Saturday, November 26, 2011

The Hate Machine Spreading The Hate

November 25, 2011 was a remarkable day because it looked like Jurassic Park was coming to life again. On that day, an apparition occurred on the pages of the Wall Street Journal, a happening that revealed to the skeptics that the dinosaurs are still with us both in the form of preserved DNA from which they can be reproduced, and in the form of ideas vibrating a brand of democracy that belongs more to the Stone Age than to our Tablet Age of digital communication. It was on that day that Mortimer Zuckerman published an article in the Journal under the title: “How America Can Escape the Energy Trap” and the subtitle: “Soaring natural gas production has already cut the share of oil consumption met by imports to 47% last year from 60% in 2005.”

At the beginning of the article, the author asks two questions, the first being this: “Can America escape the energy trap?” to which he gives this answer: “... yes and no … we can achieve a degree of energy security … but only if we can sort out our priorities.” Before giving the answer, however, he asks a second question: “Must our lives and security be forever held hostage to the vagaries of the political power in the Middle East oil states?” And you recognize this as being an attempt at motivating the reader to accept a set of priorities he is about to discuss in detail. And, in fact, such attempt is what the rest of the article is made of.

The feeling that you get when you read the article is the same feeling you would have gotten had you red the previous articles he published in the Journal. It is that being the owner of several publications, he has a research department that will quickly gather for him the information he needs on any subject. His problem, however, is that he will do a bad job putting it all together, and a worse job drawing what could be the obvious conclusions. Why is that, you ask? The simple answer is that the man is of such character he has a personal set of priorities that make up the prism through which he sees the world. And this prism is so colored and so deformed, it makes him see the world in a way that is both selfish and divorced from reality.

There is no doubt that Zuckerman is wealthy but when you hear him talk about his wealth, you cannot help but get the sense that he exaggerates the value of his net worth. The man is also influential but when you read what he writes, you cannot help but get the sense that he has an exaggerated view of the power of his ideas. To put it differently, the man is full of it but he takes himself too seriously to know it. In addition, he is one of those Jews who believe they have what it takes to reach out and realize any dream they hold in the mind. The reality, however, is that when it comes to execution, these people often chicken out at the last minute fearing to lose what they have accomplished so far. Thus, when their greedy side kicks in, you hear them talk about what they plan to do, but then the fearful side kicks in and they end up doing much less than they signal beforehand.

While these are the character traits that motivate Mortimer Zuckerman, he can be motivated by other realities as well. Even though he does not appear to be a religious man, people think of him as a strong supporter of Israel, and there is a good reason for this. It is that most wealthy Jews maintain charitable organizations in America where they shelter some of their money from taxes. A good part of this money is then sent to Israel, a country they use as an offshore tax haven. They may invest the money in Israel itself or they may use the country as a base out of which they invest in the countries of the region or in countries beyond that. Thus, to the group of wealthy Jews who may or may not be religious, Israel is a business opportunity they will do what they can to keep open and keep it viable because it serves their bank accounts more than anything else.

There was a time, in fact, when Zuckerman was chairman of the Conference of Presidents grouping the big and wealthy Jewish organizations in America. It was then that he was accused of being too pro-Israel and too much a supporter of the other Jewish causes, an accusation to which he responded with a metaphor. The remarkable thing is that he did not respond directly to the accusation but responded obliquely to the notion that the Jews who stick together and operate like a machine, have gained a disproportionate influence on the life of the country. Zuckerman said that he feels like the 92 year old man who was accused of impregnating a woman. The old man was so proud of being so accused at his age, he pleaded guilty as charged. Well, a response like this – being imbued with sexual connotation -- shows that Zuckerman means to say he is happy that the Jews are able to screw America so effectively, they can at any age impregnate it with their culture.

And given that these people never shy away from saying that their culture vibrates like a stiffened democracy, Zuckerman may have hinted that the old man of the metaphor was equipped with a mechanical vibrator when he impregnated the woman who may well represent the image of a fertile and laid back America. And this is typical of the smart Aleck remarks that he fires off every once in a while to say something that looks innocent on the surface but means something more than meets the eye. And while being 92 years of age does not exactly make someone a dinosaur, the methods that Zuckerman uses to motivate his readers make of him a creature of the Stone Age more than a creature of the Tablet Age.

So then, what is it that he is up to, you ask? Simply put, he wants to maintain and to fuel the artificial hatred that exists between the Arabs and the Americans which is something that was started by the Jewish organizations a long time ago and has been nurtured by them ever since. When they keep this hatred going, they maintain the status quo which suits the wealthy Jews just fine as they do business in Israel and around the world, financing their operations by sucking the blood of America's taxpayers. And they manage to do all this by working together with the traitors inside the American Congress who get a kick back come election time and they need financing for their own campaigns. This is what they call democracy at work; and to see how things are done under its umbrella, we need to analyze the premise upon which the Zuckerman article is based.

The fact is that America buys about 2 million barrels of oil a day from the Arabs which comes to something like 700 million barrels a year. It pays about 60 billion dollars for that because America pays the stable contract prices of about 80 dollars a barrel and not the volatile spot prices that can go up to 100 dollars or more. At the same time, however, America sells to the Arabs about a 100 billion dollars worth of services and of products that come mostly from the agricultural and the manufacturing sectors. To see how important this is, it can be stated that if America could duplicate this performance with the rest of the world, it would rise again to the glory days it enjoyed during the decades of the Fifties, Sixties and Seventies. The obvious conclusion is that contrary to what Zuckerman is spreading, the Arabs are not hurting the business of America; they are fueling it and they are recycling back to it the money they receive from it and from the rest of the world. It just cannot get any better than that for America.

And this is what is alarming the Jewish organizations. In their panic, they spread the lies and the hate, and they interfere with the relationship between America and the Arabs to get in the way of America doubling or even tripling its exports to the Arab countries, something it can do without having to buy anything more from them. Thus, instead of advocating the expansion of trade and cooperation with the Arabs for the sake of America, the Jewish organizations and such individuals as Mortimer Zuckerman are expending enormous amounts of energy to sabotage the efforts that could help America put its own people back to work in good paying jobs thus regain the position of economic superpower it used to occupy.

This is what is meant when someone says that Israel, the Jewish organizations and such individuals as Zuckerman are screwing America with the vibrating dildo of the mechanical democracy they concocted themselves from ancient recipes. To see what satanic powers this setup has acquired over the decades, we first need to recall that the early pundits and the commentators in the media and the think tanks used to be able to point out that the Jewish organizations were advocating policies and courses of action that served Israel and the Jewish causes to the detriment of America. The Jewish organizations responded by launching a savage campaign in which they accused those people of being motivated by antisemitism and nothing else.

Then, they followed up by fashioning a remedy which they enshrined in a decree they issued to the effect that everyone has the right to criticize a policy or a course of action advocated by them but people must refrain from saying they serve Israel or the Jewish causes even if this is true and obviously so. And everyone that wanted to keep their job were so coerced into obeying the decree. And now, my friend, you see that in order to incite the readers to hate the Arabs, Zuckerman writes that American life and security are held hostage by the politics of the Middle East oil states when in reality, this is so false, it is readily demonstrated that America is conducting the healthiest form of commercial exchanges with the Arabs. And this kind of inversion of the facts is nothing but the satanic expression of Judaism when it is at its worst.

All in all, Zuckerman cited no new facts in his article, and he brought no new ideas or new insights to the debate. Nothing in what he said will help America move an inch closer toward energy independence or help its economy improve one iota. His researchers have simply assembled the already known facts, and he rehashed the old ideas pertaining to the Jewish need to keep the Arabs and the Americans apart so as to serve Israel and the other Jewish causes. And he did all this knowing full well that it will hurt America more than the Arab countries or anyone else on the planet.

This article is a treacherous stab at the heart of America, and its author is Mortimer Zuckerman.