Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Blind to the evidence, they reject its message

 Look how Jed Babbin shot himself in the foot at the start of a discussion he thought he could use to convince the audience that antisemitism exists, not because there are fundamental reasons for the sentiment to exist, but because vicious individuals create it and spread it willy-nilly according to him. As it happened, Jed Babbin did the self-shooting in two steps like you’ll see in what follows:


As a first step, Babbin wrote that, “Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas tried to justify Hitler’s genocide against Jews. He said, ‘They say that Hitler killed the Jews for being Jews and that Europe hated the Jews because they were Jews. Not true’”.


Even without looking at the second step, the first should strike you as an upside-down and weird statement. It’s because to claim that the Jews were not exterminated because they were Jews justifies their extermination, or that the Europeans did not hate the Jews because of who they were but because of another reason, need thorough explanations that Babbin did not provide in any adequate way.


Then came the second step in which Jed Babbin wrote that, “Mr. Abbas continued, saying, ‘Even Hitler said he fought the Jews because they were dealing with usury and money.’ He argued that for Hitler, ‘this was not about Semitism and antisemitism’”.


Looked at separately or when Juxtaposed, the sum total of the two sayings seems to be that Jed Babbin and those like him are desperate to make humanity believe it hates the Jews and has been exterminating them since the beginning of time, not because of what the Jews do – which they can change if they so decide and become like everyone else – but because of who the Jews are, which they cannot change anymore than a colored person can change the color of their skin. The ludicrous claim is that Jews are trapped in their Jewishness, unless and until they find a deep pocket to marry, at which time they’ll ditch their Jewish beliefs and start worshiping the greenback.


These are such clumsy and self-incriminating arguments, they give the vicious and the authentic Jew-hating people of the world an opportunity to argue that the Jews are complaining, not about being hated or exterminated, but about the way to interpret the act of antisemitism. The aim is to force the Jews to stop loving money, according to Jed Babbin — even change their names from the toxic Goldstein and Silverstein to names as innocuous as Blacksmith and Carpenter. In fact, the true haters will say that the Jews would rather end up in the crematorium as Gold than end up in a soup kitchen having a free meal.


Whereas to cement their arguments and render them relevant, people everywhere in the world engage in serious discussions, Jed Babbin approached the next phase of his debate with a nonchalant insouciance that allowed him to turn reality into a kind of monkey talk. The following is what he should have said while talking honestly but did not because distorting the meaning of what they say has been the stock-in-trade by which these people self-incriminate again and again. Here is what Babbin wrote:


As Palestinian Authority president Yasser Arafat preached peace, he signed the 1993 Oslo Accords under which the Jews agreed to end the occupation, which proved to be a false promise. The reason why the Jews didn’t keep the promise was simple. They could accuse Arafat and Mr. Abbas of rejecting the false agreements that Israel was ramming down their throats rather than adhere to those they had negotiated with the Palestinians”.


This done, Jed Babbin then engaged in the usual polemic that gives the impression the Jews went out of their way at least on three occasions, and tried to return to the Palestinians what they had stolen from them, except that the latter refused to take the deal. It is unclear why the Jews would come up with this kind of idea but it was said on several occasions by different people that the polemic carries within it the racist suggestion that the Palestinians have come to love living under Jewish occupation, preferring it to living in freedom or living under Arab rule.


As if this were not enough to put down a people that have become the most victimized in the history of the planet, Babbin attributed to the Palestinians the character that the Jews had proudly been attributing to themselves for thousands of years but has fallen out of style in these modern times. In fact, the Jews used to say it was the character that made them superior to the rest of humanity. That was the ability and will of the Jews to inflict terror on the innocent when they deem them ripe for murder and plunder. Here is how Babbin distorted reality and told lies using sanitized words:


“Three times Israel has tried to offer the ‘land for peace’ deal but the Palestinians rejected it. It would have established a Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza as well as East Jerusalem. Instead, Arafat launched a terrorist campaign at the same time as he was urging his followers to violence”.


And then, not realizing that occupation is the ultimate form of terrorism, Babbin asked this question: “Why did Mr. Abbas choose to make that statement now?”


Because his country is under occupation, dodo!