Sunday, June 18, 2023

The depraved Canada habit to rape its children

 No, this is not about ordinary Canadian families raping their children. It’s about the Canadian political family governing the jurisdiction that’s giving to foreigners what it takes to make them believe and falsely claim that Canada is a paragon of virtue. And when the demands of the foreigners escalated in the past, so did the Canadian giveaways to them. That included giving away the Human Rights condition of the country’s own citizens.


That reality became evident when several presidents of the United States of America — and perhaps others of the Western World as well who became embarrassed by Canada’s behavior — tried to pressure the Canadian government of the time to end its persecution of me. This had been a horrific punishment that Canada implemented at the request of Jewish Central because I refused to trash my own race as demanded, and praise Israel.


What’s known about the methods that the American Presidents used, is that they took advantage of the leverage they had in the ongoing talks that were held to resolve the various disputes concerning the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Instead of helping resolve the sticky points, the Americans hardened their positions, thus made the talks almost unbearable for the Canadian Government. The message to the Canadian political elites was to the effect that the American pressure on Canada will end when the Canadian persecution of yours truly will end.


It turned out that the punishment imposed on Canada had the same effect of punishments imposed on Third World governing clicks: It was zero effect on the governing band in Ottawa while having a devastating effect on the Canadian population. In fact, the punishment on the people who depended on the trade of soft wood lumber, agriculture, meat packing and dairy products, was so severe, many committed suicide. Others displayed their extreme frustration by shooting their herds in front of the television cameras.


Despite all of that however, and time after time, the Government of Canada took the punishment of its people in its stride, and refused to budge on the matter of my persecution fearing that a change of heart on this matter would upset the Jews.


So the question to ask is the following: Can there be a way out of this abomination? In fact, it seemed for a long time that there was no way. But then something happened lately indicating that there may be a way, after all. To understand what happened we need to go back to the beginning of the saga — that is, go back in time several decades.


That was the time when five countries with the largest economies — three winners of WW II, which were the US, the UK and France, got together with the two losers of the same war: Germany and Japan — all intending to regulate diplomacy and trade among themselves in an effort to bring stability to the world and improve the human condition.


Before they had done anything to help the human race, the five leaders heard a screaming voice howling repeatedly: Me too. Me too. It was the voice of then Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau, the father of the current Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.


As it turned out, Pierre Trudeau was a quarrelling exhibitionist that had issues with his manhood. Everything he did was aimed at proving he would not submit to the will of someone else. In fact, he held on to that stance so firmly, he stood up to the Jews who asked him to expel suspected “former Nazis” out of Canada. He said no he will not do it, and that was that”.


As to his stance with regard to the newly forming G-5, he wanted to get into the club, seeing that Canada under his leadership was worthy of the honor. Because Canada’s economy was smaller than that of Italy at the time, the original 5 were compelled to invite Italy to join them as the 6th member, making it possible for Canada to get in as the 7th member. And this is how the G-7 came to be.


It looks now that Justin Trudeau is suffering from the same manhood issues that plagued his father. The Jews must have convinced him that to resolve the matter of my persecution in my favor, was to diminish his manhood. And so, he decided to stand firm on the “no” decision.


And yet, whereas you might have expected to see him stand up to the Jews the way that his father did, it seems that Jewish Central beat him to the punch. That is, the Jews were able to pull a W. Bush style “finish the job” trick on Justin Trudeau before he had the time to tell them off.


The result is that in the same way they got Bush Junior to do the job of destroying Iraq, a task that Bush senior had failed to do, they got Trudeau Junior to do the job of destroying an Arab life (that happens to be mine) and celebrate one more Jewish victory.