flipping allegiance and working toward the goal of getting rid of the American legislator. Calling him or her uncooperative, the lobbyists will seek to have them booted out of office and replaced by someone new, someone who will be more pliant to the dictates of the Jewish lobby and be more sympathetic to the never ending demands of Israel.

On the other hand, most of the re-elected American legislators who were uncooperative during the time that they were in office and have managed to avoid being booted out, will have been subjected to another kind of treatment at the hands of their apparently friendly Jewish handlers. They will have been beaten into a zombie-like state of existence by insidious psychological methods employed by those same handlers. The legislators will return to the House of Representatives or the Senate, and will act without thinking to rubber stamp and approve every demand that is made by an agent of the Israeli government or by a local Jew.

What is disheartening to learn about this whole sordid mess is that the returning legislators will not warn the newcomers of what has been happening to them, and what is about to happen to all the newly elected members. Some of the veterans may even collaborate with their Jewish handlers and with those handling the newcomers to mollify the latter, thus prepare them to quietly accept what is about to hit them. They will be made to think that what happens here on the Hill is the way that things ought to happen because this is what passes for normal in this greatest and most magnificent of legislative bodies despite the gridlock it is famous for.

What this means – when all is said and done – is that the old timers will work like a bunch of aging prostitutes to have the newcomers accept, even welcome being dominated by an American Jew or an Israeli intruder. These will have come to tell the novices what to think, what to do and how to help the various causes that serve the Jewish and Israeli interests without questioning the premise of what they are asked to do because the gridlock must never happen when it comes to Jewish or Israeli issues.

To do the thing as well as they can, the newcomers will be told how to engage in the moral equivalent of having a value based cerebral intercourse with their Jewish masters. They will be taught how to lie passively on their backs or their bellies and enjoy taking in what is given to them. They will be shown how to fake a heavenly sort of ecstasy at the end of each exercise. And they will be shown how to let out an orgasmic outburst that will shake the earth with the energy they discharge as they praise Israel and everything Jewish.

It is for these reasons that we must warn the newly elected American legislators of the realities that exist on ground zero of the American political, military and economic life. These are the reasons why we must counsel the newcomers to watch for and be careful about the insidious tricks that the Jewish leaders and the Israeli intruders will employ to deceive them right at the start. These people must realize that if they let themselves be influenced at this point, the chances are that they will remain under the influence till they leave office on their own, or they are booted out of it having outlived the purpose of slavishly serving their Jewish masters.

Our aim must be to diminish the chances that the legislators will end up serving the Jewish and Israeli causes like devoted hookers whose interest will be to please the moral pornographers who come to dominate them and impregnate them with the demonic seeds that seek to teach the young generation of young Americans all about the new normal. They are here to teach America’s young that the God they need to worship is not in heaven with a name like God the Father or Jesus the Son, but that the gods are numerous and they live among us bearing names that sound very much like Jewish names.

To this end, the newcomers to the Congress must be made to understand, and they must constantly be reminded that if they discard their state of vigilance, they will be reduced to a state of existence as described above rather than left alone to work for the country whose people elected them to serve it, serve them and serve no one else – especially not Israel or the Jews who have been served way more than they deserve already.

Thus, it is imperative that the newcomers be made to understand that the best way to avoid becoming an American congressional prostitute in the service of World Jewry is to reject the advances of those who will come and tell them how to do things they know little or nothing about.

They need to be warned that when they hear someone whisper in their ear: “You can't go wrong doing this or that,” they should take it to mean they are being set up to do something contrary to the interests of America; something that will benefit a Jewish cause or an Israeli one.

Avoiding that approach, the way for the American legislators to proceed when something needs to be done, is to conduct their own research so as to better understand the subjects they are tackling. If they need advice from someone, they should seek it from people who are far removed from the Washington Beltway and from the circle of professional lobbyists – especially those who work for the Jewish causes.

Finally, it must be said that it will take time for America to extricate itself from the snare now gripping it, but the country still has the chance to liberate itself and be saved from the Jewish influence that is known to be so toxic, it has managed to destroy many a country throughout history.

You do not wish this fate upon yourself, America. You must, therefore, never tempt a fate of this power and virulence. Instead, you should avoid conjugating with those who come loaded with moral syphilis and seek to ejaculate it into the skulls of the young and vulnerable among you.

Good luck to you and to the world.