Sunday, January 29, 2012

Dancing In Circles To Hide The Elephant

It is the God-given right of every leader to serenade the achievements of his country, and this is what Barack Obama, President of the United States of America and Commander-in-Chief of its armed forces, did on January 24, 2012 in his State of the Union Address to the Congress and the nation. He spoke of his country's glorious past and no one would argue with that; he identified the country's current difficulties and most people would say he was correct in that too; but when it came to painting a picture of the future, his performance was questionable. In fact, he said the following to buttress the points he was making: “...anyone who tells you that America is in decline or that our influence has waned, doesn't know what they're talking about.” And he went on to sing the praises of America, but a little of that sounded like playing Amazing Grace with a bagpipe that has a gaping hole at its side.

Actually, the basic notes of the serenade were tested early in the speech when he asserted that: “We gather tonight knowing that … the United States ... [is] more respected around the world.” What he tried here was heroic; what he achieved was little, and the reason is that he ignored a few realities of the times. Yes, he was correct when he described some achievements as “...a testament to the courage, selflessness and teamwork of America's Armed Forces.” And yes, he was imaginative when he used this reality to try and motivate members of the useless Congress to do likewise and work as a team for the good of the nation. But he failed when he did not take into account the reality that a common denominator exists which links the ineffectiveness of the Congress in domestic affairs with the foreign wars into which America was dragged. Disregarding this reality made it impossible for him to explain why America was disrespected in the world despite the sometimes exemplary performance of its soldiers. And this is what obligated him to assert a situation that does not exist in real life; one that is contrary to what the rest of the world knows.

Starting at this point, it became increasingly more difficult to see how America will be able to duplicate the achievements it made right after the Second World War; or how it will develop what he described as: “An economy built to last, where hard work pays off and responsibility is rewarded.” In fact, the more inspirational he became while describing what can be achieved in the America of the future, the more urgent became the question: But what about the elephant in the room? Unfortunately, he did not answer this question -- which he should have because it would have allowed him to describe a sound foundation upon which the future of his dream can be erected. Instead of doing this, however, he chose to remind the audience as to “how we got here”. He then went on to describe the symptoms of what ails America today rather than identify the underlying disease -- that proverbial elephant in the room.

Thus, it happened to him what happens to a reporter that tries to report on the reality of an issue while trying to avoid the core of that issue; he goes round and round in circles but sheds no light on the matter. And so, using the metaphor of the house of cards that collapsed in 2008, the President accurately stated that: “Long before the recession, jobs and manufacturing began leaving our shores.” But right after this sentence, he went on to say this: “Technology made business more efficient, but also made some jobs obsolete.” Whoa! Wait a minute, wait a minute. Explain this Mr. President: How is it that technology made some jobs so obsolete that they left America to go to distant shores where the same products were made and shipped back to America? Enough dancing around the truth and talk to us about the elephant in the room.

And as you think about all this, dear reader, you get hit with the next question: Without a job to earn the money, how did the Americans pay for the imported goods? But you did not have to go too far to find the answer for, here it is in the President's own address: “...mortgages had been sold to people who couldn't afford or understand them. Banks had made huge bets and bonuses with other people's money.” And what was the result of all this? you ask. Here is the answer in the President's own words: “Folks at the top saw their incomes rise … but also hardworking Americans struggled with … personal debt that kept piling up.” This is it, you say. It was debt where the money came from – debt from local sources and debt from foreign sources.

But you conclude that this is not the invisible elephant in the room because the empirical observations reported in the speech were but the symptoms of what has afflicted America since “long before the recession,” as he put it. This, in turn, motivates you to try and identify the ailment underlying those symptoms. But did the President try to do so? you ask. And the answer is no, he did not. What he did, however, was to prescribe a few cures that hint at the fact someone knows something about the nature of the ailment plaguing America but they are not fleshing it. Here is one thing the President said in this regard: “And we've put in place new rules to hold Wall Street accountable...” Here is another thing he said: “...I will work with anyone in this chamber [the Congress] to build … but I intend to fight obstruction with action, and I will oppose … return to the … policies that brought on this economic crisis...” Thus, we see that someone has identified both the Congress and Wall Street as two of the culprits that caused the ailment debilitating the Union today.

The President went on to say something that also proves he understands it is a canard to blame the loss of manufacturing jobs on the progress made by technology. Here is what he said in this regard: “No, we will not go back to an economy weakened by outsourcing … I want to … lay out a blueprint for an economy that's built … on American manufacturing … and a renewal of American values.” Look at that, dear reader; he cited the renewal of American values as a measure he intends to take to help solve America's problems. And this can only mean he has realized that the loss of those values was a contributing factor to the flight of American industries and American jobs to other jurisdictions.

Thus, we have all the relevant factors now; they are the three legs of the disease that ails America today. These are the Congress, Wall Street and a culture that is killing American values. So then, what did the President promise to do to turn things around? Well, the Congress being a coequal branch of government, he could only promise to cajole it, which he did. As to the finances of the nation, here is his answer: “...start with our tax code … companies [now] get tax breaks for moving … profits overseas … It makes no sense, and everyone knows it.” As to the culture, he said this: “Teachers matter. So instead of bashing them … let's ,,, reward the best ones.” And there is this: “When kids do graduate, the most daunting challenge can be the cost of college … Of course, it's not enough for us to increase student aid … Higher education [is] an economic imperative...” Thus, he sees education as being a component of American culture as well as a carrier of its values. And he must have concluded in his mind that when you influence education the wrong way, you affect the culture and hurt the nation.

This says that the problems of America can now be seen to having been generated by the congressmen and women who work for themselves and for special interest instead of working for the nation; by the Wall Street characters who work for themselves and their cronies at the expense of the national economy; and by the people who meddle with the culture of America, something they do by disrupting the educational setup for reasons of their own. And these would be the three horsemen of America's modern apocalypse.

But how do people meddle with the culture or disrupt the educational setup? They do it by pretending to “educate” the public as to their “sensitivities” when in fact, they would be working to ensnare the ruling classes, paralyze them and render them ineffective. This is an ancient game that some people have learned to play efficiently and play it ruthlessly. They play it gently at first as would a lamb grazing peacefully in a pasture; they do so till they gather the level of power that will allow them to commit murder and get away with it. When this happens, they quickly shed the sheep's clothing they have been wearing all along, and they switch to the beastly characteristics that have them murder all those who refuse to bow to their wishes. This is something they do by character assassination and by every method that would be available to them at the time of execution.

If this sounds like the sort of people we find at the helm of the Jewish organizations, it is because they are precisely these people. Their agenda has become the invisible elephant in the room; a reality that is danced around in the English speaking world but never confronted head on. As to how these people operate; well, there is the known history of their sabotaging the home front, something they did to cause America's defeat in Vietnam. They managed to accomplish this feat by using America's own media outlets and the other vehicles of popular culture. The trick they used was to accuse all potential rivals of being antisemitic; thus assassinated their character and banished them from the scene altogether. This done, they forced America to turn its attention away from Asia and toward the Middle East where it was forced to provide a protective umbrella to an Israel that was preparing to go on a rampage. Protected by America at all levels and supplied with food, fuel, finances and weapons, the Israelis put into effect what they had in mind. It was to infest a Middle East that was the image of the Garden of Eden and to spray it with their stink as would a family of skunks that had decided to desecrate a hallowed ground. And they succeeded beyond the widest dream of the forefathers who cooked up that demonic scheme.

This history was not without serious consequences. Seeing that the American military industrial complex had come under the control of world Jewry and of Israel; and realizing that their oil was fueling this complex, the Arabs instituted a temporary embargo on selling petroleum to America, an act that caused the rise in fuel prices and the switching to the use of smaller cars. Since America was not producing small cars, the Japanese and German manufacturers gained a huge share of the American market almost overnight. And since the car was the symbol of American industry, the loss of market share was the blow that broke the back of America's industrial might. Furthermore, it opened the way for America to be challenged not only by the Japanese and the Germans, and not only by car manufacturers but challenged by other jurisdictions as well, all of which raced to manufacture products they sold in America and elsewhere.

To give an ironic twist to this whole matter, those were the products that heretofore were made in America and sold to the other jurisdictions. The net result was a reversal made possible by Zion's hand meddling in the culture of America, and by the reeducation of its people. No, this was not a case of real teachers showing the people how to make things that will compete successfully in the new world that is shaping up; it was something else, something that will blow your mind. Get this now; the people were taught how to worship the Jew and ask no question in lessons that were blared to them electronically by pastors who wore the habit of Satan himself and who treated their congregations like sheep and silent lambs.

Despite all this, things started to get back to normal after a while, but sensing that they were conned and railroaded by the hijackers of their culture, the American people had their moment of sweet revenge when they reverted to the use of gas guzzling vehicles that came in all sorts of models and filled all sorts of needs. This new trend so alarmed the Jewish organizations that they fell back on their specialty to solve what they saw as a threat to their agenda. Thus, they invented another one of those “existential” menace which they said was threatening not only the Jews but all of humanity. The solution – about which they educated the public -- would require the participation of everyone on Earth, they said. And they argued for the institution of a strict program of Jewish style autocratic measures to banish from the scene all the “deniers” who will refuse to toe the line. This time, the line was to the effect that the planet was cooking because of the carbon dioxide emissions that come with the use of petroleum and the other hydrocarbons. Their recommendation was to stop using these products -- not to hurt the Arabs which they vehemently denied was their intention -- but to heal the Planet.

Then the myth exploded and was proven to be yet another Jewish quackery that was meant to put a distance between America and the Arab world. The result of this discovery was the taking of measures described by the President in these words: “...we've opened millions of new acres for oil and gas exploration … I'm directing my Administration to open more than 75 percent of our potential offshore oil and gas resources.” Once again, things are getting back to normal in America but there is still the matter of the nation being in the can because its housing market is still under water. What to do here? The President had an answer: “I'm sending this Congress a plan that gives every responsible homeowner the chance to save … by refinancing at historically low interest rates … Americans who work hard … deserve a Government and a financial system that do the same … No bailouts, no handouts, and no copouts.” There is here the promise that the Congress, the finances of the nation and the culture – the three dreaded horsemen -- are being dealt with to save America from a potential Apocalypse.

But will the Congress listen to their President when the Jewish organizations will have gone ahead of him to begin a campaign of threats, bribes and blackmail among the spineless characters in that assembly of good-for-nothing treasonous clowns? After all, the President said it clearly that he wants: “A return to American values of fair play and shared responsibility [that] will help us protect our people and our economy.” Where does he think he is? they ask. Does he really believe this is a free country? No, it's not. This is America, Mr. President; it is a Jewish colony that exists to protect Israel and support the fake economy installed there. The fear, you see, is that to do what the President wants will mean to reject the Israeli-Yiddish values because they and the American values are mutually exclusive. You can have one or you can have the other but you cannot have them both at the same time.

In fact, what we saw happen during the past few decades was the rise of a trend to replace the American values by the Israeli-Yiddish values. The most obvious example was the time when the Jewish organizations had argued that Israel was so advanced in everything, it was not living by the generosity of the American taxpayers but by the ingenuity of its people who invented all that is in existence, developed all that is worthy and improved on everything. The claim was to the effect that the Jews did all this in an Israel where there is no agriculture to speak of, no industry to rely on and no experimentation to matter even one iota. It was further explained that the people there simply thought things out, designed them in the mind, prototyped them in the imagination and produced them out of thin air. After all, Israel is the land of miracles, you see!

Thus – it was concluded -- America can strive to become a carbon copy of Israel by shedding its industries so as to produce wealth that will knock everyone's socks off. Unfortunately this sort of talk was bought by enough idiots whose common sense had been knocked off by a mysterious disease of unknown origin. And these people contributed mightily to the industrial decline of the superpower. As if this were not enough, something else happened; the Jewish organizations that instigated the whole goofy trend came up with another idea, that of profiling people in America the way they do in Israel. And the whole world is now waiting to see if enough clowns will be drawn to this new idea. You never know -- this is America, after all.

What is certain, however, is that the President's plan will be viewed by the Jewish organizations as another one of those existential threats; and they will want to fight it tooth and nail – there is no doubt about that. Thus, they will work to defeat the effort because they cannot imagine an American system of governance that works for America and the American people but not for Israel and the Jewish people. It would be like imagining a North Korea that is suddenly transformed into a Singapore; a nation that looks after its own people rather than leave them to wilt in the wilderness of a political and cultural wasteland.

So then, what is there to do? Well, if you are serious about solving America's problems, you begin with the recognition that the uselessness of the Congress is linked to the wars in which America was dragged and by which it was ruined. The two are connected because they were authored by the same Jewish leaders. What these people did was to start a cultural battle in America. They did so first by assaulting and paralyzing a Congress that used to be the command and control center of the existing culture. Second, they planted the boots of their own people in every cultural outlet in the nation. Third, they augmented these boots by recruiting local foot soldiers and giving them the task of doing the dirty work their people would not do. Fourth, they mobilized the assets of America and started foreign wars to force the acceptance of Israel – their newly anointed home country – by a world that was not eager to accept in its midst a little fart known for its obnoxious behavior.

Thus, the solution to America's problems is to stop dancing around the truth, to describe the elephant in the room for what it is, to tell of the role it has played in the degradation of America, and to explain how it will be neutralized. In other words, it is time for the commander-in-chief to put on the hat of teacher-in-chief and take over from the disciples of Satan who have up to now “educated” the American public to the ultimate ruin of their country.