Sunday, August 20, 2023

It is back to the start of the original cycle

He is so enamored with shooting himself in the foot, he did it again in his latest column. He is Clifford D. May who, as per habit, has ascertained one thing then said what amounts to quashing the certainty. Here is what he said at first:


“Lebanon is dominated by Hezbollah, a foreign legion of Iran. Hezbollah has an estimated 150,000 missiles pointing at Israelis”.


It is obvious that in making that observation, Clifford May was endeavouring to win sympathy for the unfortunate Israelis who must live with a constant threat hanging over their heads, according to his thinking. But then, he quashed the endeavor by saying the following:


Tehran has been attempting to set up bases in Syria. Israeli pilots frequently rubble those bases, along with weapons being shipped from Iran to Hezbollah”.


With that, and with speaking to the same audience, Clifford May has conveyed the contradictory certainty that Israeli pilots make short work of Iran’s attempts to intimidate Israel. So there you have it, my friend: According to the Jews, Israel is at the same time intimidated thus deserves sympathy and financial support, but it is also not intimidated thus deserves praise and financial support. This is how these people try to have it both ways, and how they shoot themselves in the foot.


Worse, Clifford May put all that under the shameless and pretentious rubric of: “Israel faces intensifying external threats and internal divisions,” which is the title of the column he published on August 16, 2023 in The Washington Times.


If you’re trying to determine what strategy May is following to make a case for Israel, you’ll find much food for thought early on in his column. Here is how he began his argument:


“From atop the mountain in the Israeli Golan Heights, you can peer into Lebanon and Syria. On the Israeli side, everything is green because the Israelis irrigate and plant trees. On the Lebanese and Syrian sides, everything is brown because agriculture and ecology are not priorities for those who rule Lebanon or Syria”.


That’s harking back to the start of the Jewish zombification of America’s politico-cultural system. It was a time when the Jews had convinced the “greatest deliberators in history” that contrary to what the Old Testament of Jews says, the “Land of Milk and Honey” contained neither milk nor honey, and neither was it as fertile as it sounded when described as being situated at the heart of the Fertile Crescent.


Still, to make sure that history had a permanent visual record of those colossal lies, the Jews organized for the zombie legislators of America to travel to Israel and allow themselves to be photographed as they helped the thieving settlers plant trees where they claimed they had the right to settle, having turned the arid Fertile Crescent into a lush yellow paradise.


Never mind that decades later, the Negev Desert remains a yellow sandy patch that was never developed by the Jews. And despite all of this, American financial aid continues to flow in Israel’s direction while the children of America go to school trying to acquire an education on an empty stomach.


What’s mind boggling in this manifestation of cruelty, is that even after the truth had been revealed to an American public that’s turning restless about the scandalous relationship which binds the thieving Jewish settlers with America’s braindead managers of its finances, tons of dollars continue to gush in Israel’s direction. How can this be happening?


It is happening because the Jews have learned through thousands of years of experience mixing with peoples of all kind, that when no suspicion exists, you work on making yourself loved by the public. But when suspicion creeps in and begins to stain your image, you transform the love of you into a hatred for those whom you paint as being worse than you. Here is how Clifford May did that:


“Syria is ruled by Bashar Assad, a dictator propped up by Tehran and Moscow. He slaughtered half a million Arabs. Tehran has been attempting to set up bases in Syria, one more platform from which to attack Israel. In the West Bank, Iran’s rulers are also arming Islamic Jihad, Hamas, and other groups. And from the south, Hamas, which rules Gaza, receives financial assistance, arms and training from Iran to target Israelis from that coastal enclave. Farther afield: Tehran’s ongoing nuclear development program. The Biden administration agreed to unfreeze $6 billion in Iranian oil revenue on top of billions more it greenlighted to be transferred from Iraq to Iran”.


Tired of playing the strategy that’s now failing to yield result, Clifford May made the following observation and asked the obvious question:


“So, Israelis face intensifying threats on multiple fronts. What are they doing in response? Quarreling among themselves. But why haven’t they tackled such issues over the 75 years since Israel’s founding? For one, they’ve been busy fighting wars against neighbors committed to their extermination. For another, they’ve been building a free and prosperous nation-state”.


That answer is a reformulation of the Jewish argument that harks back to the start of the zombification undertaken by the Jews to control America’s politico-cultural system. The Jews succeeded then by arguing that they were the tree planting good Jewellers from Eastern Europe whereas their neighbors were the bad indigenous farmers who didn’t even know how to plant a tree.


How many holes can the foot of a Jew take?