Monday, October 17, 2011

Jewish Intentions Paving The Way To Hell

The future begins now and in this future some things are being reversed from where they have been so far. One area where the reversal is pronounced and where it carries consequences that can become dangerous is the matter of the relationships that America has forged and continues to forge with the rest of the world. Most important among these is the relationship that the superpower maintains with the United Nations, one that the American Congress has worked mindlessly to alter. Now seen as an institution so dysfunctional it can do nothing that is good, the Congress is on its way to do more than alter the relationship with the United Nations, it is on its way to shatter it completely.

Owned and operated by the Jewish organizations known collectively as the Jewish lobby, the infamous Congress has refashioned itself and continues to do so both at the domestic level and in the area of international diplomacy to better channel America's energies and put them in the service of Israel and Israel alone. To this end, the Congress has gridlocked itself domestically to be free from having to serve the American people. As to its foreign duties, it has cleared itself of the commitments that relate to Israeli matters and has relegated these to the care of the Jewish organizations. The net result is that the sickly institution now stands as the private property of AIPAC which is the Jewish lobby that serves but one and only master, Israel.

What is astonishing in this sordid saga is the ease with which a small and well organized group was able to come from the old world as did the leaders of the Jewish organizations and take control of America in just a few decades. The group is sometimes referred to as World Jewry; and there is no doubt that it had acquired enormous skills and had accumulated vast and varied experiences throughout the World and through the centuries before it was able to do what it did in America. The people of the group inherited a system that was fashioned into a potent tool by which they accomplished a great deal for themselves in many places around the globe. But then -- as naturally as these things always go -- the people became too greedy; they went too far demanding and receiving what they wanted and they lost it all in a scenario that repeated itself through time. It happened to them everywhere in the old world, and this prompted them to head to the new one for what they hoped will be a new beginning.

However, there are powerful signs that the pattern is again repeating itself in America. But we must understand that history is doing things in a slightly different way because when history repeats itself, it does it in ways that are similar in some respects and different other respects to take into account the local variations. To see what is happening in America today, it is useful to look at the antics of a notorious member of the House of Representatives. Her name is Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, a naturalized American of Cuban origin who was born to a Jewish mother that converted to Catholicism. You understand the significance of this personal history when you learn that there was a time when the converts out of Judaism were considered to be self-hating Jews and treated by mainstream Judaism as traitors that deserve nothing but contempt -- and so were their descendents.

While the converts themselves did not suffer much from the bad treatment they received as they were expecting it and had prepared mentally for it, the offsprings suffered a great deal by the shame and the guilt they were made to feel. More than that, the Jewish organizations exploited the mental condition of these people by amplifying their shame and their guilt then counseling them to atone for the sins of their parents by working for the Jewish causes and for Israel. The result has been that some of these people did so with a fanatic devotion that extended well into the realm of insanity. And where these people found themselves in a position to give to the Jewish organizations and to Israel what belongs to a third party, they gave as if the world belonged to the Jews and to Israel only. This is where Ileana Ros-Lehtinen stands today as she works exclusively to transfer to Israel and to the Jews what belongs to America. She is doing this as if the American people did not count or did not exist at all because the reality that lives in her head is that no one counts or deserves to exist but Israel and the Jews. Repeatedly reproached for what she is doing, she learned only lately to rationalize her behavior by saying that what is good for Israel is also good for America. And she gives no hint that she is prepared to deviate if only a fraction of an angle from where she was programmed to go.

As insane as this woman is, she finds herself in a position to do what she does with ease, with impunity and with authority because she chairs the House Foreign Affairs Committee, an achievement that is a tribute to the skills acquired by the Jewish organizations that put her there. It is that these people work quietly and do so for however long it takes them to put the right individual in the right place so that when the time comes, he or she will find themselves in a position to execute the instructions they receive to the smallest meticulous detail, and pull the coups they were trained to pull with perfect accuracy. The stark example is Ileana Ros-Lehtinen who is placed where she can do the most good for Israel and for the Jewish causes by inflicting the most damage to the interests of the American people.

What is at stake now is that the world outside of America is questioning the activities of the Jews who are looting all that they can in the Middle East with the view of creating a Jewish empire that will extend from the Nile to the Euphrates. World Jewry embarked on this journey by asking for the creation of a small Jewish enclave in Palestine where a Jew from anywhere in the world could escape discrimination and go live there like a Jew. The leaders of the movement made this seemingly innocuous request to the great powers of the day more than a century ago but things did not come together until the events of the Second World War opened the door for the immigration of Jews into Palestine. But while the doors were flung open, the eyes were shut to the fact that the immigration was illegal and that it had nefarious consequences on the local population. And the reality has been that ever since that time, the leaders of Israel have skillfully coordinated their actions with those of the Jewish organizations -- first in Europe and then in America -- to keep expanding Israel toward the creation of the Jewish empire they still dream about.

But where the Jews were able to count on the sympathy of people everywhere because of what happened to them during the Great War, their organizations abused that sympathy to such an extent that the world began to see they were not the saints they portrayed themselves to be but were the devil incarnate. The people of the world began to see this clearly when they realized that the Jewish leaders will think of something they wish to accomplish later then start to put the groundwork for it now by digging traps and planting snarls where the innocent are caught and skinned alive – which is what happened to the people of Palestine. And the more that the world came to see this truth; the more it curtailed the ability of Israel and the Jewish organizations from continuing to expand the frontiers of Israel. Thus, despite the fanatic effort of characters like Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, the demonic project is becoming more and more difficult to realize.

And the world gradually began to distance itself from Israel, a reality that was reflected at the United Nations. This left the Jewish leaders with no choice but to concentrate their effort on keeping America from seeing what the world sees, a feat they accomplished by doing four separations. First, they separated America from the world by pitting the country against the United Nations. Second, they separated the American government from its people by gridlocking the affairs of the nation and devoting its energies to serve Israel. Third, they separated the branches of the American government from each other by pitting the Congress against the White House. Fourth, they separated the components of governance in the nation by pitting one party against the other in a system that is made of two parties.

And yet, the whole thing is constructed in such a way that the separations are made to vanish if and when things work out in favor of Israel. For example, the UN becomes a lovely, sweet and kissable creature when it rules in favor of Israel or against its enemies. No checks or balances are called for in America's governing circles when it comes to serving the interests of Israel because the opinions never diverge as to the absolute supremacy of the rights of Israel over the rights of America or any other country. The Congress and the White House rarely quarrel about doing what is good for Israel even if they must do what is bad for America in the process. And the votes in the Congress in favor of Israel are never gridlocked but always bipartisan and almost always unanimous. What more would Israel want from a superpower that has become its only backer in a world that is increasingly becoming disgusted with them both?

Well, what Israel wants is for the situation to remain as it is if not intensify America's devotion toward Israel and the Jewish causes. But this is not happening because a crack is beginning to open between the Jewish organizations and the Executive branch of the US government where the latter is sensing that the back of the American camel is starting to creak. In fact, it is becoming increasingly clear that one additional Jewish straw could break the camel's back, a realization that is forcing the Executive branch to look for ways that will save the situation and save America. What happened that forced this reality to come to the fore was that the Palestinians realized it was futile to try and get the Israelis to abandon the dream of an Israel that extends from the Nile to the Euphrates; and they realized at the same time that America was as useless a mediator as a urinal can be expected to mediate between a pisser and the wide world outside the can. And this is when the Palestinians dumped America from their calculations and sought relief at the United Nations.

This is where Ileana Ros-Lehtinen and her sidekicks were called upon to play their part. And this is where the full majesty of the Jewish method – fine tuned and perfected as it was over the centuries – put on a magnificent demonstration in full flight. It is that the Congressional characters who are under her influence were commanded to gang up and halt the money that was pledged to help the Palestinian Authority (PA) alleviate the pain inflicted on its people by a savage Jewish occupation that has lasted several generations already. The characters under the Ros-Lehtinen influence began their satanic work by putting a hold on the transfer of the money -- something they can do under the guise of seeking clarifications even though the Congress had already appropriated the money for the purpose.

As to the clarifications they are still seeking; they want to know more about the efforts of the PA at the United Nations to obtain recognition. They want information concerning the agreement that was reached between the PA and Hamas to reunite the Palestinian people in the West Bank of the Jordan River and the Gaza Strip. And they want an explanation as to why the PA refuses to recognize Israel as a Jewish state even though they were told time and again that such recognition would give the Israelis the green light to do what they always said they wanted to do which is to have someone's permission to throw out of Israel the Christians and the Muslims who have lived there since the beginning of time and stayed put when the Jews slaughtered their loved ones. But the PA was not going to be the one to give Israel that permission.

What is happening now is that the activities of the insane woman at the Congress and her army of politico-deviant characters have degenerated into the most pornographic spectacle the world has ever seen. It is a spectacle that a topnotch team of devils could not have written the script for, a script that would have brought together snakes, skunks, hyenas and rats to institute a federation that would show the world how a republic is supposed to function. It would not have been the exceptional envy of mankind and a great model for everyone to follow but a trophy perched on a pedestal at the inner sanctum of Hell itself reflecting the sense of Jewish rule of law and pride in its democratic governance.

So now you want to know how the script unfolds. Okay; here it is: The American Administration goes on all fours and begs the Israelis to force the American Congress to let American money go to Palestine. This is so sick and so demeaning; it is like begging your wife's sex master to force her to kiss you this one time. It is like begging your husband's mistress to force him to caress you this one time. It is a puke provoking posture like no self respecting organism – human or animal -- can stomach. It is unbelievable but it is true! This is what America has become under Jewish rule. It is a system of governance by which America is decreed with simple Jewish edicts to send its own children to die in foreign lands to impose that same sickly system on the people over there or kill them if they reject it. It is nightmarish and it is happening in broad daylight.

And to think that the same cycle began and ran some distance each time that the Jewish leaders whispered in the ear of someone: “You're okay and we're okay because we share the same values, and everyone else is different. Listen to what we say because we carry an important message.” The Spaniards listened till they discovered what the Jews wanted and they threw them out. The Central Europeans then listened till they discovered what the Jewish leaders were after and they kicked them out. The Russians then listened till they found out what the Jewish organizations were seeking and they threw them out. Then came the French, the Turks, the Indians, the Latin Americans and the Africans; and they all treated the Jews in that same way as soon as they realized that the whisperers were not harboring good intentions which may or may not lead to hell; they were powered by horror-like intentions that were designed to take you to Hell and lock you there for all of eternity.

When the world repudiated the Jewish leaders, the latter went to the politicians in America and said to them: “You're okay and we're okay because we share the same values, and everyone else is different. Listen to what we say because we carry an important message.” And one after the other, the American politicians said: “I like what I hear; tell me more.” And the Jew said: “Those who practice the oldest profession make a lot of money. It stands to reason that the oldest democracy should practice the oldest profession to raise a lot of money for the political campaigns.” And the American politicians cried out in jubilation: “What insight! What magnificent insight! To marry the oldest democracy with the oldest profession and create the biggest bordello and make it the new American Congress. Why didn't I think of that? No wonder you're the chosen and we're only the exceptional. So tell me, what do I have to do to become a political prostitute, and how much money can you bundle for me during the upcoming election, you sweet son of a glorious pimp?”

And this is the point at which the American politician is told he must not allow daylight to show between America and Israel; and told to put an infinite distance between America and the rest of the world. In return, he is promised the moon but all he gets in the end is a moon rock in the head because there isn't a Jew that can deliver a single vote or a single dollar that someone else cannot deliver faster, deliver it with certainty and do so while maintaining self-respect.