Monday, January 23, 2012

High School International On The Campaign Trail

If you are a teacher, you're probably aware of a situation in your school where the schoolyard culture is unfolding in a manner that annoys you but you decide to do nothing about it because you're haunted by the thought that your interference may end up making matters worse. An example would be that of a dominant student who is surrounded by 2 or 3 sycophants, all working together to push a weak student into doing the things they would not do themselves. These could be things that range in seriousness from the setting of a harmless prank to the commission a criminal act. But if you are not a teacher, you probably remember something like it from your high school days.

Although this situation looks like a classic high school culture, you will be surprised to know that it is not restricted to the schoolyard. Similar situations happen in real life, albeit in a modified form, at all levels of our culture where people are brought together and made to interact with one another. You see it happen at the office, in the club or the association where a dominant person would surround himself or herself with a handful of sycophants and pick on someone weak to incite them to do something that will hurt a third party for a reason you may never comprehend.

And believe it or not, this culture is also prevalent at the international level where nations and powerful institutions approach other nations or institutions to incite them to do the things they would not do themselves or could not do alone. We have a perfect example of this in the activities of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) that relentlessly incites the American ruling class and the related institutions to commit acts around the world that range from the annoying pranks to the war crimes of the most heinous kind. The latest incitement has come in the form of an article published in the Wall Street Journal today, January 23, 2012.

The article comes under the title: “How the U.S. Should Handle the Islamist Rise in Egypt”. It is signed by Robert Satloff and Eric Trager of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, itself a creation of AIPAC to which it serves as the propaganda machine every day of the week, and serves as the incitement arm every week of the year. When you begin to read the article, the first two sentences tell you that you are about to embark on a voyage into a world that is so distorted, your mind will be made to feel contorted like a pretzel while you try to navigate through the article.

Here are the two sentences: “From an America perspective, the situation in Egypt is a nightmare. One year after Tahrir Square triumphantly toppled a tyrant, Islamists are poised to profit from Egyptian 'people power.'” First of all, these people are not expressing an American perspective. They view themselves as Jews who have acquired automatic citizenship of Israel whether or not they applied for it. Their cause is the promotion of World Jewry to which they owe their loyalty and have dedicated their lives. Second of all, the situation in Egypt reflects the ancient Jewish dream that still remains a nightmare because the Nile refuses to turn into a river of blood; the event that wacko Jews have been praying for since the days of Moses. Third of all, the people they call Islamists are not readying themselves to profit from Egyptian people power; they are the Egyptian people power. If they will profit from something, it will be from being who they are. And that is worth a lot.

Because you realize that you are embarking on a devilish voyage that will take you to a hellish destination, you decide to take a peek at that destination before going through the torture of having to read an AIPAC article. Thus, you look for and find the following commands: “Washington's message … should be that U.S. support … is conditional on their cooperation in maintaining peace with Israel and preserving political pluralism and religious and minority rights … America should determine its relationship based on what Egypt's new rulers actually do...” Yes, it is what you expected all along; these people are working for Israel and World Jewry no more and no less. Everything else you encounter in the article is but the special effect that means to distract the readers when they go through the process of navigating the harrowing course of the writers toward the deceptive conclusions of AIPAC.

Knowing this, you read on to see how evil incarnate operates to bring the games and techniques of the schoolyard to the world stage. And so, it happens early on that you hit on his passage: “American leaders cannot ignore the fact that the security partnership Washington had with Cairo for more than 30 years is in serious jeopardy.” And you raise an eyebrow because they spoke earlier of the triumphant toppling of a tyrant but now they lament that the security arrangement which existed under the tyranny is in jeopardy. And so you ask: Whose side are they on? The tyranny that made Israel feel secure or the triumph of the people whose political pluralism and religious and minority rights they now champion?

They answer their own question but do so indirectly. What they do is argue that the experience in other countries – Turkey, the model du jour being among them – suggests that governance by the will of the people is bad for Israel when the people are Arab or Muslim. So then, you ask: What are these people inciting America to do? Are they telling it to work to bring back tyranny to these places or telling it to warn Cairo that it is expected to preserve the principles of democracy? The answer is that the leaders of AIPAC are doing both at the same time. Why? you ask. Because they don't care one iota about any one of the two situations. What they work for and care about are Israel and world jury; what they work on are America and its gullible leaders. They will say what sounds good at any point in the article even if they contradict themselves from one paragraph to the other. It is in their Jewish DNA to be like that.

But is this not what they accuse the Egyptians of doing? Here is that passage: “America should determine its relationship based on what Egypt's new rulers actually do … not the cooing sounds that their English-language spokesmen offer visiting journalists, diplomats and politicians.” So you ask: What is going on? Well, what is going on is that all of a sudden, things have been simplified and have become easy to understand. It is this: Every morning the Jewish leaders look in the mirror and identify the ugly spots they see have grown on their faces. This done, they rush to their computers and attribute to the Arabs and the Muslims the ugliness they just saw in themselves. And this is what they always coo about sometime softly and sometimes loudly.

This is how and why, my friend, you see an election campaign in America where candidates to the highest office in the land get on the podium one after the other -- and with very few exceptions -- sing the AIPAC hymn of hate and threats, thus making America feel hated and threatened everywhere in the world like it never was before.