Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Numbed by mental fixation, he missed the point

 Gerard Leval is a Jewish lawyer whose view of reality as well as his ability to process what he sees, need to be further developed before he exposes himself again to the embarrassing reality that what he says his mind’s eye perceives and what he actually sees are two different things.


His latest attempt at twinning what he explores and what he perceives, came in the form of an article he wrote under the title: “CNN falsely blames ‘White supremacist ideology’ for a rise in antisemitism.” It was published on September 12, 2022 in The Washington Times.


Being an experienced writer, Gerard Leval made use of the “analogous situation method” to build the store of literary energy from which he drew liberally, thus added force to his argument. The analogy he picked to buttress his arguments, was that of the French “Maginot Line,” a construct that was meant to protect France during the Second World War. The following is how Leval described that Line, how it failed to perform as expected, and why the Jews of today must not repeat the French mistake:


“Twice within 50 years, France had seen German armies enter French territory and inflict damage. France built fortifications along its border with Germany. Thus, the ‘Maginot Line’ was constructed and it became the strongest defense installation in history. But in the Spring of 1940, in a third attack on France, the Germans bypassed the Maginot Line and entered France through Belgium. In spite of the formidable fortifications, France had capitulated to the German forces. Fighting the last war is frequently a fatal mistake. It seems that the Jewish community in the United States appears to be falling into the ‘last war’ trap. The focus of Jewish leaders in the ongoing battle against rising antisemitism seems to be on right-wing skinhead ‘white supremacists.’ This is understandable since for centuries those who chose to attack Jews in the West usually did so from the Right”.


But things have changed, says Gerard Leval. They did in the sense that the antisemitic attacks on Jews now come, in most part, from the Left of the ideological spectrum. Not only that, says Leval, but it is also the Left which falsely accuses the Right of attacking Jews. He gave the example of the “leftist” CNN network which broadcast an exposé on antisemitism, an exposé whose aim was meant to lead the audiences into concluding that right-wing militias and their allies foment antisemitism in America.


This being the case, says Gerard Leval, the Jews who adhere to a leftist ideology, and believe in what their comrades are telling them, do nothing more and nothing less than repeat the Maginot Line mistake which the French committed some time ago, and lived to regret.


But what is it that motivates the Left to do what they do? And what can the Right do to tell their side of the story, thus unveil the truth and protect themselves from being falsely labeled antisemitic, a situation that Leval sadly believes is unwarranted but remains the case at this time?


You know what, my dear reader? It was in trying to answer those questions that Gerard Leval exposed himself as being confused. He did so when he adopted the offensive mode of fighting “fire with fire.” That’s when all of a sudden, his status changed from being the impartial observer searching for the truth, to the combatant warrior who is fighting to win the war for his right-wing clan.


Leval fell into that trap when he accused the CNN network of “seemingly” suggesting that former President Donald Trump and his followers are the ones fomenting antisemitism in America despite the fact that Donald Trump has observant Jewish children and grandchildren, and that he has been supportive of Israel like no one ever was before.


And because to be hated, the Left needs to be given an identifiable face so as to make it look real and menacing, Gerard Leval gave it the look of the Muslim. This is how he put it for the occasion: “The CNN broadcast failed to note that the attacker was an Islamist, whose hatred of Jews was not born of right-wing ideology, but of Islamic theology”.


But sensing that this will not be enough to stir the sentiment of audiences against Muslims – sentiments that would be as severe as the antisemitic tropes used to stir anti Jewish sentiments – Leval decided to throw at the Muslims what humanity had been throwing at Jews for centuries. This is how he did it:


“Not once did CNN cite Ilhan Omar or Rashida Tlaib, members of Congress, who spout flagrant antisemitism (couched in the guise of anti-Zionism,) and who use their positions of authority in our national legislature to foment anti-Jewish sentiment. Yet, the marginalizing of Jews caused by those people is potentially far more nefarious than the words and actions of a few delusional extremists who wander around trying to revive Nazism and fascism”.


Dual loyalties, abuse of privilege granted to elected officials by the American system of Liberal Democracy – it is all there, says Gerard Leval who missed an important point. It is that the Americans and the Muslims were once enemies who acted as enemies. Big deal!


By contrast, the Americans and the Jews are said to have been friends since the beginning of time and yet, the Jews have been treating America like magots treat a dead body.


In the first case, enemies can, and do become friends. This is happening now.


In the second case, the false pretense of friendship turns into an eternal visceral hatred. And this too is developing at this time.