Sunday, January 13, 2008

A Symbiont In The Belly Of America

You do not need the imagination of a science fiction writer to see that America has been piloted by what may be called the Jewish Symbiont in its belly for some time now. Not too many people disagree with this premise but some question as to whether or not this is a good thing for the country.

A handful of evangelical leaders have argued it is good for America to be piloted by the Jewish Symbiont and they went through history as they understand it to show that whenever Jews took control of a country, that country improved substantially. But other people looked at the same history and they reached the opposite conclusion.

In my view these interpretations of history are neither here nor there. In fact, sometime ago I developed a method by which to look at history that is different from the convention. Instead of looking at the past to explain the present or predict the future, I look at the present and through this prism attempt to explain the past. Only then do I venture to speculate about the future which I do with caution as I throw in a few caveats.

However, my method does not prevent me from drawing analogies between the past and the present. I still do that but I find my method to be more reliable in the final analysis. The added reliability comes from the fact that the method begins with the premise we all understand the present in which we live more than the past which we can only imagine. Therefore, looking at things from this perspective makes our analysis of any situation a more reliable exercise. The following illustrates how all this works.

Two notable events happened the day that George W. Bush flew into Israel to boost the peace talks and forge a legacy for himself that his descendants will not be ashamed to inherit. Looking at these events we can learn a great deal about the Jewish Symbiont in America's belly and from there attempt to explain the past and perhaps draw some useful conclusions that may help us safely navigate into the future.

The first event happened at the Tel Aviv airport less than a week ago during the welcoming ceremony. Shimon Perez, the President of Israel basically said this: Welcome President Bush, how are you. By the way, we took your advice about Iran and have become suspicious of that country which we were not before you gave us the good advice that opened our eyes.

The second event happened at a news conference later in the day. This time Ehud Olmert, the Prime Minister of Israel said that Gaza was part of the package which meant it will be nearly impossible to forge a peace deal with the Palestinian Authority unless Gaza was brought under control.

What is so characteristic about these two events is that each in its own way points to the rapist mentality of the Symbiont. The first is a well known trick called reverse psychology. Instead of telling Bush he ought to be suspicious of Iran, Perez tells Bush this is your idea and we have come around to believing in it. So now Bush cannot disown the idea and he is psyched into loving it if he had not already done so from previous presentations. What Perez did, in effect, was rape the brain of his intellectual inferior in the most subtle and most effective way it can be done.

To understand the second event we must digress and go back in history to a time when a revolutionary group calling itself the Symbionese Liberation Army kidnapped the heiress to a media empire and made her join the group. The method they used to persuade the heiress to join them "voluntarily" was to have the female members of the group hold the girl down while the male members proceeded to rape her.

Apparently this is a practice commonly used by pimps to persuade ordinary, innocent, wholesome girls to become professional prostitutes in their employ. At the time of the kidnapped heiress, some psychologists called the practice the physical manifestation of brainwash; I called it the simulation of brain rape.

What Olmert did, in effect, was to ask Bush, the Palestinian Authority and the World to hold down the million and a quarter people who live in Gaza while he and his army proceed to rape them. Olmert's presentation went something like this:

OLMERT: Why don't you Christians and Muslims of the World be Christian enough and forgive us Jews for all the horror that we have inflicted on the Palestinian people. Let us turn the page, start afresh and go from there. It will be a new day for the World, for the Palestinians and for us.

WORLD: Good idea, Prime Minister. So why don't you also be Christian enough and forgive whatever it is that you think the Hamas people did in Gaza. Turn the page along with us and with them, start afresh and let us all go forward from here. Hamas have respected every truce they agreed to adhere to until you reneged on it and bombed the hell out of their people but they are willing to declare another truce if you will agree to respect it. If you do, this will be a new day for you as it will be for them and for the rest of us who frankly need a rest from this ongoing tragedy.

OLMERT: Oh no … no, no, no, no. We are Jews and we can never be Christian enough to forgive anything. We never forgave and we shall not forgive now or in a thousand years. To do so will violate the most basic tenets of our religion. It will be as if we rejected our Jewishness. Therefore, we shall continue to send helicopters into Gaza and bomb the people in there even if they do not retaliate which is immaterial to us since they have little to retaliate with. So you do us a favor, World, and you hold them people down as we engage in the rape of Gaza and everyone in it because we are Jews and this is what we enjoy doing.

Coming up with a last minute demand that the other party will find difficult or impossible to meet is so common to these characters it is like a ritual they follow religiously. The surprise they inflict on their would-be partners when they pull this stunt can be so stinging at times, it makes good natured people like yourself throw their hands up in the air and scream: What am I doing here playing a game of fart-as-fart-can with these skunks who are as devoid of shame as their supply of spray is unlimited!

You shake your head, you turn philosophical and ask yourself: What can this tell me about the past? You revise history in your head and come to the conclusion that the pogroms and the holocausts of the past were not really due to a human race that is so evil it wakes up in the morning every once in a while and decides to go after the Jews.

We were, in fact, made to believe by the characters who appoint themselves leaders of the Jews that there is something fundamentally flawed about the human race in that anti-Semitism is wired into our genes. We were repeatedly told that Jews being the smartest and sweetest thing on the planet, we are jealous of them because we realize they are the chosen children of God and so we delight in sending them back to God by exterminating them here on earth.

No, this is not it, you conclude in your mind. Things are not even so complicated as to merit the apportioning of blame between Jews and gentiles. No, things are much simpler than that. They are this: The blame falls squarely on the shoulders of the self-appointed Jewish leaders who will do anything and sacrifice everything except their own hide to further their personal interests.

By design or by ignorance those leaders trigger the chain of events that lead to the tragedies. And if such tragedies must never again be allowed to happen, that type of leaders must never again be allowed to rise and take control.

And the way to make certain that this will be the case, eternal vigilance with regard to the activities of those who claim to speak in the name of the Jews must become everyone's concern. To take this step is important because when it comes to persistence there is no one more persistent than those characters and we must all be there breathing down their necks and scrutinizing everything they do.

The motto from here on must be that when the Symbiont stirs in the belly, America must run to eviscerate the thing in the same way that it would eviscerate an Afghan enemy combatant.

As for Palestine, America is left with only one option if she wants to avoid a tragedy in the Middle East. Order Israel to get out of Palestine right now or expect to be bombed by the air forces of the NATO Alliance at the invitation of the UN Security Council.