Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Quantifying The Zionist Horror

To scare people about the Arabs and about Islam, the Zionists say they are excessively ferocious when retaliating against the wrong that is done to them. But words like excessive and ferocious mean very little in a discussion of this nature because they are the subjective description of an event and they mean different things to different people. In recognition of these facts, the scientific mind has created a way to quantify the magnitude of various events so as to provide a reliable means by which to compare such events and to put them in perspective. Two widely varied but complementary cases are discussed below to show how these things play themselves out in the real world.

What is normally done to quantify the ferocity with which two combatants fight a war is to count the number of dead and wounded each side inflicts on the other. The count can be refined by separating the military casualties from the civilian ones because the civilian casualties point to the intent that each combatant has had as they went into the war. A further refinement can be made by weighing the relative strengths of the combatants because the stronger you are compared to your enemy the more surgically you can conduct your operations.

However, when you try to apply this wisdom to the wars that Israel has launched against her neighbors, you are stopped in your tracks and told that you cannot make such comparisons. You try to find out why but you are never given a straightforward answer. And then, in a roundabout way, you are told something to the effect that numbers can be misleading or that they are meaningless in this situation.

You remind your Zionist interlocutors that ten times more Lebanese than Israelis were killed in the war that Israel launched against her neighbor not long ago. You point out that the dead Lebanese were mostly civilians whereas the dead Israelis were mostly soldiers. You remark that to compare the Israeli war machine with that of the other side is like comparing David and Goliath, all of which say that Israel went into the war with a hunger for Arab civilian blood that makes Dracula look like a harmless kisser of necks. Not exactly a scientific analogy but you still get back the refrain that numbers do not mean anything.

You go at it again and this time you remind your Zionist interlocutors that the numbers game is their most cherished game. They play it incessantly with regards to the Holocaust which they keep saying resulted in 6 million dead Jews and with regards to other matters. Yes, they reply but this is something else. And so you ask: Something else like what? And you keep asking similar questions in an effort to get to the bottom of the matter. You do get to that bottom eventually if you persist long enough and if you manage to cut through the murky substances you encounter on your way to the abyss of the Zionist modes of thinking.

After a long and contorted journey into the inner darkness of the Zionist soul, you analyze the various sordid responses you were given piecemeal and you discover that they boil down to the claim that the suffering of Jews matters to man because it matters to God but the suffering of Arabs and of Muslims matters neither to man nor to God.

And then it dawns on you that if this is what they think now, it must be what they were thinking when they started the killing spree. And the reason why they launched all those wars against their neighbors may well have been to exterminate the people who live in the neighborhood. These were, therefore, wars of genocide launched by a gang which, thank heaven, could not shoot straight even when it was equipped with the most lethal and the most user friendly weapons that man has ever invented.

And with the failure to exterminate their neighbors tucked under their belt, they are now going around the World scaring the races about the good people of the Middle East in the hope of recruiting as many mercenary nations as they can and get them to join the effort which they hope will complete the genocide that they started.

So far only one sucker nation has responded wholeheartedly to the call for genocide and that is the United States of America. It happened not because the people of that country want it but because the Zionist fifth column has infiltrated the sensitive institutions of the country and has spoiled them from within. The descendants of those who exterminated the Natives and lynched the Blacks said no more of this but the Zionists told the gatekeepers of the institutions that democracy means you kiss my rear end. Kissing my rear end now means exterminating the Arabs and this is what you will gear yourselves to do for the next little while.

To repeat the cycle where they accuse someone of what they are and then strike, the Zionists are now accusing the Arabs and the Muslims of preparing a fifth column to take over the West which is what they have accomplished and continue to work on so as to tighten their grip on the Western way of life, the means of production and the cultural heritage.

To quantify the new Zionist accusation and to compare the reach of the Judeo-Zionist community with that of the Islamo-Arab community I ask: How many Jewish luminaries are there in the American political, cultural, economic and military institutions capable of taking control of the Western destiny? And how many Arab or Muslim luminaries are there?

The answer is that there is no comparison to be made here. You don't even need the power of science to respond to the question; you only need simple common sense. And if you want to know why this is so, you read pieces such as that which appeared in the San Francisco Chronicle on December 19, 2007 under the title: Egypt working to reclaim the desert. Remote areas grow crops, but some say they are ignored. It will remind you of the evil that has plagued Western journalism for nearly half a century and has contributed greatly to the Zionists taking over America on their way to subverting Western Civilization.

On the face of it this is an article that is supposed to be favorable to Egypt but look at the title itself, it has the word BUT in it. In an effort to make the article look balanced, the writer was forced to fetch a ton of negatives and sprinkle them throughout the piece. And when you look closely at these negatives, you find them to be so trivial you feel it in your bones they are the work of the Zionist lobby.

One of these negatives is the incessant repetition of false numbers. For nearly half a century, absolutely not a single publication - not one - in all of North America has ever, ever mentioned unemployment in Egypt without throwing the automatic claim that someone said it was twice the figure given by officials. It is as if every time a North American reporter went to Egypt in the past fifty years, he or she has bumped haphazardly into someone who knows that the unemployment rate in Egypt is twice the rate given by officials and was prepared to say so. Pure random chance places that someone at the right place at the right time without fail.

But people are intelligent enough to realize that the Zionists have always had an evil motive to want to trivialize a few things in life. They have trivialized the existence of unemployment in Egypt with such monotonous repetition of their sick refrain that the subject has now reached parity with the trivialization they have achieved with regard to the Holocaust. Thanks to the Zionists, it is now as banal to mention unemployment in Egypt as it is to talk about the Holocaust. Nobody gives a hoot (make that a damn) about either subject anymore, nobody.

And you don't need science to understand the enormity of what follows; you only need elementary mathematics and some common sense. Since the building of the Aswan dam, Egypt has added 3 million acres of arable land to the 5 million acres it had before the dam. Yet, from the moment that the Egyptians announced they had the intention to build the dam to decades after that, the amount of ink that was spilled in the North American publications trying to denigrate the project could have run the hydro power station at Aswan for a year. It would have provided Egypt with 18 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity worth about a billion dollars. Too bad they wasted all that ink for nothing.

Then came the Toschka-New-Valley project to the West of Aswan and there too, an entire river of ink was wasted expressing wishful thinking that the project may fail. And now the Abu Minqar project as mentioned in the article of the San Francisco Chronicle where tons of negatives are splashed by the media to cast doubt about the viability of the project. Sick, hateful, unprofessional and useless as ever. Typical American responses to Zionist commands.

But here comes the big fun because it deals with the making of simple mathematical comparisons and reaching explosive conclusions. Those of us who are above a certain age remember that the reason why the Jewish hordes from Europe said they had the right to kill Palestinians and take their land was because the Palestinian farmers did not know how to plant the land they lived on and planted for thousands of years whereas the gun toting Kibbutznicks, the Jewish Mafia bosses, the jewelers and the violin players from Europe knew how to do that better.

Never mind that Palestine was referred to as the land of milk and honey in antiquity and that it remained at the center of the Fertile Crescent ever since antiquity, the Jewish hordes from Europe imagined by the power of their sick fantasies a desert they could turn into green fields. And why would they not imagine such thing when they had the power to convince the American Administrators, lawmakers, journalists and televangelists of a lie so big it resulted in the Americans ruining the lives of millions of their people and ruining the treasury of their nation to the tune of trillions of dollars so as to try and realize for Israel the glory it hungered for but could never reach even with the help of the Americans? Why not delude the self when you can delude a giant sucker so effectively and so completely?

Let us now look at the numbers. The total surface area of Israel is 5 million acres of which 800,000 acres are used for agriculture. This is less than the million acres of arable land that existed before Palestine was invaded by the gun toting Kibbutz dwellers, the killers and the terrorists from Europe who came together with the violin players and the jewelers.

All the while, Egypt has reclaimed 3 million acres of desert land despite the war of 1956 and the economic blockade that followed, both of which were inflicted on the country precisely to prevent it from building the Aswan dam and from reaping the good things that have accrued to the people of Egypt since that time.

This increase in acreage alone is almost 4 times as large as the entire cultivated area of Israel. Yet, the North American media make a big hullabaloo every time Israel plants a tree to replace the 4 or 5 that die as a result of the acid rain emanating from the ageing coal fired power plants used in that godforsaken place. At the same time, those same North American media flow rivers of venom every time Egypt grows more food to feed millions of people and incidentally, food to feed Israel too which is increasingly turning to Egypt for food aid having been turned down for an increase in fuel aid.

And when the Egyptians say they plan to triple the area of their cultivated land over the next ten years, people believe them because the track record is there to show that they have the will and the know-how to do it. Because of this, it is reasonable to expect that in parallel to the water which is now flowing and will continue to flow in the Egyptian desert, billions of cubic meters of venom will be flowing in the North American media, all of them inspired by the Zionist Lords of Hate and Envy and all of them trying to denigrate the Egyptian successes.

Who cares, you ask? A few of us do because it is this kind of talk that leads the lawmakers in the United States of America to starve their own children and let them go without insurance or health care while they fall over each other like frogs at mating time not to reproduce themselves - there is too many of their kind as it is - but to vote in the Congress at 98% and 100% levels in favor of Israel receiving American made helicopters and using them to slaughter Palestinian babies and their mothers in the middle of the night in their modest beds in their impoverished homes in what is left of their country.

No spectacle in history has looked more disgustingly fruitcakish than the Congress of the United States of America soaking in the Zionist ideology without making any attempt at engaging their critical thinking. They come to the Congress after every election but considering the deficiencies of the so-called system of democracy in which they operate they are as good as brain dead on arrival.

Considering all the aforementioned, saving one innocent Palestinian child or one innocent American child is worth the destruction of the evil regime that has the American Congress in its grip like a snake has a mouse in its jaws. There is no apology to be made when discussing the horror that is the Judeo-Zionist set-up. There is an apology to be made for not speaking out sooner.