Saturday, December 17, 2022

The UN represents the human collective

 Imagine you get acquainted with someone and you instinctively prepare yourself to find out what kind of a person he is. You take note of what he says he likes and dislikes about other people and other things, and you carefully study what he is like himself.


Having accumulated enough information, you correlate the pieces to see if they reveal something about this person. Sure enough, you detect a strong correlation between what he says he likes, and what he is like himself. You conclude that this guy is very much a narcissist.


Are there people like that? Of course there are. Are there organizations like that? Of course there are. A perfect image of themselves is what companies pay public relation outfits to paint of them. That’s not to speak of the political parties who depend on projecting a good image of themselves to attract donors, especially of the deep pocket kind, and attract constituents of the kind that actually votes.


So then, what’s odd about this? Nothing is odd. In fact, this situation represents life as ordinary as it gets for the human species on Planet Earth. But there is an exception. To understand this part, we do two things. One, we study the relationship that an organization has with its members. And two, we study the relationship that a country has with its people.


Normally, an organization such as a company represents the proverbial tight ship. This means it has a more or less rigid hierarchy that leaves very little room for the members to do or say as they wish. The same cannot be said of political parties whose mother’s milk is the free and open debates that prepare the members to engage the opposition come election time. This makes it look like the jurisdiction, if not the entire country, seem to have as many independent thinkers as there are voters.


And this brings us to the exception. It is the Jews and the relationships they have with each other. It is also the relationship they have with Israel which they say represents their collective, as well as the relationship they have with the organizations to which they belong. And it is the relationship they have or seem to have, with the rest of humanity and the organizations that represent its collective such as the United Nations, the International Criminal Court and other world bodies.


You’ll find language addressing all these relationships in an article that came under the title: “The UN Reminds Us What Kind of Place It Is,” written by Bobby Miller, and published on December 14, 2022 in National Review Online. Miller begins the discussion by mentioning a film that was made by a Jew thirteen years ago and titled: “incompetence and corruption at the heart of the UN.” Miller goes on to say that nothing has changed since then because “Every time the UN starts to look like a somewhat credible institution, we’re reminded of how astonishingly ridiculous a place it is”.


Bearing in mind that Bobby Miller is of the kind that when he sees or hears something he doesn’t like, complains that he saw or heard an antisemitic trope denigrating all Jews — it stuns you to see that he does not hesitate to denigrate all of humanity the way that he did by calling the United Nations, which represents all of us, “astonishingly ridiculous.” In effect, therefore, he wants us to be careful about what we say and do to avoid hurting their feelings, at the same time that he passionately insults the entire human race without giving a thought what this does to our feelings. And this is a display of Jewish narcissism in full flowering.


Miller goes on to explain his thinking by mentioning the fact that the United Nations removed Iran from the Commission on the status of Women, which he says is a positive development, but wonders why Iran had a seat on the commission in the first place. His beef does not end here because China whose one-child policy, he says has engendered female infanticide, is still on the panel. Bobby Miller also mentions Qatar which he accuses of human-rights abuses, and laments that it continues to retain its seat on the UN Human Rights Council.


And what would be a discussion about Jewish thinking without encountering an instance when a Jew advises humanity not to believe what it sees with its own eyes, but believe what the Jews tell it to. It happened this time when Bobby Miller advised humanity not to believe what it sees in America’s political circles, but believe the Jews who say it isn’t what it seems. Here is how he spun this piece of illogic:


“It has recently emerged that the UN’s managing attorney overseeing the Human Rights Council’s probe into Israel’s treatment of Palestinians during the 2014 conflict between Israel and Gaza-based groups claimed that the US government was under the thumb of the Jewish lobby. Evidently, antisemitism is a problem at the UN. Surprise, surprise”.


Here, Bobby Miller is advising the human race that to tell the truth is to commit an antisemitic act, which itself has been defined as a call to wipe the Jews off the face of the Earth. That is, Bobby Miller, speaking in the name of all Jews, is saying that the telling of the truth is an existential threat to the Jews. In other words, Miller is confirming that Jews can only survive in a sea of lies. Hitler must be giggling in his gave.


Finally, as expected, someone advocating the Jewish and Israeli causes, could not end his discussion without shooting himself in the foot. Here is how Bobby Miller did it: “We can’t dispense with the UN Security Council. But efforts to reform it should be a priority of the incoming Congress”.


Because the American Constitution stipulates that foreign policy is the responsibility of the Executive branch, which depends less on the lobbies than does the Congress – for Bobby Miller to urge that the Congress usurp from the Executive responsibility for the UN Security Council, makes him a closet believer that the US government is under the thumb of the Jewish lobby, master of the US Congress.