Thursday, September 27, 2012

Lies, Spins And The Lack Of Forgiveness

To seek the truth and to forgive are powerful tenets of Christianity and of Islam, not of Judaism. I learned of this truth not because someone taught me a lesson on the subject but because I discovered it myself. I learned of that truth ever so slowly as it dawned on me over a period of many years that horrible things were happening all over the places, and I struggled trying to understand why the things were the way they were. More precisely, I struggled with the question: Why human beings are made to suffer needlessly even in the places where suffering must never be allowed to happen?

I alluded to such notions in my previous writings but had no example till now that would illustrate what I had in mind. What changed are three passages in the speech delivered to the UN General Assembly on September 25, 2012 by the American President, Barack Obama. The first passage is this: “It depends on the freedom of citizens to speak their minds ... without fear.” The second passage is this: “...when anyone with a cell phone can spread offensive views … the notion that we can control the flow of information is obsolete. The question, then, is how we respond.” And the third passage is this: “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam. Yet to be credible, those who condemn that slander must also condemn the hate we see when ... the Holocaust is denied.”

There is in those passages a contradiction so massive; I could write a book about it. But this is not what I plan to do because that contradiction pales when compared to what else is revealed by those passages. What there is, my friend, is an example of how the self-appointed leaders of the religion they call Rabbinical Judaism, have managed to institutionalize the lies they manufacture, and to inflict capital punishment on the people who refuse to consider those lies the new gospel truth.

What follows is a brief history of what happened over the past few decades. As it stands, it happens to be an eloquent account addressing the three passages in the President's UN speech. It responds specifically to his query: “The question, then, is how to respond.” It also tells why the President's presentation may prove to be inadequate, and why a followup is necessary if the intent is to make the world a better place for mankind.

How did the Jewish leaders do it? First, they used the media to pound into the heads of the populations that hosted them – mostly in Europe and North America – that they are Semites and that to deny the Holocaust, is to exhibit an antisemitism whose goal is to annihilate all Jews. They spun every item that crossed their desk in such a way as to argue that harboring a sentiment that tends to deny the Holocaust was to have a criminal intent whether or not you have the wherewithal to annihilate any Jew.

This done, they worked to pass a law forbidding the denial of the Holocaust, a move that had the effect of intimidating the whole of society. And this intimidation is what acted as a deterrent whether or not a law was eventually passed to criminalize the denial of the Holocaust. The main point to retain from this, is that the relentless effort conducted by the Jewish leaders, and the publicity that resulted have acted as a deterrent for the rest of society not to venture into certain territories. And this should answer the President who asked: “The question, then, is how we respond.” Well, the Jewish leaders knew how to respond.

Now outlawed by the enactment of an actual law or by the social pressures that were generated by the process, the mention of the Holocaust – let alone its questioning or its outright denial – became a crime that most people were afraid to commit intentionally or inadvertently. An internal system of self-censorship was instilled in people, a setup that remains in effect to this day because it keeps reinforcing itself with the passage of time.

But matters did not stop here because, in fact, the setup became a powerful weapon in the hands of those who used it, who abused it and still do to achieve many of the other purposes they have in mind. It is that they call deniers of the Holocaust the people they dislike for any reason at all. This gives them a license to inflict maximum punishment on them – such as a lifetime sojourn on the blacklist, for example.

Watching these people go through those steps over the decades, you come to realize that the Rabbinical Judaism which powers them is a religion so different from Christianity, the two can only be at war with each other. And this, my friend, is what explains why the Jews have been rejected in Christendom over the centuries, and why they are shunned all over Europe even today by the local populations there. But this is not all that you learn about them because when you study them closely, something else hits you in the face.

What you learn is that these people only know how to start something, and they never think of an exit strategy or a plan B that would tell them where to stop or when to go in reverse if something goes wrong. Instead, they launch every project that turns them on, and they keep going unguided like a ballistic missile because they believe that no matter what they do, and no matter what happens in the end, God will always come to their rescue.

However, because experience has taught them that God can be a very patient Being with a horizon that extends to eternity, they decided it is always better to get someone else to do the dirty work for them. If things go well, they collect; if things go bad, they trash the sucker that helped them and go look for another sucker. Over time, they discovered that in a democracy which is beginning to rot, the quintessential pushover they can use, abuse and take for sucker is the politician who gets to be elected and the bureaucrat who gets to be appointed. And so they started to work on the people that run the various branches of government as well as their agencies.

Having also discovered that this was a slippery slope they can use to their advantage, they worked to codify the lies that they manufactured, thus institutionalized them and made them irreversible. For example, without explaining why it was necessary to pass a law that makes it a criminal offense to communicate with a terrorist organization, they generated no opposition when they pushed such a law through the legislature. Come to think of it, who would have objected to that? But once they had the law in their pocket, they started picking on the people and organizations they disliked; had them designated as terrorist, thus criminalized talking to them or dealing with them – even if your purpose is to find out who they are or what they want.

When it came to this project, the Jewish leaders had more luck with the Americans than the Europeans. Bit by bit, they succeeded in isolating America from the rest of the world as would a sex master who gets jealous when his male bimbo tries to hang around with other men. Being in complete control of America by now, they used the media, the so-called think tanks, the various branches of government and every institution they could lay their hands on to extend their influence to the rest of the world. They had a few successes executing this plan in the places where they wanted to demonstrate how tightly they controlled superpower America.

As to the places where they had a difficult time intimidating the people or getting them under their control, the Jewish leaders got the Americans to insult these people for no reason that looked like a rational thing to do. For example, the Jews instilled in the American officials the habit of disparaging the Arabs each time that they mentioned buying oil from them. The hell with this, said the Arabs, if you don't like our oil, don't buy it. But don't come here looking for a bargain buying from us then go home and insult us every time that a Jewish speechwriter stuffs your mouth with foul words. We had it up to here with this childish behavior.

Related to that notion was the wondering expressed by President Obama during his speech to the UN General Assembly: “The question, then, is how we respond.” The answer is that you consider Rabbinical Judaism to be not a religion but a group of evil people implementing an evil agenda whose purpose is to plunge the world into chaos. You do not hire these people for sensitive positions, and you do not let them write speeches for you. This done, you make a herculean effort to rescind all the laws and resolutions (binding and non-binding) which are Jewish-specific or Israel-specific that were passed by either House of the Congress.

And you never forget this fact: a dogma is a creed to which people adhere if they want to be a part of the religion that propounds that creed. Thus, a dogma is not open to query or discussion in whole or in part. It is a take-it-or-leave-it proposition which means you either stay in the religion or you be excommunicated from it. Thus, to turn the Holocaust into a dogma that people must believe in, or see themselves be excommunicated from society by law or by social pressure, is to turn Rabbinical Judaism into a super religion to which all other religions must be subjugated.

This puts the Jewish leaders into the position of being God-like creatures. And there is no doubt in my mind that this is how and why America's Christian pastors of the boob tube got on their dumbbell podiums and told their flocks of sheep to worship the Jew like a God. But this is the kind of pornography to which no child should ever be exposed as you can already see the effect of it on the children who grew up believing you do not achieve success in life by working or praying; you achieve it by kissing up to a Jew, if not do worse than that.

Thus, for the President of the United States to say that we must: “condemn the hate we see when ... the Holocaust is denied” is to suggest that a query into that historical event is akin to violating the dogma of the super religion they call Rabbinical Judaism, perhaps a sacrilegious act that is so sinful, one would go to hell for it. Not only that but the American President seems to suggest that the mere fact of making a query about the Holocaust is to commit an act of hate.

No, Mr. President, the Holocaust is not a dogma; it is a historical event that is open to query like any other historical event. And the President of Iran has every goddamn right to ask questions about it, and you have no right to bomb his country because he committed that heresy – if this is what questioning the Holocaust has become in America.

In fact, Sir, if you bomb Iran, you will have committed the ultimate act of hate that will kill Iranians and Americans alike. Furthermore, to redeem itself, such act of madness will transform the denial of the Holocaust into a dogma to which every human being will aspire to adhere for the next thousand years and beyond. That line of thinking, Mr. President, is a self-defeating proposition no matter what excuse you find for it.

So then, what was the big lesson that I learned over the years studying such events? I learned that Christianity and Islam have one common bond you do not find in Judaism. It is the power to forgive. When you forgive, you start anew. When you don't, you keep going till a catastrophic event stops you.

This is why Christianity and Islam always had a new beginning despite their shortcomings. Such was never the case with the Jews whose religion absolutely forbids them from forgiving anything at all. And this is why these people never stop repeating the provocations that send them to their calamitous end each and every time.

Our duty now is to save them from themselves. And we do so not by pandering to them but with tough love.