Wednesday, September 28, 2022

A bizarre editorial even by NY Post standard

 The editors of the New York Post began their September 26, 2022 editorial by telling their readers that a new report, “from a watchdog group dedicated to calling out anti-Semitism,” reveals the ugly depth of anti-Semitism at elite colleges and universities in New York.


Speaking of antisemitism’s rise, and without naming the report or telling who wrote it, the Post editors passionately endorsed its content by offering this unequivocal remark: “Sadly, this surprises no one”.


In fact, the title that the editors chose for their piece of work says the following: “Damning report on Jew-hatred at NYC colleges reveals left’s ugly anti-Semitic core,” which alerts the reader to the reality that the mention of antisemitism in this context, points to a Right-versus-Left struggle in which the rightwing editors use the events they describe as cudgel to beat up on their leftwing opponents. In reality, the effort concerns not human rights – it’s all about crass politics.


But what is it that the editors pretend does not surprise them anyway? Here it is in their words:


“Jewish students on campuses, per the report, feel the need to hide both their Jewish identity and their support for Israel — as though they were living not in 21st century New York but Nazi Germany or the USSR”. 


No, ye, editors of the New York Post. It is not “as though they were living in Nazi Germany or the USSR”; it is as though they were Arabs living in Judeo-Fascist North America during the 1960s and 1970s.


At a time when we, citizens of Arab descent, lived under a torrential rain of visceral-stirring hatred fabricated by the master-producers and disseminators of visceral hate, we did not have a single media outlet through which to regularly or even occasionally express our point of view, or respond to the Jews.


The handful of writers among us who managed to have a letter to the editor published, were visited in their homes by Gestapo-like Jewish organizations that warned they will be “cancelled” if they continue to exercise their democratic right of speaking truth to power. And the Jews fulfilled their Satanic warning decade after decade after decade. My blacklisting is an example of that.


In addition, the difference in comportment between us then and the Jews now, are numerous. For one thing, we did not hide our ethnicity or our support for what we knew were the right causes. We maintained our dignity despite the fact that every rat sucking up to the boss in every media outlet owned by Jews, and every outlet that was still independent – came down on our heads with a sledge hammer.


Those rodents did so, not because they thought we were evil; they did it to please the Jew nearby as well as the distant ones they hoped were hearing them from afar. Contrast this situation with that of today where the airwaves are saturated with praises for the accomplishments that the “Godly” Jews never even realized, and you’ll know that what we suffered at the hands of Jews was infinitely more painful than what the Jews say they suffer at the hands of today’s benevolent society. To mimic the rabbis of the time: You just can’t compaaaare!


What makes the editorial of the NY Post a bizarre creation, is the fact that its creators are falsely blaming the non-existent suffering of the Jews on the pillars that make their editorial as well as all other editorials and opinion pieces, possible. This would be “freedom of speech” as defined in the First Amendment of the American Bill of Rights.


These editors claim that being journalists, they are proud of the fact they hear all sides of every story, go from there to filter out what’s irrelevant from what is, thus give their readers a succinct yet complete version of every situation they cover. But then, what do they do? Here is what the editors of the Post did:


“The hostility to Jews found in New York’s educational institutions stretches from Columbia President Lee Bollinger’s 2007 invitation to Iran’s then-President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to the 2022 CUNY School of Law commencement address by Nerdeen Kiswani, who is a top figure at an organization devoted to the eradication of Israel. And the American left’s political superstars — Reps. Rashida Tlaib, AOC, Ilhan Omar, and others — have helped legitimate the hate. Omar famously invoked an anti-Semitic trope in attacking US pro-Israel groups; Tlaib’s even more nakedly anti-Semitic, asserting recently, ‘You cannot claim to hold progressives values yet back Israel’s apartheid government’ and working with a Holocaust-denying fund-raiser. Morally hideous, without question. But the real horror is just how unsurprising it’s all become”.


These editors have it so backward, they don’t even realize they are a major contributor to the situation they complain about. In fact, to depend on them in solving the question of antisemitism, is like depending on a hungry fox to guard the henhouse.


What they will manage to do in the short and long terms, is aggravate a situation that will continue to deepen till something breaks. No one can predict what that will consist of, all that can be said is that the unsustainable will yield to the inevitable, and anything can happen.