Thursday, October 25, 2007

Consequences Of Zionism Run Amuck

Words and actions have consequences but so do silence and inaction. And when you combine the wrong words and inaction where the right words and proper action are due, serious things can happen which will come back to haunt you. Nothing demonstrates the validity of these points more than the tragedy that is the war in Iraq today and the manner in which the United States of America was sucked into it.

We could say that future historians will have no trouble connecting the dots and draw a picture as to what caused the tragedy until we realize that we live in that future already because we now have the wherewithal to connect the dots. We have a machine called the electronic search engine and it will help us do just that.

The engine sifts through billions of bits of information in a flash, isolates what we tell it to look for and organizes the find in such a way as to make it easy to figure out what happened. When we do this a few times, we come to realize that people do not need to sit in a room and "breathe together" to have a conspiracy but that conspiracies can happen in cyberspace spontaneously whether or not a single mastermind stands behind it.

For example, America invaded Iraq because it was said repeatedly that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction. Many people made this assertion but did they all conspire to create the illusion that such weapons existed in Iraq? Probably not because conspiracy means to breathe together which necessitates that those people be in the same room at the same time. Yet the indications are that the people lived in different cities and never knew or communicated with each other directly.

What happened was that true to their instinct, the people adopted an idea they had no way of ascertaining was correct simply because they wanted to be part of a trend. It seems that journalists and pundits more than anyone else want to be part of a surefire trend they can rely on to give them insights on the important issues of the day. Also, the trend gives them safety in numbers because when they are wrong which is often, they will have someone with whom to share the blame. This helps everyone advance their career and remain safe at the same time.

This being the reality of the thing, a would-be mastermind can deliberately get the rumor mill going by making one false assertion. Others will jump in and feed the mill until a critical mass is reached. A falsehood becomes a fact that no one can avoid or deny and pretty soon we have a cottage industry based on the original false rumor. Someone in power takes action based on the resulting body of falsehoods, now perceived as facts, and thus begins a series of events whose ultimate outcome can never be predicted.

Spin doctors, lobbyists and captains of propaganda machines are known to use that mechanism to advance the causes they pitch. They do not always succeed brilliantly because each one lacks a certain amount of credibility, which mercifully is something that tends to put the brakes on the more outlandish claims. But when you are a lobby like the Zionist lobby which stands on a pedestal that rises above criticism, you can accomplish anything you wish by simply wishing it.

And this is when we realize that we are facing a dictatorship by another name. It may not necessarily be the dictatorship of one person or that of one party but it is a dictatorship because those involved do not have to abide by the rules like everyone else. Couple this with the fact that there is no limit to the ambition of the Zionists and you get a clear picture as to the scope of the tyranny that is out there.

Consider just this one fact. The Zionists began by saying that all what they wanted was a homeland where Jews can live in peace like everyone else, no more than that. Fast forward two generations and they now speak of "fixing" the whole world to make it safe for themselves. And how do they do that? They do it by dragging the remaining sole superpower into what was to be a small mission in Iraq and then mission-creep the superpower into what they now describe as a fifty year commitment to remain in the Arab Middle East and the Islamic World beyond it so as to democratize both, whatever that means.

At the moment, the Zionists have shelved their Marxist dream for a world full of harmony and brotherly love in favor of the neo-conservative model of a dog-eat-dog free market democracy or whatever model they will be championing at the hour you will be reading these words. And because they made it so that to criticize them automatically classifies you as anti-Semitic therefore a criminal, you know you are facing a dictatorship more base, more primitive and more savage than anything this planet has ever witnessed before.

This is Zionism run amuck. It is the reason why the war in Iraq happened, the careless manner in which it was decided upon and the nonchalant manner in which it was handled thereafter. This chain of events has developed despite the warning signs that a disaster was looming. And when we look at the events closely, we see the following:

Because those who planned and executed the war in Iraq knew that the war was the wish of the Zionists, they calculated that no one will dare criticize them. Therefore, they did not have to be careful given that the Zionist propaganda machine stood on guard for them, ready to bail them out every time they got into trouble.

That set-up was maintained for a long time and then the inevitable happened and reality caught up with them. The day of reckoning came knocking at their door but it was already too late to reverse the trend and the war could no longer be scaled down to avoid the tragedy that resulted. Everyone sane now agrees that Iraq has been a tragedy no matter what the ultimate outcome will look like.

What is left for us to do now is learn the lesson of this experience. The foremost lesson to keep in mind is that silence and inaction caused the Iraq tragedy. It happened because those in charge felt secure by the assumption that the Zionists who stood above criticism would protected them no matter what happened. They were correct to a point because no one challenged the set-up or took action against it for a long time, but they were wrong in believing that standing on a pedestal endowed the Zionists with miraculous powers capable of making them win a war that could never be won.

Thus, to avoid a repetition of the tragedy, the Zionists must be brought down the pedestal and never allowed to climb on it again. To this end, we invoke the old mantra and tell it like it is beginning with the now obvious reality that Zionism is the twin brother of Nazism. The two belong in the same coffin where Nazism was laid to rest a long time ago and this should be a project for all of humanity to work on until it is completed.

Also, we would save time and energy if we stopped going after the red herring that someone has called Islamofascism. Zionism has been the threat all along because it works quietly and by the whispers of the elderly. On the other hand Islam can be a threat only when it goes extreme which requires it to be young, disorganized and mostly on the fringes of society.

Comparing the perennial threat that emanates from Zionism and the potential threat that emanates from Islam is like comparing a division of tanks and helicopters that is facing a mob of angry stone throwing kids. The first believes that God gave it everything you have and wants it back, the second believes that you insulted them and want you out of their faces. Who would you fear the most?