Thursday, March 31, 2022

He wants to mobilize, but then do what?

 Clifford D. May wrote an article under the title: “Cold War II and Biden’s new ‘new world order,’” and the subtitle: “Unless we mobilize, expect no good outcome.” It was published on March 29, 2022 in The Washington Times.


The subtitle of the article suggests that if “we” mobilize, we can produce a good outcome. But Clifford May does not explain how mobilization will lead to a desired outcome, or what the outcome is supposed to look like. If anything, the images coming from the war in Ukraine, tell that mobilization is the first step in the journey to a horror that only the Jews would wish on the human race, eager as they are to punish it for preventing them from ruling the world.


Having quoted several people who said the things that must have sounded like music to his warmongering ears, Clifford May finally spat out what he really felt. Here is what he said:


“This is not merely an academic observation. It is — or should be — a call to action. Wars, hot or cold, are not won willy-nilly. If our opponents are mobilizing and fighting, and we are not, a good outcome is unlikely”.


Does Clifford May really mean that “our” opponents are mobilizing, and “we” are not? Well, going through the article looking for what he calls our opponents, we find them to be Russia, China and Iran. So we ask: What are these countries doing that’s not telling America: You’re too close for our comfort, pack up your military gear and get out of our neighborhoods? The answer to the question is: Nothing more than that.


And that happens to be the most legitimate thing someone can tell another. It shows that the aggressor is not the one that’s at home minding his business, but the one that’s on the prowl looking for those who are getting big enough and smart enough that they may challenge the prowler someday. And so, like a killer of babies, he tries to stab them in their cradles before they come out and flex their muscles.


America is the aggressor and has been in a state of mobilization for a long time. If others are now mobilizing, it is not because they want to take something from America, it is that they want to stop America from abusing them. America is the cause of much horror in the world, and they are effect. If you want to neutralize the effect, you must first neutralize the cause.


A hundred years of history involving dozens of countries, produce a lot of incidents from which people like Clifford May and those he quotes, can cherry-pick pieces to combine and reach conclusions that fit their preconceived ideas. But that does not make them right. Let me give you an example. There was a time when the Clifford May crowd constructed arguments that said Israel was annexing Arab lands just as Hitler did. This being the case, Jewish logic says, it proves that the Arabs are sending the world back to the 1930s when Hitler started World War II. And so, the May crowd concluded that America should be motivated to bomb the Arabs into the Stone Age. And America tried to pull this stunt several times.


Even if these people do not come out as brazenly now as they used to, or make points as stupid as they did, they are still powered by the same old mentality. It is just that they were made to learn how to be more subtle when expressing their primitive ideas. Here is a condensed passage from the current Clifford May article that reveals a great deal:


“Iranian diplomats have refused to sit at the same table with Americans, so Mr. Biden — mindbogglingly — entrusted a Russian diplomat to act as an intermediary. The new deal will reportedly allow Moscow to sell Tehran weapons and nuclear facilities meant for peaceful purposes despite US sanctions imposed in response to the Ukraine War”.


Clifford May says that his mind is boggled by the fact that a Russian diplomat has served as an intermediary between Iran and America, given that Iran refused to sit at the same table with America. This being the kind of situation that compels us to ask questions, we do just that: Why did Iran refuse to sit at the same table with America?


Iran did so because it had a deal with America that the latter reneged on then imposed — by America’s admission — the most savage regime of sanctions on Iran’s family of 84 million people. But why did America do it? America did it for the stated purpose of forcing Iran to knuckle under and accept a new deal that America had always wanted to impose on it.


So now, we are compelled to ask this question: Would anyone sane sit and negotiate with a gangster that’s holding a gun to his head while the rest of the gang is raping the victim’s family of millions?


The Iranian negotiator being a sane human being, refused to sit with the American. And this, my friend, boggles the mind of Clifford May. Well then, tell me this: If sanity boggles the mind of Clifford May, what does that make of him?


In any case, why was a Russian chosen to be the intermediary between the Iranians and the Americans? Well, if not the Russian, it would have had to be the Brit, the French, the German or the Chinese. Since the first three are America’s allies, they did not qualify. This left the Russian and the Chinese to choose from. Since the Russian was most familiar with the subject, he was chosen. It’s as simple as that.


All of this is so highly logical, it boggles the mind of Clifford May as noted earlier. No wonder he became a Jewish lawyer who lines himself — in his own words — with “despots in Europe, Asia and the Middle East, in thinking that President Joe Biden is not up to the job”.


Look who’s talking!