Saturday, March 21, 2009

The Talmud And The US Constitution

The appointment of Charles Freeman Junior to the post of Chairman of the National Intelligence Council was derailed by Jewish organizations that no longer pretend they are innocent of such activities. On the contrary, the organizations in question now brag about the powers they have - powers they make effective use of to destroy innocent Americans, including former Presidents if they can, who reject their agenda of dominance. And those organizations do what they do at the same time as they call anti-Semitic anyone who dares to discuss these facts without first declaring that it is a good thing the Jews have this much power lest he or she sound that they are criticizing something.

While no one will look at this situation and advocate the launch of a holocaust to put an end to the insanity, people will conclude that the conspiracies alluded to in the Protocol of the Elders of Zion have been surpassed by the unmasking of a reality that can still boggle the mind. But wait a minute, the organizations that appointed themselves to protect the Jews have been saying that it was the Protocol which led to the first holocaust. Are they now suggesting that their behavior is designed to lead to the next holocaust? Are they daring humanity to inflict another holocaust on the Jews they pretend to be protecting?

Let’s go back to the beginning and try to decipher the causes of this never-ending tragedy. Perhaps we may discover something that will help us put an end to a chronic disease whose nature is at once religious, social and political. I shall put the emphasis on the American scene therefore begin with the constitution because when you talk about America you always begin with this document.

Like the constitution of any country, that of America is a document which sets the legal principles against which all laws, rules and regulations are tested before being validated. This is a secular construct which, in almost every case, finds itself in competition with the religious one. In some countries, religion is honestly recognized as having an influence on the formulation of the secular law while in other countries, religion has a more subtle influence hence the tendency to pretend that the influence does not exist.

For example, the constitutions in some Muslim countries openly state that the laws of the country comply with the Muslim religious law known as Sharia. By contrast, in the countries where the majority of the people adhere to the Christian faith, little or nothing that is glaringly Christian is mentioned in the constitution or in the body of laws.

Still, a great deal of what is legislated in the Christian countries emanates from the set of beliefs that underlay the religion. When a serious deviation from the norm occurs, the legislators responsible for the deviation are called to the red carpet by the bishop, the Pope or another religious authority. Such convocations have taken place with regard to issues like abortion, euthanasia, stem cell research, capital punishment et cetera.

Unlike the Christians and the Muslims who have a mature view as to where they stand with regard to the separation of "church and state," the Jews have never formulated a coherent stand with regard to the interplay between religion and the political set-up in which they found themselves throughout the ages everywhere on the planet.

However, the presentations that the Jewish leaders make to the local authorities in every country, especially America, suggest that they want a total separation between the religious construct and the secular one with one glaring exception. They want the separation to apply to everyone except the Jewish minorities for whom the leaders want unlimited freedom to do as they wish.

If this looks like ambivalence on the part of the Jewish leaders it’s because it is. It is also a deliberate act which is something that must not come as a surprise to anyone familiar with the teachings of the Talmud. The latter is a book that contains a kind of constitutional law that has guided the Jews wherever they found themselves during the past one thousand and eight hundred years. If there is a word to describe the content of this book, it is ambivalence.

A great deal of what is in the Talmud has to do with the relationship between Jews and non Jews. The book teaches would-be rabbis how never to take a firm stand on anything while appearing to be definitive about everything. They are taught at an early age how to navigate their way using this approach so as to leave the door open to change their position when the social or political wind changes direction. In short, they are taught how to be all over the map without appearing to be flaky.

Ambivalence aside, the view of the Jewish leaders is that the goal of the Talmud is to implement the will of God. It is the will to place the Jews in a position where they can rule the world according to His dictates. And since they are His preferred children, they are also His heirs, and this makes them best suited to make the world safe for Jews by ruling His kingdom as if it were their own kingdom.

There is no ambivalence as to the reality that this is what the Jewish leaders want; they teach it openly to their own and they preach it shamelessly to non-Jews. There is no ambivalence either as to how they go about attaining their goal; they brag about the ingenuity inherent in their approach. Where there is ambivalence, it is in the way that they present reality to the rest of us. Realizing that not everyone will believe in the fantasy of the special relationship they have with God, they use the lessons of the Talmud to construct monuments of deceit which allow them to say opposite things in the same breath, yet sound believable on all counts. To achieve this, the Jewish leaders practice something I call the monodialogue.

The monodialogue is a debate where the Jews speak for themselves and for the people that can debunk their fantasies but are silenced by them. The resulting discussion sounds like a dialogue between a ventriloquist and his dummy. But since all the talk comes from a single source, it is in reality a monologue, hence the name monodialogue. Horrendous examples of this sort of theatre are to be found on the Charlie Rose Show, a show that did more than any other to promote the fantasies of the Jewish leaders. Watch the show when Tom Friedman is the guest and you’ll see a piece of horror theatre where Friedman speaks for Israel and for the Arabs too.

In fact, people connected to the elite in India tell me that an advisory is circulating among potential guests out there to the effect that when they go to America and they are invited to appear on the Charlie Rose show, they must not say something important close to something good they may want to say about the Arabs because both segments will be edited out. They know this will happen because Charlie will allow only Friedman to speak about the Arabs unless you want to say something nasty about them.

Now, dear reader, couple this thought with a scene you will most likely see where Rose asks Friedman point blank: "What do the Arabs want?" without there being an Arab at the table to speak for himself, and you’ll know you are witnessing journalistic raw sewage of Talmudic stink. Only Charlie Rose does this sort of thing this openly, and he does it every time that Friedman is there. Other so-called journalists do it too but they do it with more subtlety.

The formula that the Jewish leaders use to monopolize a show like Charlie Rose is the same one they use everywhere else. It is a formula that is laid out in the stories of Joseph, Moses and Esther. What works in these folkloric tales is the cultivation of a personal relationship between someone close to the seat of power in a powerful country and a mole such as Joseph, Moses or Ester that God has planted close to that person.

But since no one has seen God or spoken to Him lately, the Jewish leaders do the work themselves and plot to have a mole planted close to the seat of power in powerful countries or a television show they plan to dominate. They get the mole to whisper in the ear of those who would lend them an ear, and they relentlessly work to destroy existing rivals or potential ones. This done, they take over the country, the television show or the world.

This explains how a demonic relationship was forged between the American Israel Political Action Committee (AIPAC) and the various American circles of power. It is a relationship that could not happen without meticulous plotting made possible by centuries of experience playing up the same plot. But this is what defines conspiracy; and this one has the potential to lead to another holocaust which, according to the Jewish leaders, is imminent.

If another holocaust erupts, it will not be because of the Protocol of the Elders of Zion. To wit, look at the way that the US Congress has been made to treat the Constitution. This is a document that was supposed to be the greatest thing ever written in that it balances the various rights and obligations so well, everything political in America gets caught in a gridlock. Everything, that is, except matters relating to the interests of Israel and the Jewish Establishment where resolutions are passed unanimously or near to that. Like the Talmud, the US Constitution is utilized to help the Jewish leaders take over the superpower that is America, take over the world and rule them both.

There is also this: Nowhere in history has the executive of a country played second fiddle to a foreign power when it came to dealing with his own legislature. It would be like turning up second on the pecking order in matters relating to conjugal relations. It is like seeking permission from the other member of the troika before making love to your wife. This is what the American Presidency looks like when the President listens to a mole that is an agent of Israel and tries to do business with a Congress that pokes his eyes while genuflecting to AIPAC.

It is clear by now to every observer that Rahm Emanuel, who is supposed to be the White House chief of staff, had everything to do with the way that the Freeman horror story unfolded. It will be interesting to see how much further he will stick his nose in the affairs of the White House and its occupants to serve the interests of Israel and the Jewish Establishment before he serves anyone else.

Another thing that would be interesting to see is Charlie Rose invite Charles Freeman Junior to the table so as to talk about his case. I doubt this will happen because the only people in the news that Rose invites are the likes of the inside traders who stole millions of dollars and are about to go to jail.