Thursday, June 1, 2023

Alternate order failing under its own absurdity

 The world has a view of itself with regard to the way it had been in the recent past, the way it stands today, and the way it will be tomorrow. By contrast, speaking for Jewish Central, Clifford D. May gives an alternative view that is the opposite of what the world envisions. Despite the differences between the two views, however, May has admitted to the following:


The world expressed itself: “at the conclusion of its summit in Hiroshima, Japan, earlier this month, the Group of Seven issued a communique calling attention to China’s ‘malign practices. That prompted spokesmen for the Chinese Communist Party to complain about the G-7’s Cold War mentality”.


But Clifford May was not satisfied with a mild rebuke of China’s stand as expressed by the G-7 countries, nor did he appreciate China’s response to the rebuke. And so, being the warmonger that he is, Clifford May engaged in lecturing to his audience the usual sermon. It is one by which the author tells the world what amounts to the following: We are good. They are bad. We must arm ourselves and beat them to a pulp before they get so strong as to be in a position to enslave all of us.


By contrast, the G-7 countries who are in a position of authority to render sound judgments given their power, spoke to the world assuring humanity that no one is so bad that we should fear them the way Clifford May says we should fear the Chinese. Nor is anyone so good, we should trust them the way that May says we should trust ourselves solving all of our problems — especially the cult of death which kills more Americans at the hands of Americans, than foreigners do or wish to do.


In fact, speaking of China’s Xi Jinping, Clifford May says the following — presented here in condensed form:


“He is the most powerful Chinese ruler since Mao Zedong, is building his military capabilities at breakneck speed. He formed a ‘no limits’ alliance with Vladimir Putin days before Russian tanks invaded Ukraine. He stripped Hong Kong of its freedoms. He persecutes Tibetans, Uyghurs and other minorities. He threatens Taiwan. He steals billions of dollars in American intellectual property, inserts malware into the computer systems of critical US infrastructure, flies spy balloons over American military bases, and helps traffic fentanyl into the US, resulting in the deaths of tens of thousands. But he would have the world believe that it is the G7 — the US, Japan, Britain, Germany, France, Italy and Canada — that is bellicose”.


Clifford May seems to think that by drawing a list of what he says make Xi Jinping look bad, the man will look bad. But the reality is that every sentence in that passage, will cause the readers to wonder from which planet Clifford May has come. For example, people will want to know: What’s wrong with being powerful in one’s own country? They will recall Clifford May saying that Ronald Reagan was good because he built up the military. Why not the Chinese? As to stripping other countries of their freedom, and mistreating its people, if what China is doing in its own neighborhood amounts to a pound of evildoings, what Israel is doing in the neighborhood it stole from others, amounts to a ton of evildoings. And yet, Clifford May praises Israel and condemns China. This is a case of double standard that’s so absurd, it sinks the argument it is trying to make.


And there is more that’s absurd in what Clifford May is saying to convince the world the Chinese are so bad, they should be checked before they get too strong and become immune to being contained. It is that in his eagerness to prove that accommodating the Chinese request for a thawing of relations with the West, and President Biden echoing the same sentiment, Clifford May has turned virtue into sin and turned sin into virtue.


The following passage, presented in condensed form, shows how Clifford May is doing it:


“President Biden predicted there will be a ‘thaw very shortly’ in Sino-American relations. A spokeswoman for Beijing’s Foreign Ministry said that’s not happening so long as the US is ‘resorting to any means to suppress and contain China.’ But how is China being suppressed and contained? The G7 communique stated: ‘Our policy approaches are not designed to harm China nor do we seek to thwart China’s economic progress and development. Nor has there been any serious effort to curtail Beijing’s growing influence in the  rest of the world”.


Anyone that is familiar with the way negotiations proceed between two powers, will recognize the give-and-take that took place between President Biden and Beijing’s Foreign Ministry, as an honest attempt by both sides to reach an accommodation that will satisfy not just the West and the East, but also a world that yearns for the kind of stability which will allow every nation on Planet Earth to develop to a higher standard of living for its people.


But instead of accepting the exchange between Biden and the Chinese Foreign Ministry, as being a harbinger of the good things that can develop from such a trend, Clifford May does his part to muddy the situation, undoubtedly in the hope of maintaining the status quo which he always hoped will lead to the following situation:


“In this new world order, Beijing’s junior partners will do what they please. If the leaders of the G7 recognized this reality, their top priority would be to increase their military. No other policy can maintain deterrence and preserve freedom for the next generation. But they don’t recognize this reality. They lack the imagination to think as Mr. Xi thinks and see the future as Mr. Xi sees it”.


Speaking in the name of Jewish Central, Clifford May expresses only war in his discourses. And when someone points that out, the Jews cry out: Antisemitism.