Sunday, February 10, 2008

When The Blind Lead The Blind

Whether it is inside the American Administration or inside the Congress, nothing is done in there without the input of the Israeli situation as it is called but in reality means that nothing is done outside the dictates of the Jewish point of view.

This insanity has crept into the American political system together with the idea that Israel has security needs and thus requires that all matters American be reviewed by surrogates of the Jewish state to approve or to reject. This humiliating procedure is triggered every time someone opines that a subject is related to the question of the Middle East, however remote a possibility this may be.

Overlooked in all of this are two realities that have already caused enormous damage to the United States and promise to cause some more. The first is that contemporary Jewish culture makes it impossible for members of the Jewish Establishment to comprehend history. The second is that the culture does not allow its members to practice self restraint of any kind.

It was the combination of these two factors that grabbed superpower America at the zenith of her power and turned her into a pathetic joke, despised by everyone and ridiculed by all. And the entire scenario of America's descent to that pitiful state unfolded in less time than it takes a car to wear down into a useless piece of junk.

It is now recognized that the relationship between America and the Jewish lobby was a case of the blind who led the blind to the edge of the precipice as they merrily toyed with a rope long enough to hang them both. Eventually they did hang together and did so as joyously as only two fools can ever do it.

To comply with the instructions given by the Talmud, modern Jewish teaching says that history is not what was. Rather, history is what ought to have been. The Talmud instructs that if what was recorded previously does not advance what you advocate now, you may rewrite history to suit your new circumstances. This done, you hold on to that version of history until such time you will need to rewrite it again so as to suit your changed circumstances.

The result has been that those who grow up with this voodoo-like view of history sound so unreal when they speak, you get the feeling you are listening to a tailor who is under a trance. They describe a historical event not as a finished product but a piece of cloth waiting to be made into any tailor-made garment you wish it to be. Today, it can be a sheet to cover your bed, tomorrow a shirt to cover your back and something different the day after tomorrow.

And so when these clowns were called upon to give advice to the Americans, what they gave was fantasy disguised as informed opinion. Take the latest example in this laughable but sad charade. Now that Arun Gandhi, the grandson of Mahatma Gandhi has spoken to Israel and told her as a friend to cool it, the Zionist hate machine has revved up the rhetoric to denounce both the grandson for what he says and the old man for having been anti-Semitic all along.

Once regarded as illustrious by the Jews, Mahatma Gandhi is illustrious no more. Not only that but his grandson has taken after him. In consequence of this, the rest of us should now expect that if and when other Indian sounding names venture to give the same advice to Israel, the Zionist hate machine will declare that India is not now and never has been a democracy. History thus rewritten, anything can happen after that because what usually follows this sort of talk is an escalation that can go as far as to call on the US Air Force to bomb Indian cities.

In fact, the Zionists will bombard us with opinion pieces that say India is a place where they maintain a system of cast, where they burn brides and where villagers kidnap children from neighboring villages to sacrifice in a bizarre sort of ancient ritual. Not to forget that in India they also snatch kidneys from the poor and sell them to the rich.

So much for tailor-making history; now to the lack of restraint. Israel has demonstrated she has no restraint in anything she does. Time and again, this attitude has forced superpower America into situations where the latter had to join in and act without restraint in order to bail out Israel from a difficult situation.

In this regard, America gave support to the Jewish state at the United Nations and in other international forums when to do so was clearly to be on the side of crimes against humanity. The net result has been that the ailments which chronically debilitated Israel spilled over and chronically debilitated America too.

When a country is as bad as Israel yet has influence over another country, people in the latter become disenchanted with the system and take matters into their own hand. But before they get to this point, they send warning signals to the leaders saying that something must change or else. However, it often happens that the leaders misread the signals because of ignorance or malice and fail to act. And this often leads to serious consequences.

One such consequence is that ordinary people become agitated. The leaders respond in such manner as to make it look like they detected a rise in anti-Semitic activities and became alarmed. If by coincidence a Jew dies accidentally or by a deliberate act, and if someone ventures to say that the killing was ethnically motivated, the leaders leap forward to denounce the act with vehemence and then walk in the funerary procession to show how indignant they are.

The reason why these people act in this manner is because they fear something bigger may follow. To avoid being accused of neglecting to intervene when it was still possible to defuse the situation, they begin a process by which to pave the way for clearing themselves of any blame if and when a tragedy results.

The trouble with this sort of response is that it fosters an increase in the resentment that people develop against the Jews who are seen to receive a better treatment than anyone else. In turn, this makes it more likely that the thing which everybody dreads will actually happen. Not exactly a self-fulfilling prophecy but pretty darn close.

This is the situation with regard to the Jewish Establishment and its lobby in America. And it is to this set-up that the Administration and the Congress have delegated the fate of their country. The Americans were blind but not entirely so because they could still see a little of what was going on. Their real deficiency was then and is now that they are too intellectually lazy to mount any sort of challenge to the Jewish gall, so they pretend not to see.

Being a superpower, the Americans acquired the image of the giant sucker who went to the little joker and asked to be led to the promised land. And the little joker led the giant not to the land that stretches before the mountain but to the hellhole that extends along the foot of the precipice. With a big smile on their faces, the two fools then jumped into the hole and the World shook its head in amazement.

Are those two going to repeat the performance? Maybe. In fact, something is brewing in the Middle East at this time and I invite everyone to look closely so as to follow what is about to unfold. Remember that when Israel was occupying Gaza, the rant was to the effect that Gaza belonged to Israel because it is part of the land that God gave to the Jews.

When they could not hold on to Gaza anymore, the Israelis gave it up after 40 years of Palestinian struggle during which time the population of Gaza changed considerably. Generations of Palestinians grew up under a regime so savage; it could only have been devised by someone so diseased as to believe that God, like Robin Hood, would rob someone to give to them not because they are poor but because they are greedy and insolent.

Still, when the Israelis were forced out of Gaza, the problems that had piled up for 40 years did not vanish with them, and the Israelis responded by rewriting history. They now say that Gaza always belonged to Egypt not just going back 41 years but going back to antiquity. Consequently, Egypt must take responsibility for Gaza and for all the Gazans in it.

And what is to restrain them from saying that? If the Israelis can become the children of God by the stroke of a pen, the Palestinians can become the children of Egypt by a stroke of the same pen or another pen or something. As long as the Americans are here to say Amen to everything that the Jews ask for, all things shall remain in the realm of the possible.

And guess what, the Jewish lobby will now put pressure on the Americans to put pressure on Egypt to adopt the population of Gaza as her children and be responsible for repairing the 40 years of horror that Israel, the Jewish lobby and America have committed in that part of the World.

As you can see, dear reader, the little blind joker and the giant blind sucker are at it again preparing the stage to play the same old piece they call: Suicide By Sheer Stupidity. They stand ready on top of the precipice above the hole known as the voodoo democracy which came right out the Zionist Hell.

There used to be a group of people who once chanted: burn baby, burn. A new group is now forming who will soon be inclined to chant: jump baby, jump.