Friday, September 28, 2007

Protocol Of The Idiots Of Zion

There was a time when the accusation of someone being like a Nazi was thrown left and right at those whom the Zionist Lobby did not like until the public got tired of hearing the same refrain repeated over and over again. The mood of the people had taken a turn whereby to call someone a Nazi was to raise the Nazis to the level of that someone rather than lower the person to the level of the Nazis. And where the word Nazi used to be synonymous with the devil, it slowly came to mean almost a Saint.

When the people went further than that and started to say if this is Nazism let’s have more of it not condemn it, the Zionists ran around looking for a new way by which to intimidate their opponents. At first, they fashioned a personal accusation to fit every individual they wished to attack by digging up the dirt on them and using it. This is how they assassinated the character of a number of good people but when this proved to be a costly and time consuming exercise requiring them to do endless research, they looked for another solution. They came up with an overarching accusation they could quickly throw at someone and keep him or her pinned down until they completed a made-to-order plan of attack. That overarching accusation was the infamous anti-Semitic label.

The new regime worked for a while because most of the time it was ordinary folks who wished to discuss something they saw and were touched by. And these down to earth folks tried to limit the discussion to a situation they understood well and could relate to. For example if someone was moved by the sight of an Israeli tank crushing the home of a Palestinian family, they tried to speak about this act alone without going on a tangent. But the Zionist propaganda machine got into high gear every time and responded "in the name of balance" with grand discussions such as when they chided the Mufti of Jerusalem for urging the Palestinians to find a safe place where to take their children. This alone, said the Zionists was reason enough for Israeli tanks to demolish Palestinian homes today. Huh! What? Run this by me again.

Of course, the intent of the propaganda machine in taking complicated approaches to discussing simple observations was to give itself a platform from which to spew the fiction it created on the spot to suit the moment and confuse the interlocutor. These were distorted stories mixed with a twisted logic through which the Zionists tried to equate every ounce of legitimate right owed to the Palestinians with a hundred tons of fabricated rights that the Zionists said were owed to the Jewish newcomers. And anyone who did not see things in this light were blinded by anti-Semitism, they charged.

And so, the ordinary folks who started the discussion by saying it was inhuman for Israeli tanks to crush Palestinian homes found themselves at a loss when it came to tackling madness of this magnitude. Seeing how useless and futile the whole exercise had become, they gave up speaking on the subject, an outcome that the Zionists were praying for.

It then became inevitable that the public speak out, not about the situation in the Middle East anymore because the facts were speaking for themselves by then but about the comportment of the Zionists. This was, after all, a society which prides itself on a system of fairness but the Zionist Lobby was ferociously attacking everyone who dared to say something it did not like. And so the Zionists decided to pull from their sleeve the ace card and to play it. They accused their opponents of doing what the Protocol of the Elders of Zion did in an earlier era.

This Protocol is a document which some people believe is genuine but the Zionists say is a forgery. In fact, it does not matter whether it is one or the other. The essential point here is that the Zionists admit they are accused now of what they were accused before. But what these people fail to understand is that they cannot get sympathy from the public because someone saw the Elders of Zion in a certain light a long time ago and someone else sees the modern Zionists in that same light today.

They also reject the notion that the resemblance between the two situations does not invalidate the historical description but validates both the historical and the present descriptions. In this rejection, they fail to see that a recidivist cannot cry foul because he was accused of the same crime before. Moreover, in drawing attention to the parallel between the past and the present, he demonstrates that the second accusation has a precedent and therefore is likely to be well founded.

The full name of that document is "The Protocols of the learned elders of Zion". Those elders of the past may well have been learned and they should be given the benefit of the doubt. The present elders, however, do not deserve to be thought of as their equals. In fact, the present crop of individuals in charge of the Zionist propaganda machine must be stupid to the extreme because when they attack and destroy the reputation of honorable people, they leave behind a paper trail which will be compiled someday into a dandy sort of document. And this document will have earned the title: "Protocol of the idiots of Zion" which they are.