Saturday, March 28, 2009

Forward To The Past

A few years ago a series of science fiction movies called "Back to the Future" was made and the stories were good. Now the World Jewish Congress and the Wall Street Journal have teamed up to give us an article they call "An Arab-Made Misery," but this is a horror story about which I can only say I saw this piece of theatre before and it was ugly as ugliness can get.

On March 18, 2009 the Wall Street Journal in America published a piece reprinted from the European Journal and signed by Nonie Darwish. But make no mistake about it, that piece was written by the propaganda arm of the World Jewish Congress. I know this for a fact because I was once in the shoes of Darwish and I experienced the savage mental torture to which that individual must have been subjected before she relented and lent her name to that piece of filth.

More than 40 years ago the same World Jewish Congress teamed up with the Toronto Globe and Mail to get me to lend my name to pieces they wrote themselves or directed me to write in my own style. Despite the repeated attempts they made which came bundled with carrots and sticks, I told these guys to take a hike.

But they persisted like a swarm of flies that had not eaten for many days. They promised that if I accepted the call, they will see to it that my dreams come true. And to ascertain that all of what they said was sinking into me, they dangled in front of my eyes all sorts of prizes including the Nobel prize to which they promised they will have someone nominate me. And they added they can exert tremendous influence over the decision to award the prize.

More ominously, they promised that if I rejected the call, they will see to it that my dreams turn into nightmares because they will watch me everywhere I went and trip me whenever I came close to scoring a success of any kind. When I did not look scared but insisted that they go on and take the hike, they softened their stand and came up with another idea. Since we were in Montreal, the largest city in the French Canadian province of Quebec, they pointed to the difficulties that the Jews were having with the language law in that Province and asked me to assist them in doing something for which they promised to reward me handsomely.

And this is the plot they wanted me to assist them with: I was to write a book about the merit of being unilingual English for those who do not want to learn French. But since I was multilingual and could not empathize with the notion, they were going to feed me the arguments that should go into a book of this nature. This done, they were going to establish a new prize in the name of a prominent Jewish Montrealer who, I presume, must have been unilingual English. And they were going to make me the first recipient of the prize, promising that such an event will launch my writing career and make me rich and famous. I told them to take a hike, fly a kite and jump in the lake but they disappointed me and did neither.

Still, I had the last word, though perhaps not the last laugh, in that I chose the nightmare of being blacklisted over the nightmare of having to see their faces up close in case they delivered on their promise and allowed me to work in places where I would have to meet them and be close to the evil they represented and I detested with every fiber of my being.

I knew what they wanted in the final analysis and could not bear the thought that they chose me to hand it to them. Believing I was a Muslim, the message they wanted me to deliver to the world was one that mirrored the image of the self-loathing Jew in that they wanted me to demean Islam and demean my Arab race. I felt the request to be so evil that I decided not to reveal I was a Christian because the only consolation I derived from the unfolding drama was to see them wallow in their pool of ignorance.

The sight was so delicious I did not want it to end but end it did when the catharsis came on the day they discovered by accident that I am a Christian. At this point the feeling of self-loathing they were experiencing shot up like a rocket and caused them to modify their attitude toward me. But I must admit that the catharsis I experienced was as sweet as the drama that preceded it.

This brings us to the recent article in the Wall Street Journal. The message attributed to Nonie Darwish is different from what they expected of me long ago because times have changed. The message they now want to disseminate to the world is to the effect that the Arab countries should absorb the Palestinian people thus leave no more Palestinians for Israel to worry about. In fact, this is what Benjamin Netanyahu and the Likud Party of Israel have wanted for some time. And given the result of the election which was conducted in Israel not long ago, Netanyahu may form the next government, the reason for which he is now setting the stage to implement his evil agenda. And the Wall Street Journal has mobilized its own resources both in Europe and in America to give a helping hand thus advance the demonic cause of the Likud Party.

However, there has always been a Palestinian response to that agenda and it is that the Palestinians want their country back not the citizenship of another country. Of course, a few Palestinians have migrated to countries that welcome immigrants and they became good citizens of those countries. But the bulk of the Palestinian people said to the Jews it would make more sense for them to return to the countries from which they came than for the Palestinians to be absorbed in the already overcrowded Arab countries. This makes even more sense at the present time in view of the fact that the countries of the Eurasian Continent, from where the majority of the Jews have come, are experiencing a falling birthrate and are desperate to repopulate themselves.

There are people in Israel and there are Jews the world over who quietly participate in similar discussions which are intelligent and constructive. These are Jews who have rejected the notion of a God handing them privileges He denies to everyone else. They know that if given a chance, the dialogue between them and the Palestinians will lead to a compromise whereby each side will come to accept the reality of the other and give up a little to achieve a lot.

But every attempt to reconcile the two sides was torpedoed by the forces of darkness represented by entities such as the Likud Party of Israel, the Globe and Mail of Canada, the Wall Street Journal of America and the World Jewish Congress. Rather than work for a solution to reduce the pain suffered by the Palestinians and the Jews, these institutions produce and publish demonic articles that fan the flames of hate and that blame the Arabs for everything.

When you look closely at the article allegedly written by Nonie Darwish, you’ll find it to be not really an article but a catalogue. It is a catalogue of the Likud propaganda points, of its dreams and its fantasies. It is the fraudulent narrative of a history that never happened. Take this sentence for example: "While Hamas leaders hid in the well-stocked bunkers and tunnels they prepared before they provoked Israel…" But Nonie Darwish has not been to Gaza in more than half a century, and she certainly had no friends there who fed her information they did not feed to the hungry news organizations that were barred by Israel from entering the war zone.

Besides, Hamas gained enormous popularity in Gaza, in the West Bank and elsewhere in the wake of the Israeli aggression. And if those who run the propaganda machine at the World Jewish Congress and the Wall Street Journal had any brains, they would have realized that well-fed cowardly would-be warriors who hide in bunkers do not get no respect, to quote Rodney Dangerfield. The idiots at the Congress and the Journal blew it in that they demonstrated what a bunch of amateurs they are. They put words in the mouth of a woman who could not have made a judgment of this kind independent of them, and they produced a document that will tell future historians they were powered by a mentality so backward that when they tried to move their agenda of hate forward into the future, they moved it deeper into their ignorant past.

Moreover, the title of the piece "An Arab-Made Misery" is meant to blame the victims because what is meant by Arab in this context is Palestinian. Take this passage, for example: "So was the Arab policy of overpopulating Gaza … [which] encourages high birth rates … Yasser Arafat said the Palestinian woman's womb was his best weapon."

The reality remains that no one has documented a single incident whereby an Arab leader, including Yasser Arafat, stood in the bedroom of a Palestinian couple and encouraged them to do you know what. Blaming the leaders for a high birthrate demonstrates a bankruptcy of thought that could only come from the twisted mind of a Benjamin Netanyahu or the collective wisdom of a World Jewish Congress. And only the editors of a publication like the Wall Street Journal would be so intrigued by it as to print the trash and be proud of what they did.

But here it is, folks; we now have a grand idea that the Wall Street Journal will want to take on the road and preach it to the rest of the world. It is this: When someone invades your home and tries to exterminate your race, stop making babies and make life easier for your killers. This way, the genocide will look like self-inflicted, and no genocidal maniac will ever have to account for their action. If only Hitler had thought of this strategy, the world would be a better place in the eyes of the Wall Street Journal. And you call this rag a publication worthy of respect!