Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The New Ghetto Has No Walls

An old saying goes like this: “If Napoleon did not exist, he would have had to be invented.” There is in the saying the recognition that history is inevitable and that individuals make it happen by the nature of their character. This notion is in line with the Shakespearean tragedy whose plot line is driven by individuals that cannot separate themselves from their character and thus march to their doom as if shackled to fate itself.

It is therefore not surprising to learn that you can take the Jew out of the ghetto but you cannot take the ghetto out of the Jew. Look closely and you will see that the Jew is shackled to the ghetto if not by the teaching he receives with his mother’s milk, then by what he is fed at the hands of the self proclaimed educators whose hidden agenda does not include education.

These so-called educators have evolved over the centuries, morphing their image from that of a rabbi to a Pharisee, back to a rabbi, to a Zionist, to organizer and finally to lobbyist. They drum into the head of those who would listen that humanity is cruel to Jews because the latter are the chosen children of the Almighty, chosen to tower over everyone and rule over everything. They teach that Jews need not show merit to be recognized as the master race unlike the Nazis and the other supremacists who must earn the distinction by the work they do and the brilliance of what they achieve.

Thus, even though the walls of the physical ghetto that have kept the Jews apart from the rest of humanity for centuries were demolished, modern Jews are still corralled by their leaders and educators into a closed kind of mindset which keeps them prisoners of the stereotypes that were forged inside the ghettos of long ago.

And when you study that mindset, you realize that the Jewish stereotypes are not imaginary traits dreamed up by anti-Semites as it is often claimed but are chosen traits created artificially and molded intentionally into the Jewish character by the Zionist leaders. The goal of these people is to fabricate a common identity and fashion a synthetic heritage they can pin on those who convert to their way of thinking and send them toward the calamitous ending that is certain to come.

And to make certain that the end will come with the force of an Armageddon, the Zionists work diligently to make the Jewish traits as objectionable to non Jews as they possibly can. In this way they provoke a backlash from the rest of society which will ensure a violent encounter. And there is an added bonus, the backlash gives the leaders an excuse to intervene whenever they choose to protect what they call their beleaguered people.

The way that the leaders offer to protect their people is to brand anti-Semitic those who become offended by the obnoxious individuals who assume the stereotypes fashioned by the leaders. This branding becomes the vehicle by which the leaders escalate the dispute between Jews and non-Jews; a dispute that goes on for ever and leads to the pogroms and holocausts as witnessed by history from time to time.

In the interim, the unintended consequences of that machination begin to brew in silence. It is that when you take down the physical walls of the ghetto, the walls are replaced by something else. This being the age of electronics and communication, these two inventions were mobilized to erect the walls of the new ghetto behind which the Jewish leaders keep their followers on a leash and away from what they perceive as a dangerous contamination.

And there lies the problem. Given that you cannot restrict the electronic wall to one place as you would a physical wall, everyone on the planet is caught inside an invisible ghetto that is more a psycho-cultural one than it is a ghetto made of stone and cement. Yet, as with the physical ghetto, what is objectionable to the Zionists in charge of the invisible wall is denied to everyone else; and what is pleasing to them is shoved down the throat of everyone whether they have the stomach for it or not.

The people in charge are the self proclaimed gatekeepers of the media. In this capacity they do two things simultaneously: One, they edit the content of the material that is ready to be published and let out that which is favorable to their causes. And two, they spin the information they cannot prevent from getting out and turn it upside down as much as they possibly can.

The effect of all this is that people of all races and religions are asked not only to behave like diehard Zionists but to feel it as well or at least pretend to feel it. Those who have already converted love the exercise; those who refuse to convert turn to rebellion because they see in this request the character of the Jew at its worst. Instead of embracing the Zionist point of view they become disillusioned with the media and they attack the oppressive regime that gives so much control to a small group of activists.

But instead of seizing the opportunity to have a rational debate with the rest of humanity about the issues involved and thus build the bridges they say are necessary for their survival, the Zionist leaders react as if every word said by the opposition and every thought expressed were a threat to the survival of the Jewish people.

And the people at large never fail to notice that even though the Zionists have a wall to wall control over the media where they receive round the clock good coverage for their causes, they still weep their eyes silly at the waling wall of their own hypocrisy. By hook or by crook, they silence everyone who refuses to climb on board the ship of intellectual prostitution where it is proclaimed that the Jews are the chosen children of God and sole heirs to His vast Universe.

The net result of all this is that the people at large find themselves caught in a war that pits what is described as good versus evil. Furthermore, the people are placed in a situation where they must choose between considering the Jew as the good player and humanity the evil one, or adopt the opposite point of view.

So far the people have stood on the side of humanity each and every time. Needless to say that the Zionists hated this outcome and have deployed the tools they possess to suppress the expressions of discontent which they say lead to such outcomes. One of the tools they used was the dressing up of a list of enemies to "watch" the dissenters. This further demonstrated to the World the extent of the evil ways of the Zionists in that the methods they use are those of the secret police in the authoritarian states.

Out of this drama have emerged several Shakespearean characters that fit the stereotype which the Zionist leaders want every Jewish youngster to grow up and be like. Among these have towered some horrible charlatans who claim to have the divine right to decide what can be said and who can say it. They infiltrated the media, the educational institutions, the think tanks, the justice system and other places. From there, they work to deny the dissenters the ability to obtain a job and earn a living. This is as obnoxious as it can get, yet these people want to be loved for what they do and all the damage they heap on humanity.

Because the scientific breakthroughs which gave rise to the modern forms of communication were inevitable, those characters were inevitable as well. If they had not existed by the luck of the draw, they would have had to be invented in order to fulfill the role mandated by history however repugnant that role may be.

Unfortunately, however, the drama is more than a drama because at the end of it sits a tragedy of Shakespearean dimension into which the drama will certainly evolve. But we still have the time to outwit history and prevent the tragedy from materializing. Otherwise, let us admit that we are enamored with the show and we do not mind the outcome however bloody it will be for the Jews and for non-Jews alike.

The approach we can take to avoid the tragedy is simple. We keep arguing that it is a waste of time for Jews to wait for another Messiah to come and rival Jesus. What the Jews need is not another Messiah but another Moses who will cry out: "Let my people go. Let them out of every ghetto into which the Pharaohs of the Jewish Establishment are holding them waiting for the next holocaust to explode and for the next round of reparation payouts to follow."