Monday, October 1, 2007

Shadow Puppetry In The Jet Age

On September 6, 2007 something happened that was as significant as it was banal. On that day Israel played the meaningless game of sending jets over Syria to cause a sonic boom over the head of the inhabitants below. Israel had been encouraged to play this game for a long time by the excited Anglo-Saxon media which falls into a frenzied mode of speculation as to how the people below might have reacted to the noise, especially the President of the country whose palace was once buzzed by the American built Israeli warplanes.

Unfortunately for Israel and perhaps fortunately for her adoring Anglo media, something a little more than banal happened on that September day but still, nobody celebrated, at least not right away. To understand what this is all about, we must go back in memory and recall an event that took place one Spring day a long time ago.

In the latter years of the Nineteen Fifties, the United States of America was flying U-2 spy planes over the Soviet Union. The Americans flew unimpeded for some time because the Soviets had no means to challenge them. Quietly though, the Russians were developing new systems for their air defense, among these a surface-to-air missile called SA–2. Once this system was fully developed, the Soviets used it in 1960 to shoot down an American U-2 piloted by Gary Powers. The worldwide reaction was significant because everyone realized that the balance of power and the politics of the time were about to experience a profound change.

More recently and in a manner that is not too different from the historical event, the Russians have developed an air defense system which is capable of intercepting warplanes that were heretofore protected by advanced devices for stealth and evasion developed in America and given to Israel. The Russians sold their system to Syria and to Iran.

To make light of this sale, the Israelis tried to prove they can still fly over Syria unimpeded and sonic-boom the nation out of its wits. But things did not happen as planned because the Israelis were challenged by the Syrian pilots and by the newly acquired surface to air missiles. The Syrians had deployed sooner and more effectively than it was thought possible, something that caught the Israeli pilots by surprise. All that the latter could do was to engage their after-burners and flee the scene as fast as they could.

Pursued by the Syrian jets, the Israelis dropped the Air-to-Air missiles they were carrying to flee even faster. But the Syrians still caught up with them and so, the Israelis entered Turkey’s airspace where they discharged most of their fuel to lighten up the planes and pick up more speed. They had calculated that the Syrians will not pursue them into Turkey and they were correct. In the end they escaped but only by the skin of their teeth.

The Syrian Government mentioned the incident giving it the importance that it deserved which was very little. The other Arabs were given little to talk about so they talked little. The Turks complained in a manner consistent with international protocols. At first, the Israelis preferred not to talk about the matter but then changed their mind. As for the Americans, they remembered their history and they are to this day mulling over the significance of the incident, especially the possible effect on the threatening posture they took towards Iran.

But the story refused to die because we live in an era when stories never die quietly. People keep asking questions, even embarrassing ones until someone gives them an answer. It happened this time as well and so, the Zionist propaganda machine woke up its sleeper cells in the Anglo-Saxon world to put on a play of shadow puppetry.

The cells in places like the NRO and TVO were ordered to get into their own after-burner mode and do what they have to do. They obeyed and went on a spin offensive to spread the disinformation and prevent the truth from coming out and to tell a different tale. As in the shadow plays of olden times, every scrap of half truth was distorted and made to look different from reality. In the end, the complete narrative of the fictitious scenes told a tale to keep alive the fantasy that Israel is an important player on the World stage, which was the intent of the play.

To create a sense of excitement and compensate the Anglo media for the lack of speculation as to how the inhabitants below may have reacted to the noise, the spin doctors began by saying that the Israelis are usually talkative about these matters because they like to show the videos they take when they attack and destroy enemy targets but this time a mystery has developed. So, get excited all of you lovers of mystery because you’re in for a treat.

The doctors went on to explain: this time the Israelis kept mum which goes to prove that they are sitting on a secret bigger than the possible bragging rights contained in the videos. Come to think of it, neither Syria nor the other Arabs talked about the matter either. And all this is proof that Israel is sitting on something big, maybe something very big, maybe even very, very big. Get it? A big and exciting mystery, as big as Israel’s many accomplishments.

And the doctors of the Zionist Lobby kept on spinning: and if this were not enough, even the Americans said little or nothing about it. In fact, the only complaint came from the Turks whose airspace was violated which goes to prove that the Turks knew beforehand the Israelis were going to bomb Syria and they gave their tacit approval.

Even more significant – think of it as more mystifying - is the fact that no one knows whether the okay to fly over Turkey came from the government of Turkey or from the army of Turkey. This is significant because it proves that the Turkish army is on the side of Israel against its own Islamic Government which must now swallow its pride and accept the humiliation. Ain’t this indicative of the importance of Israel, or what!

And why not! It happens in America all the time that the Congress sides with Israel against its own President. So why can this not be duplicated in Turkey. Like America, Turkey is a friend of Israel and if you’re not going to humiliate yourself in the eyes of your own people, what are you good for pretending to be a friend of Israel?

Well, let’s get back down to Earth. It is said that you know the sun is about to set on the empire when the little man casts a big shadow. The little Zionist lobbyist is casting a big shadow in America and you ought to know that the empire is about to walk into the sunset.

Unlike the stage of shadow puppetry there is here no wall upon which to catch the shadow and make it entertaining. Instead, it is hoped that the empire will walk into the sunset without fanfare, without blazing glory or blazing anything. A whimper will do just fine because someone else is about to take center stage and perhaps manage the affairs of humanity a little more maturely. In fact, that someone has more experience dealing with human beings and knows how to navigate the seas of half-truths, little realities and much fantasies. After all, it is there where they invented shadow puppetry.