Sunday, May 29, 2022

Human robots running on the same algorithm contradicting each other

 Are antisemitism and Jew-hatred racism or are they not?


Don’t try to find out from the Jews themselves because all that you’ll get are artificial responses as if spoken by robots running by a defective algorithm that contradicts itself. It will happen when you see two robots running on the same algorithm contradict one another.


This happened, in fact, to Adrienne Skolnik and one of the editors at The American Thinker who proved to think contrary to each other. This was shown by the fact that one of them says antisemitism and Jew-hatred are a manifestation of racism, and the other says they are not.


The occasion is the article that came under the title: “Antisemitism And Jew-Hatred Are Racism As The Left Defines It,” written by Adrienne Skolnik, and published on May 29, 2022 in The American Thinker.


I must assume that the title for the article was chosen by one of the editors at the American Thinker because its message contradicts what the writer of the article had tried to establish. In fact, speaking about antisemitism and Jew-hatred, here is what Adrienne Skolnik wrote: “All these attacks were deliberately targeted against Jews and only Jews. Whether defined genetically or as a modern construct, is this not a clear definition of racism? A targeted people?” With this, Skolnik is affirming that antisemitism and Jew-hatred constitute a form of racism.


To understand how this definition contradicts the title that the editor chose for the article, you need to be aware of the reality that the Judeo-Yiddish culture brought to America by Jews, consists of creating two columns under which are listed either the friends or the perceived foes of the Jews. One column goes under the title that says “those with us,” the other goes under the title that says “those against us”.


Thus, when something happens that requires evaluation, what the Jews are supposed to do robotically driven as they are by the algorithm that’s instilled into them since childhood — is to compare that thing against what’s in the two lists, and choose to believe that it is a good thing or a bad one for the Jews. Thus, telling the Jewish rank-and-file that it is the much dreaded “left” which defines that antisemitism and Jew-hatred are racism, the editor gave the readers the opposite message of what Skolnik has articulated in her presentation.


But given that both Adrienne Skolnik and the editors of the American Thinker are driven by one and the same algorithm, we must conclude that this algorithm is defective. And when you realize that the defect has been infused into the American culture, and has metastasized to the extent that the entire body politic of America has become paralyzed, what’s left for you to feel is the chill in your bones as you try to determine if America will ever get back to the way it was before the advent of the Jews into it.


Another manifestation of the defect in the algorithm which makes the Jews decide mechanically whether something is good or bad for them or Israel, is the way that they react to the question as to whether they are a race or they are not. Here is what Adrienne Skolnik said about this matter:


“Many Jews insist they’re not a race because race is how Hitler justified murdering 6 million Jews and trying to annihilate Jews worldwide. However, in a world in which “race” is used as a catch-all for any distinct group, and it comes with built-in protections for most groups, it’s logical to classify Jews in the same way for the same protections”.


Thus, Adrienne Skolnik begins by asserting that a fact is not a fact if acknowledging it leads to something that’s bad for the Jews. However, she goes on to say, that because “the word race is used as a catch-all,” we can make an exception and accept the reality that a fact is a fact, after all. She continues by saying that we can build a construct that contradicts the faulty logic which flows from the assertion that a fact is not a fact if acknowledging it would hurt the Jews. Get it?


If you, my dear reader, believe this is the kind of stuff that’s good only for a class of philosophy on account that it is too abstract to have an effect on the everyday life of some people if not potentially on all the people, consider what happened to Whoopi Goldberg when she said that the Holocaust was not about race. And bear in mind that she said so in conjunction with the banning of a book meant for a class of small children.


The implication of Goldberg’s assertion is that the Jews are not a race, which is what Skolnik says many Jews insist they are not, given that it was this idea which allowed Hitler to kill many of them. And yet, when Goldberg said exactly that, the entire Jewish establishment blew off their seats and hollered their horror at what Goldberg had said.


The woman was suspended for a few days, and made to apologize for what Adrienne Skolnik has failed to clarify, thus left the adults who run schools for small children, confused as to what the Jews now have in the column that says: “those with us,” and the column that says “those against us”.


And this is how America is transmitting to future generations the paralysis that is plaguing the body politic of today.