Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Look Who Wants To Teach History

Every time someone tries to have a serious discussion about World affairs with the Zionists, they come at you with all kinds of superficial and meaningless arguments. If you happen to have a minimum knowledge of the subject being discussed, you can beat your opponent hands down because they have no more a leg to stand on than their arguments have a wing to fly with.

What these characters have is a trick which they will inevitably pull on you. It is what they consider to be the ace card which they will pull out when you defeat their regular argument. The card comes in the form of the history they invoke and when they point out that because this event took place in the past therefore that consequence will happen in the future.

Sooner or later you will come to realize that listening to a Zionist talk about history is like listening to a witch doctor talk about heart transplant. And you will have learned the valuable lesson that the Zionists are incapable of learning history let alone lecture on it. Therefore, if you listen to the Zionist interpretation of history you listen at your peril because their understanding of history is the stuff that holocausts for their people are made of and ruin for others are fashioned from.

It is not too difficult to see that if these characters understood history as much as they claim they do, they would not have sent their people lurching from one gas chamber to another and from one oven to another as it has been happening throughout history. The fact is that for three thousand five hundred years these characters have never understood what humanity was about simply because their culture has set them apart from everyone else.

The consequences have been that they never understood what happened in the past, they don’t understand what happens now, and they can never understand what may happen in the future. The Zionist leadership make their people live a holocaust without end because when they stand on the tracks of history they never see the train coming. They are the tragedy that was made flesh and given a human form.

Just look at what is going on right now. America was doing well in its relationship with the rest of the World before the Zionists came calling. Getting along with the World was the normal thing to have happened to America given that America is made of people who came from everywhere else on the planet. But then came the Zionists who started to explain history to America and the nefarious results began to manifest themselves almost immediately.

One result was a series of adventures which America was made to embark on by the Zionist advisers. She was told to pursue a course which it did with astonishing blindness and she hurt millions of people in the process. She had her nose rubbed in the mud and, in the final analysis, her actions served to define the word fiasco. In short, America has become the Jew nation of the world made in the image of the eternally despised wandering Jew. America went from a history savvy nation, to a history illiterate one in a generation or two.

Still, those Zionists show up at every venue where they are invited to speak and they bring with them what they describe as the historical incidences to buttress their argument. But the moment they open their mouth, you see they have not learned to read history yet, much less understand it. You can tell they are history illiterate but they want to teach history to you and to the audience.

What escapes these people is the fact that you do not read history in words but you in concepts and in complete ideas. In fact, if you come to believe there is a historical incident you can describe in a word, a sentence or a paragraph, you will automatically believe that the incident can be repeated in exactly the same way. But the reality is that no incident that has mattered to history could be understood in less than a multitude of ideas, impressions, presumptions, assumptions, gut feelings and a whole dialectic of points and counterpoints.

Considering that all of these factors act separately and together to give an event the ultimate shape that it takes, it is impossible to recreate all the factors so as to repeat an event in exactly the same way.

Consequently, it is futile to study history and learn from it how to hurt someone because this would set you up for a defeat at the hand of that someone considering that he too will have learned the same lesson and would have anticipated your every move.

Rather, you study history to learn how to avoid hurting someone because this will make your opponent realize you have come with good intentions and will therefore consider you a wise person and a trustworthy guest. In either case, the event that is recreated will never look exactly the same as the original event.

To understand a historical event is to understand all that went into it. To be able to do that, you have to be trained to think in concepts rather than in words. And this is precisely where - sad to say - young Jews are handicapped by their elders. Modern Jewish upbringing and Jewish studies done here and now are not conducive to the sort of thinking that is necessary to understand history.

What goes on today is learning in the style of Rabbinical Judaism. It consists of learning about humanity by learning words said to be sacred and carrying the meaning assigned to them beforehand. In effect then, rather than observe life and derive the truth from your observation as do the empiricists, you are told that the truth is encapsulated in the word and you interpret life’s events exclusively through the meaning of that word.

This makes the word define the event rather than the other way around. For example, regardless of what happened, if we call someone anti-Semitic it follows that this person’s life and their career must be ruined. Regardless of what happened, if we call an event a genocide it follows that country A is governed by a failing regime and we must attack it. Regardless of what goes on in country B, if we say it does not adhere to democratic principles, it must be the reason why frogs in America do not reproduce as much as they used to. And it can get even more absurd than this.

When you keep all this in mind as you watch those characters defend their position in a debate, you realize that you are looking at clowns doing their thing. The grand daddy of those clowns as far as I can determine is Norman Podhoretz. Read his writings or better yet watch him debate someone on television and look for those moments when he feels he has been defeated in an argument. This is when he will pull the historical analogy and you will be forgiven for having a bellyful of laughs before you change the channel.

It is laughable, yes but it is also sickening because lives are ruined as a result, people are killed, countries are devastated and humanity is set back hundreds if not thousands of years.