Sunday, November 5, 2023

I do not like saying it, but I told them so

 Time after time, occasion after occasion, I told the Jews – as I did decade in and decade out – on the pages of this blog and elsewhere, that what they do to the world today, will be done to them, to America or to both simultaneously tomorrow.


And time after time, talking to these people, even to do as little as warn them of the danger they are forgetfully inviting to befall them, befall their families and their so-called friends, was like whistling Dixie watching a just painted wall as it refuses to dry up or release you from your trance.


I lived on campus for a while during my college years, and these were the years during which I spent a great deal of time going to the library to read up on the subjects related to the courses I was studying, and read up on any and every subject that might have intrigued me in the interim.


I saw something then, but being naïve at the time, said something, not to the right people, but said it to the wrong ones. What I saw was the desecration of books, done by hands that could not be anyone’s but those who today continue to mess up what they touch with their blighted hands.


These were the Jews to whom I complained that some users, most certainly people of their kind, were “correcting” by hand with a blue pen, the content they did not like to see in books that seemed to deprive the Jews of the supremacy they crave, talking about them instead as if they were comparable to the rest of the human race.


As time passed, I saw more of that kind of behavior, and saw more of the fanaticism that motivated the Jews to do what they do both consciously and forgetfully – and was horrified. I began to realize that something in the human family was not compatible with the rest of us, but could not make out if the Jews were a stink bomb or a doomsday bomb that can explode at any time.


While still working for a living and living at home, I had already received an envoy sent to me by the Canadian Jewish Congress, warning that I must never again contact the media, or the Jews will ruin my life. That’s the encounter which later added to the decision at becoming selective in my reading habits. In fact, from then on, I used to go to the library to search for and read the books and articles that would tell me all that I needed to know about the Jews.


During moments of intense reflection, I fell back on my Egyptian culture as modified by my French education, and came to the conclusion that what the Jews were doing to the world today will be done to them tomorrow. I said so to the Jews in as friendly a manner as I could, but they ignored me, thus left the supposed drywall as wet as it ever was … But I’m not waiting for it to dry.


The tomorrow I talked about then to the Jews and to all my readers, has come. It is now called today. And what we see today is that the prediction I made long ago, has been realized. In fact, the Jews who did not want anyone being exposed to ideas that do not glorify them while trashing Israel’s foes, now see their message ripped and discarded as if written on a toilet paper.


A similar kind of scenario played itself out when leaders of the American Jews, whose empty skulls were filled with false statistics about their popularity, felt super-confident that America had finally been turned into the toy they can play with and use as a weapon with which to bring the American public and the world, in line with the undercurrents and above currents meant to serve them immediately and serve Israel in the long run.


They set-up watch groups to monitor what was happening in America, especially on the college campuses, but also in the classrooms where they harassed the professors that did not praise them and praise Israel enough, or that did not trash their opponents. And they ran to the Jewish owned and Jewish inspired media to complain that they were made to suffer antisemitism by the fact that they were treated as equal to others instead of recognizing that no equivalence can be drawn between Jews who are a breed apart, and anyone who may only be a commoner adhering to an inferior religion.


Well, my friend, look what the world, including the American public, are telling the Jews now, amid the President and Prime Minister of Israel asserting publicly that all Gazans deserve to be slaughtered (which Israel is doing) because they voted for Hamas.


And the world has replied: You may be a breed apart but you’re not towering above our heads. Instead you proved to be droppings, sitting on the ground under our dogs’ bums where you whine about your fate and serve as fertilizer.