Thursday, April 15, 2021

Reversing the Brain Polarity by self-Hypnosis

 It is interesting to know that even science-fiction has shied away from exploring the possibility or reversing the thinking process by reversing the polarity of the brain signals, which are after all, electrical impulses.


To have a visual reference as to what reverse polarity can do, think of a remotely controlled toy car in the hands of a child. He can make the car that's going forward, reverse direction and go backward by sending a signal that tells the controlling mechanism to reverse the polarity of the current that's fueling the toy's motor.


Can something like this happen to the human brain, and make it think backward instead of forward? This does not mean think backward in time, instead of forward into the future. Rather, it means thinking in such a screwing manner as to hold and purvey opinions that might go as follows:


“We are legitimate soldiers because we kill more of them using precision guides munitions. And they are terrorists because they respond by throwing stones at us, and by using primitive weapons that rarely injure or kill any of us. Thus, logic dictates that we must feel terrorized by them because our actions fill them with much hate and they will want to retaliate. On the other hand, they must not feel terrorized by us because they should feel honored that we give them the opportunity to die by the blast of state-of-the-art bombs”.


That’s really, really sick. But are there other ways by which a mentality such as that, exhibits the possibility that reverse polarity of the brain exists, and that we can no longer ignore it? To answer this question, we have two recently published articles that give ample examples as to how the Jews permanently live in a state that has the polarity of their brains reversed.


One article came under the title: “Biden's bad foreign policy deals,” and the subtitle: “His diplomats, like Obama's, give without getting.” It was written by Clifford D. May and published on April 13, 2021 in The Washington Times. The other article came under the title: “Media cheers a return to the failed Iran deal,” written by Michael Goodwin, and published also on April 13, 2021 but in the New York Post.


To explain the reason for writing his article, Clifford May began by saying he fails to understand why as clever as Barack Obama is, he did not use the leverage available to him when negotiating with others. May went on to give examples as to where Obama failed to do so. In the first example, he blamed the Cold War on Russia when in reality, it was America, inspired by Winston Churchill, that unleashed the Cold War, not only on Russia but all of humanity.


Clifford May continued in that vein by blaming Cuba for the measures it has taken to defend itself as if the Bay of Pigs was a Cuban aggression against America when the reality is the reverse. Clifford May then took on Iran, and blamed it for the state of distrust that exists between that country and America when the reality is that Iran respected the terms of the nuclear deal, which makes it a trustworthy actor, whereas it was America under the leadership of a madman, that reneged on the deal.


Done with Barack Obama, Clifford May took on Joe Biden. He accused the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) of lacking legitimacy, and blamed Biden for lending it that legitimacy when in fact, the UNHRC enjoys enormous legitimacy by the fact that the world approves of its work. By contrast, America lacks legitimacy by the fact that the world has rejected it because it rejected the world in order to protect Israel.


Clifford May also attacked UNRWA for helping to feed the Palestinian refugees that Israel is trying to starve to death. To justify his attack, he accused UNRWA and the Palestinian Authority of being corrupt when the reality is that almost every president and prime minister of Israel were caught taking bribes and stealing even from the funds that foreign governments paid to help the Holocaust survivors.


As to Michael Goodwin, the reverse polarity of his cerebral operation is manifested throughout his article by the fact that he treats Israel and Donald Trump as icons of goodness, and treats everyone that does not consort with them as evil.


For example, speaking of the New York Times’s view regarding the talks that just started to revive the Iran nuclear deal, Goodman said there was an alternative view, and wrote the following: “The Times is still drinking the Kool-Aid that the original pact was a success and is worth saving. To committed dead enders, Iran's violations of the terms and spread of regional terrorism are irrelevant”.


Furthermore, Goodman called Iran's moderates, “unicorns that only blinkered leftists can see.” He lamented that Biden had no interest in protecting Israel, and that Biden cast Israel as an obstacle to peace than a friend of America. Goodman also lamented that millions of taxpayers’ dollars as well as a veto over America's policies regarding the Palestine-Israel dispute –– are given to the Palestinians.


These are the Jewish talking points that were repeated forevermore, and were forevermore refuted because they represented the exact opposite of the truth. They were refuted not just in words but in the way that the American people voted in the last election as well as the way that the world has welcomed the outcome of that election.


Finally, it must be said that since no one has ever tried to brainwash members of the mob of pundits, the fact that we find them in the lamentable state of thinking in reverse, says they must have hypnotized themselves into this condition.


Maybe if we gave Clifford May and Michael Goodwin a remote-controlled toy car that moves forward and backward, they’ll realize that for every backward manner of thinking, there is a forward manner, thus be motivated to re-hypnotize themselves into thinking the right way, and seek joining the civilized world.