Monday, September 24, 2012

Romney And The Mideast Cultural Revolution

The Chinese had their cultural revolution a while ago, and look what came of it. The Arabs and the Muslims are having their twin cultural and political revolutions at this time; imagine what will come of them. While you do this, think of the place that America used to occupy at the time of the Chinese revolution, producing as it did 80% of the world's industrial output. And compare this with the place that America occupies today, producing as it does 10% of the world's industrial output – one eighth what it used to be when you measure things in relative terms.

Now, go back to the literature and the audio-visuals of that time, and you will see for yourself that no one in America was as delusional as some people are today. In fact, none of the political or intellectual giants in the Eisenhower-Kennedy epoch thought that America could shape the events in China by the sheer power of the will or by the words that its leaders might utter or by the gunboats of diplomacy they might deploy near the shores of China. Instead, everyone in America was wise enough to stand back as did most other people in Japan, in Europe and everywhere else in the world to look at China's history take its course as the events over there were unfolding in accordance with their natural rhythm.

Contrast this with what you read today on the pages of many publications, and what you hear and see in the audio-visuals of networks affiliated with the Neocon movement in America where the political and intellectual midgets live and feed on each other like a swarm of cannibalistic bugs. These characters never stop expressing an opinion that suits every half-cycle of the news, telling each other and the public how certain they are that America's leaders would do well to bark their frustration at the Arabs and the Muslims so as to frighten them and put them in the places they picked for them.

These Neocon characters get a kick fantasizing about and psyching themselves into visualizing the peoples of the Arab and the Muslim worlds as being frail little things trembling with fear as they hear the warnings and they listen to the lectures and the dictates that come to their ears from the Neocon high command. Such orders would be delivered to them by one American official or another, even the President of the United States of America, something he would do whether he believes in the Neocon philosophy or he wishes to see their political power base obliterated.

Mind boggling, you think to yourself, but how did all this happen? How could a handful of nobodies with the collective IQ of a bug infiltrate a superpower and take it over from the inside with such ease? The answer is that you can do it by igniting a slow burning cultural revolution in the society you aim to transform and turn it to your liking. While doing this, you bring the society under your control one small step at a time by deceiving its people every step of the way as would a magician that makes the audience believe it is seeing one thing when in fact it is seeing something else.

The Neocons are the magicians who should, in all fairness, be called cultural engineers of the turncoat variety because they have the ability to change their color spontaneously so as to instantly satisfy the demands of a changing situation. The trick they employ most often is to take advantage of the deficiencies they uncover in the society they aim to transform and bring under their control. When these people first came to America as refugees, fleeing as they did the pogroms and holocausts inflicted on them in Europe for being Jews, they discovered that America had a deficiency which is common to all human beings, and they exploited it.

To understand how they did this, we need to know that there is a time to get close to the trees and look at their minutia; and there is a time to step back and look at the entire forest. It happens, however, that the human brain suffers from a kind of inertia which tends to keep it in its current mode. That is, if we are in the habit of looking at the minutia of the things we observe, we tend to stay in this mode thus have trouble stepping back to look at the things from a distance. But if we are in the habit of looking at things from a wide perspective, we tend to stay in this mode and resist looking at the minutia of the things.

This is one deficiency in the character of human beings but not the only one to hinder our quest to create a world more perfect than what we have now. Another deficiency that is plaguing our species is the fact that many of our bad habits are contagious and liable to spread like wildfire. This makes it so that all human cultures tend to rise as much on the bad habits that we transmit to each other as they do on the great accomplishments we consider to be exemplary.

Given that the most productive way to look at something is to see both the forest and the trees at the same time, our inability to do so with ease has resulted in that we constructed a world that can easily be polarized by a flimsy reason. And no one is more apt to suffer from this inability than do the politicians of America who are trained by their handlers to be one dimensional in their views, one-liners in their speeches and one-of-a-kind idiots in their pronouncements. This is the reality that the Jewish leaders have taken advantage of to slowly bring the American society under their control.

To get there, the Neocons have operated not under their own banner but under the liberal, the conservative and the independent banners, accusing a handful of Arab and Muslim kids, they call Islamists, of working to control the Arab and Muslim societies, having the ultimate aim to control America and the World. Thus, the Neocons have managed to pit the American military against those kids, a trick that made it easy for them to gain control of America and slowly transform it into the irrelevant thing it has become. If you want to witness a spectacle of this nature, look at the Congress of the United States when it goes into action. You will see not political sausage in the making – which is what they pretend they are showing you -- but see a cesspool of dying notions and habits begging to be put out of their misery.

And while all this is happening in America, the societies in the Arab and the Muslim worlds move on with their cultural and political revolutions. They do it quietly most of the time, do it rowdily some of the time, and they erupt in the spasms we see in the news on some occasions. But having participated in the provocation of the latter situation, the Jews tell the Americans that the cure to their irrelevance is to do more of the things that made them irrelevant in the first place. Bark at the Arabs and the Muslims, they say, and the world will admire you as it did Eisenhower and Kennedy. Bark ... bark again ... and bark some more, they advise, and the old glory will return to America, they promise again and again.

You can see the effect of this work in the way that the Neocons have groomed a candidate to run for President of the United States and be their poodle in the White House. He is Mitt Romney who has no compunction throwing 47% of the American population under the bus, accusing these people of choosing to live like victims. And while treating 150 million Americans in this way, he never ceases to lament what he falsely accuses President Obama of doing which is to throw 5 million Jews living in Israel under the bus. This act victimizes the culturally superior people out there, says he, an intolerable situation in his view.

Thus, it can be seen that for every Israeli Jew that Romney holds in high esteem and wishes to serve and protect, he despises 30 red-blooded Americans of any faith or skin color because in his eyes, the Americans are victims by their own choosing while the Jews are victims by the failure of the American President to protect them, a deficiency he intends to correct. Well then, cry if you feel like it, my friend or laugh if you feel like it or do both if you feel like it. You have the right as well as the compelling reason to do any or both of these.

Thus, the Romney position has been that he wants the people of America to elect him so that he may throw under the bus the American victims who would not fight and die for Israel trying to protect it from Iran or anyone else. He will put the Jews of Israel inside the bus to sit comfortably in the passenger seats; even let them occupy the driver seat and take control of the superpower. And he will do so despite the fact that the Neocons have admitted that their ultimate aim is to take control of the American military so as to conquer the world and turn it into a Pax Americana that will be safe for the Jews to live in, and live like the gods described by the league of American television pastors.

Moreover, having gone to Israel as candidate to be bribed over there with American taxpayer money, he now promises to make Israel his first destination abroad if and when elected President. In fact, there is nothing that Romney will do for America that is not beneficial to Israel. He will send money and weapons to the Israelis. He will take advice and commands from their leaders. And he will launch a war against anyone they say they do not like – which is just about every living human being on this planet.

As to the Arab and Muslim cultural and political revolutions, they must be stopped here and now because these people are on their way to become like China. This gives the Jews of Israel and the self appointed Jewish leaders in America the sense that destiny is once again victimizing them, thus the need for the newest project they came up with. It is to pit the strength of superpower America against the power of destiny, and force history to change its course. Imagine that if you can.

It takes a lunatic to go along with a scheme like this, and they found the right one in the person of Mitt Romney.