Thursday, February 28, 2013

Are These The People Who Can Defend Us?

People have obsessions. They have them as individuals, as a group, even as a society. The most enduring obsession of a society is the one that was created while struggling to become what it is today. In the Third World, that would be the fight against the colonial powers, hence the fear that these nations express when they think that colonialism is about to return to their country in one form or another – be it military, economic cultural or otherwise; what they refer to by the collective epithet neocolonialism. And that is the big word that the spin doctors use to advance their agendas.

The Americans too have a national obsession. It is called “freedom” because that is what society struggled to obtain originally. At the end of the struggle the American colonies were freed from the tyrant king in England who ruled over them with an iron fist, and taxed them without letting them have a say in the matter. In time, the idea of freedom became associated with other activities. For example, there is the expression “tax free day” which is the day of the year by which most people would have paid their taxes and start working for themselves.

Of course, the American people also want to be free of debt, free of harassment, free to travel, free to own a gun and free of many other things. In fact, these people dread seeing an infringement on any of their freedoms the way that the Third World dreads seeing neocolonialism raise its head. But that's not all because in America, the word “democracy” has come to be associated with freedom. This opened a whole new vista for the spin doctors to experiment while trying to advance their agendas.

The most belabored spin is the one that has tied American freedom at home with events abroad. This was achieved by the neoconservatives (known as Neocons) who say that an international conspiracy exists to battle against the West – especially America and Israel – with the aim of effacing all forms of freedom, and turning the world into one Muslim Caliphate ruled by a dictator. Thus, any progress made in a Muslim country, which happens to be the neighborhood where Israel was established, must be seen as a threat to freedom and fought against at any cost.

Once that idea was seen to have taken hold, and when it was observed to be scoring more than its share of successes, other individuals, groups, organizations, publications, think tanks, foundations and the like – not all of them conservative – jumped onto the bandwagon and joined the fray by echoing the neocon locutions whether or not they understood what they meant.

Leading the pack has been the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, established by Clifford D. May who still presides over it. He also writes a column for National Review Online; his latest being the one published on February 28, 2013 under the title: “The Sanctions Paradox” and the subtitle: “Economic warfare is absolutely essential – even though it will almost certainly fail.”

Speaking of the sanctions against Iran which he and others have agitated to see put in place by America and some of its allies, he now says these sanctions are unlikely to succeed though they are essential to any serious and strategic policy mix. And he gives 6 reasons why he believes this to be the case.

The first reason he gives concerns the bad things he has been accusing Iran of doing. But those who know their history know that even if true, none of these things existed in the Middle East before Israel came into being. They know that these things were started by Israel, and are still being committed by it even now. Thus, if Iran is doing the same thing, it is doing it to respond to Israel in kind.

But there is one thing that Israel did and still does that Clifford May did not mention. It is something that neither Iran nor anyone else did or will ever do. It is that Israel sterilized the Black women of Africa before taking them to Israel. It got all the praises in the world, and got money galore for the airlift which was thought to testify to Israel's humanitarian concerns.

And then the truth came out, and Israel lied about it for several decades until it could not lie anymore. It has finally admitted it did something worse than the Nazis ever did, except that the Nazis did not get praise or money for their deeds. Only a Jew would want to be paid for committing acts of horror.

Once you realize that something of this magnitude has been out there during all these years, and was hidden from the public, you don't care anymore what else Clifford May is saying in his column. If you continue to read it, you do so to reverse in your mind what he is trying to convey.

To this end you attribute to Israel all the bad things he says about Iran knowing that you are one hundred percent correct this time.

And you certainly don't want Clifford May or anyone like him to defend you.

Take your Foundation and go to Israel, Cliff. This Continent deserves to be free of characters like you.

This is the freedom that North Americans will be seeking from now on.