Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Who's Afraid Of The Virgin Wolf

Another American institution, this time the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul Minnesota, has canceled a previous engagement by someone who was to speak on Palestine and the Middle East because some obscure group did not like that someone and complained about the upcoming speaking engagement. And the would be speaker was none other than Bishop Desmond Tutu whose fight against apartheid is legendary.

Let’s be honest with ourselves, the proverbial straw has now broken the camel’s back and we cannot avoid asking the question: How did freedom of speech deteriorate so much and so fast in a nation that accuses others of hating freedom then sends her sons and daughters to kill those freedom haters in order to shove her brand of freedom down the throat of those who survive the slaughter?

And we cannot help but to answer the question by observing that it all began one fateful day when Israel and the Zionist Lobby were made to look like the invincible children of God. It was June 5, 1967 when Israel launched a spectacular sneak attack on its Middle Eastern neighbors and thus started a six year war that ended with the kicking of Israel out of the Egyptian Sinai and half the Syrian Golan in 1973. The attrition and the counteroffensive that followed the initial battle succeeded despite the massive military help that Israel received from America and the NATO allies even as the final counteroffensive was progressing.

But the falsification of history continues in America where they speak of the six day battle in 1967 as if it were the entire war but do not speak of the six year war which ran from 1967 to 1973. And the reason for the falsification is to maintain the image of an invincible Israel in the mind of the politicians and journalists who wield the powers of the nation, yet believe in a fiction that is an oddball mix of religious mythology and pagan superstition. In turn these beliefs motivate the actions of these politicians and journalists to whom the Zionist Lobby dictates like a master dictates to children.

It is no wonder therefore that the Zionists will do anything to maintain the sort of climate where nonsense can sprout and flourish. And they do not do it by being persuasive through civilized debate the way things are supposed to be done in a democracy, but by the skillful use of demagoguery and blackmail which they communicate through whispers and deliver behind closed doors by a group such as the one that agitated to ban Bishop Tutu. And it is the relentless duplication of this little game that enabled the Zionist Lobby over the years to take hold of the American system and to control the nation.

And when the Zionists came to the realization that Israel was never able to duplicate the success of 1967, they saw the need to involve America deeply in the wars of the Middle East with the disastrous consequence that we see today in Iraq and the potential for more to come. In fact, except for the cowardly murder of Palestinian families by the air force in the middle of the night as they sleep in their beds, Israel lost every combat after 1967 even when she went against a tiny force, be it a Palestinian force or a Lebanese one. And this situation developed because Israel was never able to mount another sneak attack on neighbors who learned to keep their eyes open after 1967 knowing that the Israeli wolf is roaming their neighborhood looking for easy prey.

This is still a virgin wolf which is being fed by the Zionist Lobby through an umbilical cord that extends deep into the arteries of America’s military, financial, political and informational organs. And the more the parasitic wolf sucks the life out of the American body, the hungrier it gets and the more the Lobby demands from the host. And while the nations of the Middle East are growing confident that the wolf has gone as far as it can in their neighborhood, the American public is becoming increasingly concerned at the power that is being transferred to the Zionists and the wealth that is sent to Israel, all at their expense and without their consent.

And when you add to this the potential that exists to drag America into more disastrous adventures in the Middle East, you can appreciate the concern that the American people have with regards to the direction in which they are being led abroad and the effect of that on the home front. And there is no doubt that this concern is well founded. In fact, the harder the Lobby fights the notion that it has acquired too much power, the more it demonstrates how much power it has acquired, and the cancellation of Bishop Tutu’s appearance is a stark manifestation of the misuse of this power.

This sort of thing happens because to fight a legitimate concern that is articulated through debate, you either take the democratic route and prove the concern to be unfounded or you kill the debate before it takes place through physical means such as blackmail or demagoguery which are the tools of autocratic systems. And these are the tools that the Zionist Lobby has perfected to a high degree and has used with great skill in America and a few other places.

The wolf is now entering puberty and it is developing needs which will multiply and cause it to ravage the places it can tackle safely. Realizing that the Middle East is becoming a difficult place to abuse, the wolf will turn to the places where it has been tolerated and nurtured, and where it developed an existence that depends on everyone else. These are the English speaking countries in general, and the United States of America specifically. For these reasons and for the reason that the beast is growing fast and getting hungrier, America should be afraid of the Virgin Wolf and must develop a strategy to cope with the situation.

Indications are that the beast will remain isolated from the rest of society for a while, and a lone wolf is more dangerous than a social one but the bet is that things will then change to a situation that is even worse. Still a virgin but not for much longer, the wolf must be tamed now before it seeks a mate to form a pack inside of which it will feel safe again and become more daring than ever before. And the way to tame a wolf is to speak loudly and clearly without fearing the consequences. Not only this, but the time has come for the table to be turned. The hunter must now become the hunted because the wolf must be caught and put in a cage for all to see that you can abuse humanity only so much before humanity puts an end to your abuse.

A good place to start the testing of this strategy is with the matter of Bishop Tutu’s appearance at the University of St. Thomas. Because there is not a clear law to deal with a situation such as this, the matter should be taken to court by a group of concerned citizens on the basis that their right to free association and assembly has been violated by the University which responded to blackmail.

At the same time, a massive push must begin in America to recognize that the founding fathers dealt with the subject of freedom of speech in the First Amendment and not the second, the tenth or any other because they regarded free speech as paramount. And when the founding fathers prohibited the Congress itself from legislating something that would abridge that right, what gives the Zionist Lobby or any group it creates the right to legislate from the streets and to abridge the right of Americans to speak freely or to hear someone they invited to come and talk to them? Who or what gives the Zionist Lobby this right?

When people know what the law says, they can defy it if they wish, even go to jail to stand up for their principles as some journalists have to do once in a while. These people know they will have their day in court, get a fair hearing and in the end be condemned or vindicated. In the first instance, they will realize how foolish they were or, in the second instance, the public will realize how heroic they have been. But when the law is made in the streets, the intention here is to create a sense of fear and self censorship because you know you will never have your day in court. You stand to lose your career, your reputation and your livelihood because you can do nothing but sit and watch your own destruction and the destruction of your family, unable to move a finger to help yourself or turn to someone for assistance. You will be alone with the wolf on his turf helpless like a Palestinian child who is trying to stop an Israeli tank from destroying the family home with nothing more than a stone in his tiny hand and tears in his eyes. And so, you knuckle under and you hide your shame by pretending that all is well and nothing rotten is going on.

And this is the freedom that America is killing others so as to force them to love, to worship and to adopt. Not on your life, America. Not on your life.