Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Eunuch's Advice On Being A stud

A metaphor that can help explain the behavior of the eunuch is that of the motivated parasite. You become aware of this when you follow the drama now playing in America with regard to the developments unfolding in the Middle East. You see the Jewish organizations representing parasitic Israel frantically stir the pot as they sense that the Arabs are fighting their way toward a promising future while Israel is slumping toward a barren existence, having depleted America's reservoir of testosterone while protecting Israel's right to rape those who cannot defend themselves.

Because Israel does not have the element of surprise on its side anymore, it cannot play the role of the rapist stud it used to play. This makes it feel diminished in its own eyes and makes it look like the eunuch who used to be a stud in the eyes of others. As to the Jewish organizations, they are stirring things up in a desperate attempt to alter the calamitous outcome they sense will befall Israel. To do this, they are teaching America how to be a stud and they are pushing it to rescue Israel by temporarily taking on the role of rapist extraordinaire. To see how they do this, you need to know how the parasite behaves in real life.

Biologists will tell you that a parasite does not kill its host because it needs it alive to feed on it. But the way things are in matters concerning life and death is that an exception to the rule must exist in all cases; and so it does in the case of the parasites. What we need to know about this newly discovered area is that the Jewish parasite can feed on a host only when the latter begins the process of dying and of decaying. In fact, when this happens, the pace of feeding accelerates to keep up with the speeding rate of decay. And if the process of dying does not start on its own, the Jewish parasite will inject into the body an agent that starts the process and keeps it going till the host becomes effectively lifeless. And while the Jew is feeding on the current host to its heart's content, it looks for a new host to which it will transfer and start a new cycle when the current body will have reached the end of its own cycle.

America is the current host on which the Jewish parasite is feeding. Sensing that the process of decay is beginning to accelerate, it is feeding voraciously to sustain itself and prepare for the next cycle. To this end, it is using the good standing of America in the world to secure a new destination for itself as it can see the day when America will have been completely depleted. The unexpected difficulty, however, has been that the parasite found itself using an enormous amount of energy to find a new destination and prepare it for itself because doing so has become a much tougher undertaking than ever before. It used to be easy for the Jews to transfer from one host to another where they were received with open arms because the world considered them a positive addition to any society. But given the behavior exhibited by Israel in the last few decades, and given what has come to light about the activities of Jewish individuals in every corner of the globe, the nations of the world now feel trepidation when asked to take-in those Jews who look for a new place to call home.

Moreover, the people of the world see that the Jews already have Israel; the result of a dream they have realized after centuries of yearning about a place they can call a home of their own. And so the people ask this simple question: If they already possess what they have sought, what more do they want? In fact, when you ask them the question directly, they give you a direct answer. But when you look at their actions on the ground, you cannot help but read into them a set of answers that differ from the one they vocalized. They will tell you they want security but what you see them do is threaten the security of their neighbors. You see them do this not in subtle ways but do it overtly to communicate to the neighbors and to the world that they have the power to harm anyone they wish to harm. In fact, they want the world to know that they can get away with anything they do because they have the weight of the American superpower behind them -- the host on whose body they feed like a parasite; the host whose brain they control like only a virus can take control of a brain.

To feed on the body of a nation, whether it is tiny or it is a superpower, you first need to control its brain. To accomplish this, you need to have a compelling narrative that no one can challenge. But a narrative such as this would sound like a fantasy, the reason why it is nearly impossible to put one together about the ordinary mortals that we all are. So then, what do you do if you are a Jewish organization seeking to control the brain of America? Well, what you do is begin by eliminating every possible challenger to your own narrative. When you do this, your narrative stands as the absolute truth even if it is no more than a fantasy. But could something like this be done in America, the oldest democracy on Earth where speech is protected by the First Amendment and cannot be suppressed? Yes, it could. It could precisely because America was a functioning democracy which may or may not be the case anymore.

In fact, taking democracy for granted not knowing how fragile it can be when eternal vigilance is not there to defend it, the American people and their representatives failed to detect the lethal effect that the Jewish influence was having on their most cherished of concepts: the free flow of ideas in the marketplace of ideas. First, they resisted the notion that a blockage to the flow of information was forming, let alone a blockage that can grow and become a serious threat to their system of governance. Second, they rejected the idea that the blockage, if any, could be caused by the Jewish virus of authoritarian control, something they did not even know existed. Third, they expected to see a counterpoint pushing against every point made but when no counterpoint came to push against the Jewish points, they concluded that none existed and thus accepted the Jewish narrative at face value. It was through this long, belabored and subtle process that the Jewish virus managed to take control of America's brain and get it to work for the benefit of Israel.

Measured by any standard, this accomplishment was a miracle that the Jewish leaders succeeded to pull off in America. They did it by quietly infiltrating the existing think tanks as well as the large media outlets, and by taking them over from the inside -- one tank at a time and one outlet at a time. They also created new think tanks and new outlets, and they got them all to work like viruses on America's brain. The Jewish leaders were able to do all this because they made use of the pogroms and the holocausts inflicted on Jews in the past to suppress every opposition to their fake narratives.

In fact, the Jewish organizations made it a priority to keep an eye on the individuals that showed signs they had the wherewithal to expose those fake narratives. They accused such people of being antisemitic; they shut them up and had them removed from the marketplace of ideas. But when they failed to scare off those among them who refused to disappear and go quietly into the night, the Jewish leaders blackmailed everyone else who could have worked with them. In the end, the Jews were able in the land of the First Amendment to make the amendment work for them, and make its use by someone else an application to go on the blacklist. How demonic! How satanic! How hellish! How so very Jewish!

So now, we know that the Jewish parasite is feeding on the body of America while the virus is reshaping the brain – both activities conducted to maintain the body and the brain in a posture subservient to the wish of the Jewish organizations. Given this, how in practical terms do these organizations manage to implement their plans? The best way to answer this question is to take two examples and analyze them. As it happens, there is an ongoing example, a good one to discuss because it represents the thoughts of a dozen or so think tanks, most of which are Jewish or Jewish dominated or Jewish influenced. They published a paper titled: “Conditioning Aid to Egyptian Military: A Statement by the Working Group on Egypt”. It was designed to work on the brains of the decision makers in America and was circulated among the media people in mid-November, 2011.

The authors begin the discussion like this: “Nearly ten months since the start of the Egyptian revolution, the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) has yet to take basic steps towards establishing a human rights-respecting democratic, civilian government.” When someone innocent who knows little or nothing about the subject in discussion reads this passage, they automatically assume that “nearly ten months” must be a long time in a matter like this because the venerable think tankers have so hinted in their paper. But those of us who know that these are neither think tankers nor venerable but are worms that swim inside a network of septic tanks and raw sewage; we take what they say with a grain of salt and a good doze of cultural antibiotics.

We compare their latest statement with statements made in the past by them or by similar groups. This was a time when they tried to convince the public that ten years (not ten months) were a short period of time for a country like Iraq to become a true democracy. They justified their argument by citing the fact that following its own revolution and the civil war, it took America a much longer time to whip up anything that was worth calling a democracy. But the ever present low life lunatics of the Jewish think tanks have now decreed that Egypt must whip up a true democracy in a shorter period of time or face the consequences.

What consequences are they talking about? Well, knowing what came at the start of the first paragraph, we go see what comes at the end of it to find out what these people have in mind. Here is that passage: “The U.S. should ... support ... a ... democratic transition … and use all the leverage it has … including the placing of conditions on future aid to the Egyptian military.” This is what it's all about, my friend. By hook or by crook, the Jewish organizations want to establish control over the Egyptian military for the benefit of Israel as indeed, they would seek to do with any other military if given the same opportunity. But how in practice would they do that? This is a more complicated thing to achieve, and you get an answer to the question at the very end of their article. They give you the answer by first saying that conditions must be placed on what they call the American military aid to Egypt; and then say this: “The United States Congress should adopt these conditions, and the Obama administration should welcome then.”

In fact, these conditions were written into bills now circulating in the US Congress, say the tankers. And so I invite you, my friend, to think about this: The Congress we're talking about is the same institution that is so paralyzed, it is unable to rescue America as the world watches with jaws dropped while the nation is dissolving before its eyes. And the super-committee that was formed to pull a rabbit out of the hat turned out to be a super farce with the Star of David stamped all over it by an Eric Cantor who is Netanyahu's man in the US Congress. Thus, what the Jewish vermin is saying to America is that it should stop working for itself and turn its attention to Egypt where things are happening that may not work in favor of Israel.

But Egypt is not Israel's only problem; the whole world is. And this leads to the notion that along with Egypt, the entire world must be fixed to suit the needs of Israel. To do this, new advice has come from the Jewish controlled media outlets such as the Wall Street Journal where its most fanatic writer, Bret Stephens, has written a column in which he tells the Republican presidential hopefuls who will be debating tonight (November 22, 2011) how to transform America into a surrogate stud that will rape the world for Israel while waiting for the latter to grow back the tools that make the stud-rapist all that he can be.

The title of the Stephens column is: “The GOP's Foreign Policy Debate: A Cheat Sheet,” and the subtitle is this: “The notion that the 21st century must be an American one isn't a cliché, especially when the alternative is China.” After a few paragraphs of small talk -- perhaps to give the impression that he holds moderate views -- he writes the following: “Let's … remember what our national security owes to immigrant scientists like Albert Einstein and Edward Teller.” The first is the scientist who, while still in Europe, put into a mathematical equation the relationship that exists between mass an energy; that which is at the basis of the nuclear weapon. The second is the nuclear physicist who, contrary to the views of the pacifist Einstein, advocated the vast expansion of America's nuclear arsenal as a way to “bludgeon” the Soviet Union if it should come to that.

Having said that, Stephens follows up a little later on with this: “Reagan knew better. He didn't mind being hated by the nuclear-freeze crowd in Western Europe … He won concessions from the Soviet Union by building up the military … He didn't seek a global consensus to liberate Grenada or bomb Libya.” The choice of words and the way that the ideas are formulated in this passage give the impression that Reagan was a Bush 43 style cowboy who went around the world and kicked people left and right, bombing this one here and blowing up that one there. But the fact is that Reagan was no cowboy; and he was anything but an impulsive man. He came into the presidency with ideas he had been formulating in his head for a long time; and he implemented them in a manner that suited the time that he did.

The difference between now and then is that America was the industrial power that catered to the needs of the public thus made its society so prosperous it could afford both the guns and the butter. By contrast, the Soviet union was the heavy industry behemoth that catered to the needs of its military industrial complex thus kept its society in poverty unable to afford the guns or the butter. The result has been that the Soviet Union collapsed and America lived to become the sole superpower.

What the Stephens of this world are asking America to do now is wear the shoes of the defunct Soviet behemoth while China is busy putting on the shoes of industrial America. Consequently, I ask the Presidential hopefuls to think seriously about who will own the Twenty First century if America continues to impoverish itself thus lose the military advantage it now has for the purpose of giving the Jewish rapist the erection he can no longer have.

It comes down to this: You can save Israel or you can save America but you cannot save them both. Israel will just have to stop raping those who cannot defend themselves, learn to get along with its neighbors and learn to live like a normal nation.