Friday, November 17, 2023

Imagine life in Hiroshima underground

 The beauty about the human mind is that it can imagine a setting that never happened, put humans in that setting and watch them navigate their way through the vagaries of the situation that’s surrounding them to stay alive, and if possible even thrive.


Science fiction writers are among the most imaginative of all. Some among them play the role of futurists when they imagine a future for humankind that is sometimes pleasant, but often predicts dire consequences for humanity. This can happen, they warn, due to an abrupt change that would have come about naturally or come about in the aftermath of a nuclear exchange between the nations.


Well, my friend, we have a situation on Planet Earth that is unfolding in such a grotesque manner at this moment, you don’t need to have the imaginative power of a science fiction writer to picture the situation as it is now for the people who must live with it, and what might develop for the future of the human race if things are not corrected immediately.


All that you need to begin with is recall the history of World War Two. More specifically recall the name of two cities: Hiroshima and Dresden. The first was destroyed by a nuclear bomb, the second by a relentless carpet bombing that turned it into a pile of rubble. Both times, the mass destroyer was America — the same America that is now supplying the Jews with enough bombs to begin the process of planetary destruction which they believe is God’s command for them to accomplish before He’ll take the trouble of saving them and rewarding them with the ownership deed of Planet Earth.


Ground zero for the start of that operation was chosen by the Jews of America and Israel to be Gaza, a province of now occupied Palestine. Lacking the fantasized about nuclear bomb, Israel resorted to the use of carpet bombing, a policy that forced the inhabitants of Gaza to live underground. To make this possible, Gazans built a city underground that is not different in layout from the above ground cities.


That is, in the same way that a normal city needs streets and highways to connect its parts, the underground city of Gaza has tunnels that connect its parts. Also, in the same way that the subway tunnels of a normal city are made to run under buildings such as hospitals and schools by necessity, the tunnels of underground Gaza run under hospitals and schools.


This is where the spin doctors of the America-Israel propaganda machine see ample opportunities to lie; to uninform and disinform the public. They did so not long ago when they said they discovered an entrance to the Gaza underground city that was only a few hundred meters away from a hospital. Big deal; this is like complaining about the existence of a subway station a few hundred meters away from a hospital or a university it was specifically built to serve.


That propaganda act must be seen as a sign that was waved inadvertently by the genocidal Jewish evildoers who are willing to kill those that refuse to bow to them. They tell false stories about the noble Hamas freedom fighters who are willing to die if this will give their own people the freedom that is the human right of everyone everywhere.


And so, what we must expect to see from now on, is the American-Jewish spin doctors who will use everything and anything they discover to make a big deal about it and paint false pictures of the situation in Gaza, but failing to fool the masses in America or anywhere else, yet managing to fool the braindead zombies of the American congressional cesspool, a once venerated institution that turned itself under Jewish tutelage into a disgusting thing — so disgusting in fact, it is beginning to repulse away from it the close friends it used to rely on for its military and economic securities.


The situation in Gaza continues to unfold unabated as America continues to supply Israel with the ammunition it says it needs to kill Palestinians. The world is watching while tranced by the incredulous horror it sees unfolding under its nose. And the future that will result from all this, is being etched on the tablet that will be handed to posterity so as to pass the judgments that will separate the evildoers from the nobles and put everyone in its place either in the pantheon of fame or that of the infamous.


Where do you want to go, America?