Wednesday, October 17, 2007

American Veto Promotes Israeli Crimes

Late in September 2007, a number of Israeli army reservists were sentenced to prison terms In Israel. They were caught earlier in the year smuggling drugs and ammunition across Israel’s border with Egypt as they did business with the Sinai Bedouins, some of whom the Egyptian government had trouble with since the mid Nineteen Seventies. The trouble reached the boiling point after the terrorist attacks that hit the tourist installations in the peninsula, and the last thing that the Egyptians would tolerate was a criminal relationship flourishing between those outlaw Bedouins and the Israeli military.

Thus, in a manner that is both subtle and eloquent, the conviction of those reservists brought into sharp focus the struggle that is lived in the Middle East every day if not the issue of world peace itself. Given that every discussion about the region has heretofore been prefaced with: "Israel is the only country in the Middle East that is …" this one glorious thing or the other, an image of perfection was painted by the brush of the Zionist Lobby about an Israel that is divine by the virtues she possesses and saintly by the absence of sin from which it was claimed she remained as immaculate as a true virgin.

And based on this image more than anything else, did successive American Congresses and Administrations from both parties gamble America’s might and credibility to encourage and nurture Israel’s bad behavior in the region. And as if this were not enough, they went further and shielded her from the consequences of her actions on the world stage through the use and the abuse of the infamous veto at the Security Council of the United Nations.

But now, with the trial and the sentencing of those reservists coming on top of other similar incidents, we are made to realize that this is but the tip of the iceberg as to the reality that life in Israel is anything but paradise rediscovered. Bit by bit it comes out that Israel is a place where a culture of criminality has taken root and where any discussion on the subject must from now on begin like this: "Israel is the only country in the world whose every Prime Minister has been a terrorist, a thief or both and whose President has been an admitted rapist."

Imagine, just imagine for a moment if the President of an Arab country or any country for that matter had been denounced as a rapist by several women and forced to resign from office. But to whom did this happen? It happened to none other than Moshe Katsav.

Moshe who? you ask as most people would. Moshe Katsav is a name that almost no one in the English speaking world has ever heard of, yet he is the rapist President of Israel who was forced to resign a few months ago. He was not mentioned in the Anglo media or in any discussion over here because of one reason only which is that his crimes were Israeli crimes, therefore beyond mention. And this is the scenario that played itself out with every Prime Minister of Israel, even the well respected and venerated Yitzhak Rabin who was accused of corruption, not to mention Benjamin Netanyahu, Ariel Sharon and others who had brushes with the law as well.

However, with or without mention in the Anglophone media, those events prove that Israel is not populated by saints as portrayed by the Zionist Lobbyists but by common thieves, charlatans, terrorists and rapists. It has been so recognized everywhere in the world except in the English speaking part of it, but why complain when we know that someone will always be the last to catch the march of the enlightenment, and we just happened to be that unlucky one.

To be fair we, the Anglophones of the world were not the only people whom the Zionist propaganda machine managed to dupe. About ten years ago Israel was listed by the German group Transparency International among the top 10 most honest governments in the world at a time when corruption had infested every ministry and was rampant at the highest levels of the Israeli government. Only recently did the German group catch up with reality and downgraded Israel to number 34 on the list. Give it a little more time and they will take Israel down to dead last where it belonged all along.

Paradoxically, the ordinary citizens of Israel seem to be no less law abiding than most people anywhere else. To wit the crime rate in Israel is comparable to rates everywhere on Earth. It is just that when people join the army or the political crowed that they tend to lose their moral compass. They begin by stealing and embezzling at home, then they turn to smuggling drugs and arms across the border with their neighbors, then they graduate to smuggling people, and to trafficking in drugs, arms and body parts across the continents.

And this is what prompts fair people to ask what is it about the Israeli system which allows criminal behavior to take root and to flourish more than anywhere else? In trying to answer the question we realize that we are in effect asking why do people climb a mountain? Well, people do climb a mountain because the mountain is there and because the people calculate they will escape any possible consequence.

Yes, it happens because the risk of facing the consequences is small. In fact, it has been possible for Israelis to do crime outside of Israel than do them at home because it is easier to dupe people who do not know you than people who do. It is generally true that because people of the same culture understand each other, they check and balance one another more or less effectively. This makes them less prone to try and pull a fast one on each other, the result being that the bad guys behave well at home most of the time. But then they go look for prey elsewhere, especially among the people who are trusting by nature.

And when you have been painted a saint on the world stage like the Israelis have, you know you will get away with murder if not be praised for acts that someone will call courageous when you know in your heart they were acts of cowardice committed when no one was watching. In fact, one can be a hole in the ground filled with rotting garbage under a garden where flowers bloom, and people will come to enjoy the flowers they see on the surface, totally oblivious of what is feeding the flowers from below.

The question at the start was: What is it about the Israeli system which allows criminal behavior to take root and to flourish more than anywhere else? And the answer is now clear: It is the use of the American veto at the Security Council which keeps Israel and her luminaries from ever becoming civilized. This triggers a chain of events that leads to the nation becoming the hub of criminal behavior worldwide.