Friday, June 10, 2016

Jewish Sand in the Machinery of Peace

Whether a machine is big or small, whether it is rickety or running like a Swiss watch, an effective way to bring it to a screeching halt is to throw sand in its gears.

This is what the Jews have been doing to the machines of peace that sprung up periodically over the decades trying to bring peace to the Middle East. An example of how the Jews carry out their destructive task came in an article that's titled: “Look where the real action is on Mideast peace,” written by Benny Avni and published on June 7, 2016 in the New York Post.

What's happening these days is that the French – with the blessing of most Europeans – have decided to take up the issue of peace in the Middle East, having at long last recognized that they played a major role in creating the mess that's engulfing the region at this time, and recognizing that they possess the clout with which to force the Israelis to end the bible-inspired savagery they live in Palestine. The ultimate goal of the Europeans is to achieve what the world is demanding: to make the Israeli leaders embrace the modern code of civilized interaction with the neighbors, and force them to adhere to it permanently.

That's what prompted the Jewish leaders to start the ritual of throwing sand in the gears of what may be called the French machine for peace in the Middle East. Benny Avni is a Jewish leader, and his article reveals much of how the Jews have sabotaged the peace efforts that preceded the latest French initiative. The beauty this time – if you can call it that – is that the Jews have grown so assured of their sabotaging abilities, Avni begins his article with the confidence of a Rambo that's about to arm-wrestle a pigmy. And that's why he reveals more than he realizes.

Look how he takes up the challenge at the start of his presentation: “Forget Paris. The path to the Middle East peace goes through Cairo, with a possible stop in Riyadh.” Right there, you can tell what he is doing. He is offering an alternative to the Paris initiative, which he knows will be harder to dismiss than the American initiatives – those that the Jews kept turning into mockeries. But all that aside, what about the mention of Cairo and Riyadh? Are they for real?

Oh yeah, the mention of those two places! Well, the story concerning Cairo goes back a few weeks. The one concerning Riyadh goes back more than ten years. What happened lately was that the moment the Jews sensed that Europe was moving to try and fix the Judeo-American mess prevailing in the region; the Israelis sent signals to the Palestinians and the Egyptians indicating they were now serious about holding peace talks for the region based on the Arab League initiative known as the Saudi Plan.

That was a resolution adopted more than a decade ago by all the Arab states, offering to normalize relations with Israel in exchange for ending the occupation of Palestine. The Israelis rejected the offer, and the Arabs kept renewing the call for them to think seriously about becoming a normal nation by accepting the offer and starting a new chapter for the region. Still, the Israelis kept rejecting the offer, thus made it clear they don't want peace in exchange for relinquishing Palestinian properties; they wanted both the peace and the properties.

So why the change of heart now on the part of the Jews? The truth is that there has not been a change of heart. This is a maneuver; a typical ruse of the kind that the Jews played out repeatedly in the past. The truth is that the European initiative is scaring them so much, they are trying to mount a piece of theatrics to stall things the way they have done it for decades. The signal they sent to Egypt and Palestine was but a desperate attempt to convince the Europeans they are on their way to resolving the problems that separate them from their neighbors by dealing directly with the neighbors. In other words: Stay out, you guys from Europe. Do what the Americans do, which is to give us the money and the weapons, and then sit quietly and just shut up.

With that, they hope – indeed they expect to see the Europeans back off. They will then start the theatrics of sitting with the Arabs, pretending to talk peace for as long as it will take to lull the Europeans into a new lethargic phase. They count on them to cool off eventually, so much so that they will forget about the initiative and fade away from the scene. When this happens, the Jews will torpedo the whole set-up, and start maligning everyone, which is how they have done things in the past.

That part of the mission accomplished, they will run to the American Congress of the brain dead and whisper in the ear of the legislative zombies that Israel is facing an existential threat. To stay alive, they want money, money, money … and they want weapons and diplomatic cover.

They want all that and more because the fallout has been that the world has singled out Israel for the failure of the talks, accusing it of neutralizing the European peace initiative and sabotaging the Arab overture.

And the Congress will give the Jews more money than they ask for, more weapons than they need, and more diplomatic cover than make sense. And the world will say, here we go again.