Tuesday, January 29, 2008

My Freedom Is Better Than Your Freedom

Finally the mystery has been resolved. For a long time, it was alleged that the Arabs do not like freedom, and the attitude of the Palestinians was given as proof that this view was the correct one. But in the minds of most people the allegation still remained a mystery because it was difficult to understand why someone would not like freedom. Then the wall separating Gaza from Egypt came down and the Palestinians poured into Egypt to "smell the fresh air of freedom," as they shouted in jubilation.

To the rest of us this was a eureka moment. We saw the truth come alive before our very eyes. And the truth was that the people of Palestine hated the American-Israeli brand of freedom because it shot bullets into their bodies and dropped bombs onto their homes, schools, hospitals and what have you.

But the Palestinians adored the Egyptian brand of freedom because it allowed them to walk hand in hand with their loved ones and to shop in the bazaars and the boutiques for what they needed. What a simple, honest and elegant expression of the truth this was, and what a delight it has been to see it unfold in living colors.

And so now that the World has been put right side up, we can ask the pertinent question: What on Earth is wrong with these Americans and Israelis who would distort something to such an extreme then use the concoction as a flimsy excuse to kill human beings the way that a school of piranhas attacks and kills everything which has the looks of life?

The answer is that a sick ideology has resurfaced and has taken much of the World by the throat. It started out by altering Israel's original purpose from being a place where Jews went to hide from the murderers of Europe into a hideout where they go to tarnish what is noble about the Arabs and about humanity. The ideology is actually an ancient one but it began to gather force once again when its operatives succeeded in infiltrating the American institutions and disfigured them from within.

The ideology is called Zionism. At its core is the belief that those who adhere to it become the chosen children of God, divine creatures in their own right entitled to receive heavenly privileges anywhere they choose to settle. Of course, nothing is more supremacist than this as neither the Nazis, the Fascists, the Communists or anyone else ever claimed a status for themselves as inflated as this.

But none of those ideologies ever pretended to be for freedom, much less claimed to militate for the freedom of others. So why did the Zionists and their American lackeys choose the freedom claim to implement their hidden agenda? The answer is that they needed a platform upon which to construct what they believe would be a conquering ideology. And what follows explains how things were supposed to work for them.

To rant: "My freedom is better than your freedom" is to rant the newest version of the Stone Age refrain adopted by Moses: "My God is better than your God," which served the ancient Hebrews well as they went from conquest to conquest. They believed they had allied themselves with a God that was stronger than everyone else's God, and their proof was that the Pharaoh of Egypt learned the lesson when the scepter of Moses devoured his snakes. This story more than any other has established the Moses rant as a solid platform upon which the ideology of conquests took flight.

But if that is the case, then why has the World not recognized this fact, install the Zionists who claim to be the descendants of the ancient Hebrews on the throne of the Gods and worship at their feet? Well, even though the snakes of the Pharaoh were devoured, the devil behind the snakes has not been eliminated. He is still out there working to frustrate God's plan to let the Zionists ascend to the throne of the Universe and rule the World from there.

And the truth about the devil is manifested by the fact that anti-Semitism still exists on Planet Earth. Defined as any effort made by an individual or a group, deliberately or inadvertently which would directly or indirectly expose the Zionist plan for World domination as a danger to Civilization, the charge of anti-Semitism has become the most potent tool in the hand of the Zionists to wage their war of conquest.

In short, it is now regarded as anti-Semitic to stand in the way of anyone who truthfully or falsely calls himself a Semite and who seeks to control your life. When you see him come to dominate you, it is your obligation to bow and consider yourself lucky that he chose you over everyone else.

But this warning has gone out: To all of you Zionists, be careful how you do things because if you tell someone I am a Zionist and I wish to control your life, you will be laughed off the planet. To be taken seriously, you must disguise yourself as a member of a religious or ethnic group and thus get the protection that is extended to those groups by the rules of political correctness. Consequently, you must say I am a Jew and I am here to control your life. If someone still resists your suggestion, holler anti-Semitism until your entrails are ripped out of your belly. This is when they will know how serious you are and let you have it your way.

The best example I can cite to this effect is a story that was told to me by a number of people, all of whom I trust. Apparently there is in Toronto a Jewish pawnshop owner with a WASPish name and appearance. He once infringed on someone's copyright during an advertising campaign he conducted in person. When the man received a notice from the lawyers of the aggrieved party, he went on television with a new advertisement revealing that he was Jewish. This settled the argument in a hurry.

To be this effective you need to adopt a word or an expression inside of which you pack all the power that the mind can fathom. You must not use the word God anymore because this fellow has been taken already. The fashion now is to use words like democracy, freedom, rule of law et cetera. These are the new divinities which are effective at getting the people to do what you want them to do.

But life is so complicated nowadays you will need a second set of words and expressions which will deter people from doing what you do not want them to do. To this effect, you may use words and expressions such as anti-Semitic or holocaust denier or whatever else you may devise which will work for you.

Through repeated usage, turn those divinities into the tools and weapons you will use to build a platform and construct a winning ideology. At the core of that ideology must hold the notion that you are above the rest of humanity and worthy to be in command of everybody's life. But be careful because for every claim you make, there will be someone who will debunk you and another who will challenge you with a claim of his own.

That movement has worked almost flawlessly for a few decades but is now losing its punch as demonstrated by the choice of freedom that the Palestinians have made. Now that they have shown the Arab freedom to be better than the Judeo-American freedom, the question becomes this: How will the Zionists react?

The expectation is that they will try to deter people from speaking their mind. They no longer fear or trust the power of the sword. Thanks to the military industrial complex of the Americans, they have the helicopter gunships, the jet bombers, the cluster and smart bombs that no one else has but they failed to bring the Palestinians or the Lebanese to their knees.

So now they fear something mightier than the sword and the bombs. They fear the pen, I mean every pen but especially the electronic pen because they have not yet figured a way to silence this goddamn pen which writes on the internet for the whole World to see and for history to record.

Lacking the imagination to come up with something original to counter the power of the pen, the Zionist leaders will concoct a variation on the old rant. It will most likely go something like this: "My right to control your life is greater than your right to free speech." But meeting a ferocious resistance at the level of the American judicial system which will reject the fantasy, the Zionists will work on the media, the Congress and the system of education.

In Canada, however, the Zionists will use the judicial and quasi-judicial systems to get what they cannot get through the free exchange of ideas. They will undoubtedly lose every argument they get into in the marketplace of ideas then do what they always do which is to run to the courts and the tribunals where they will seek relief for having lost the arguments.

In those courts and tribunals the Zionists will argue that their right to control the lives of the people is greater than the people's right to say no to them. Why? Because it is the fashion to be ruled by the Zionist lobby nowadays. Rather than get up to kick the Zionists in the rear and throw them out of the room, most judges and commissioners in Canada who hunger to be at the cutting edge of every fad, will remain on their own rear end and say amen to that outrage.

And this is because: "A fad a day keeps the evil away," is how the system of justice operates in Canada today.