Thursday, October 18, 2007

Smart Bombs, Dumb Leaders

Not long ago the American Administration proposed giving Israel billions of dollars worth of free weapons over the next ten years. As usual, these will include rockets, helicopters and fighter-bombers in addition to smart bombs, cluster bombs and what have you. Furthermore, we should expect that the US Congress will automatically agree to the donation if not mandate sweetening the pot even more. This is what the Congress was trained to do by the Zionist Lobby and this is what it will do without hesitation. And the whole world awaits the moment when the nation that is America finally moves on from merrily wallowing in the cesspool of her useless irrelevance to burying herself entirely in the cesspool.

But how did this country which once was loved by many and respected by all get pulled down to a sorry state that is so low, so cold and so dark? Well, it all began before the decade of the Nineteen Fifties but let’s pick up the story at the point when an important event occurred. Faced with a growing population and a river that has been unpredictable since biblical times, the government of Egypt asked the World Bank for a loan to build a dam at Aswan and bring the Nile river under control for the first time in history.

"What a great idea!" exclaimed the Americans at first but after the whispers that were discharged in the ear of then Secretary of State John Foster Dulles by the Zionist Lobby, the Americans had a change of heart and said no. They said no loan will go to Egypt, no dam will be built, no control of the Nile will be realized and no food security will be provided for the people of Egypt.

At that time Egypt was part of the non-aligned movement of nations which included such countries as India, Yugoslavia, Indonesia and Ghana. They were countries whose goal was to develop economically while staying clear of the hegemony offered by either the Soviet Block or the NATO countries. The non aligned leaders argued that they had no need for weapons beyond the immediate concern with such things as border patrol but the Zionist Lobby planted a devilish idea about armament in the head of the Americans. The naive Americans found the idea irresistible, adopted it at once and lived to see it linger on to this day with the disastrous consequences that came with it.

The Lobby’s idea was to the effect that the Americans must consider that those who are not with them are against them. And because the non-aligned nations were not buying American weapons, they were not with them therefore they were not only against them but also against the American way of life. This made the non-aligned nations enemies of America and they must be punished.

And so the Americans gave a reason as to why they would not let the Egyptians get a loan from the World Bank. They said that if Egypt were granted the loan to build the dam, this would free other moneys which will be used to buy weapons from somewhere else. This being contrary to American values - a statement that no one bothered to explain - America will not be a party to an act so evil as to let the Egyptians develop a plan for their food security. And the rest is history as they say, at least as far as the way that the politics of the Middle East have developed from that day on.

As for the story of the Zionist lobby in America, this is one that history has not yet come to grips with. The fact is, the lobbyists learned from the experience the lesson that America had no principles to speak of. To the lobbyists, this meant that America was not deserving of their respected. Thus, they lost all respect for America and worked to weaken her institutions by attacking them from within. All this happened despite the fact that after a resounding military victory in World War Two, America could do no wrong in the eyes of people everywhere.

At the same time, however, the Americans were groping for a role to play in a world that was becoming evermore confusing. Enter the Zionist lobbyists again to say they had the correct answer to every question the Americans may want to ask. In fact, those lobbyists had only one answer to all the questions and they whispered it on every occasion. "Starve these people," they repeatedly counseled, and the history of America ever since that time has been one of organizing an economic sanction against one helpless people after another.

But when sanctions fail to work and the people are not brought to their knees, American weapons are utilized to kill them whether they are friends or foes as we see things happen in Palestine, Lebanon, Iraq, Afghanistan and the Horn of Africa today. Helicopters, fighter-bombers, and cluster bombs are used by the trigger happy Israelis to kill in Palestine and Lebanon while the Americans kill Afghan civilians and allied troops on a regular basis with their smart bombs. If only the leaders were half as smart. As for the Horn of Africa, this is another heart wrenching story that is still developing.

In addition, we now have the spectacle of an American Administration and a Congress coming together to give Israel additional weapons for free and with no strings attached. This, at a time when all sorts of strings are being attached to the proposed sale of weapons to Arab countries despite the fact that no American weapon in Arab hand ever killed someone innocent while those in Israeli hands are butchering innocent people day in and day out.

They are butchering people left and right while no American is allowed to question the practice lest he or she be called anti-Semitic and see their life turned into a living hell. And there is a lackey somewhere out there who will probably say: that’s okay because it would be a democratic hell anyway, this being America the magnificent democratic experiment everyone looks up to.

It is no wonder, therefore, that the world has come to view the leaders of America in the Administration and the Congress as burying their country in a cesspool of useless irrelevance to please the Jewish lobby while the American people are prevented from voicing their displeasure. And this makes it clear to an impartial observer that the political Establishment is only pretending America lives by values of freedom and democracy it no longer has, if indeed it ever had them.

Whatever the case, this puts us students of history in the privileged position of witnessing the fall of an empire having just witnessed its rise to the status of sole superpower, all of which happened in one generation. No generation before us was so rewarded by history, and all we should do now is sit back, watch the sordid saga unfold and wonder: what did we do right to merit being pampered like this?