Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Tiny Bubble Head Senator From Hawaii

The time has come for those in America who care about their country to begin thinking seriously about embarking on a strategy that will go a long way toward curing their country of the ailment plaguing it at this time. They need to adopt the strategy which says that the best way to fight fire is to fight it with fire. To this end, the people of America must fashion an appropriate litmus test, arm themselves with it, make it their weapon of choice and use it to head off the destructive elements that lurk in their midst.

Given that America is on its way to an assured hell -- getting there in a hand held basket, the people must accept the reality that they have reached this stage because someone used a litmus test of their own at an earlier time to exploit and to abuse the power and the prestige of America so as to foster the fortune and the glory of a foreign entity. It was the Jewish Establishment that instituted a litmus test in the first place, applying it to every applicant who sought a political office or a high position in the media of the nation. The Jewish organizations ferreted out those who promised to toe the Jewish-Israeli line, took them in and promoted them while ditching all those who showed reluctance to submit to their will.

The antidote to that weapon from hell can only be fashioned from the same hellish elements of which it is made. Thus, the antidote will have to be another litmus test; one that will ferret out the people who promise to oppose the pampering of the Jewish-Israeli causes. These people will be voted into office or promoted to a higher position in the media while those who show inclination to maintaining the status quo will be ditched. This approach will level the playing field between the two opposing teams, giving the one that is working to promote the causes of America the opportunity to challenge on equal terms the team that is assembled to promote the Jewish-Israeli causes.

To see why it is necessary to do something like that at this time, we only need to look at the case of Daniel Inouye who is the Senator from Hawaii. What is noteworthy about this case is that the Senator started to do things in a manner that is somewhat different from the way he used to do them for decades. To see this and to appreciate what is involved, I begin with a true story that happened in the late Sixties or early Seventies of the Twentieth Century when he was already a Senator and had been for some time. I may miss on a few details here or there but the essence of the story is true and most likely still verifiable.

What happened then was that a newspaper reported what was termed the scandalous activities of Senator Daniel Inouye of Hawaii. Apparently, the paper had discovered that for a period of time the Senator was using his position as chairman of some committee to appropriate monies for Jewish and Israeli so-called charitable institutions, and that he worked tirelessly to do more for Israel and all the Jewish organizations that went to him with a request for financial assistance. And yet, as it was shown by the investigation, these outfits had nothing about them that made them eligible for notice, let alone for largess by the legislature of a sovereign country – even less by the Congress of superpower America.

It was said that the scandal went on for a while as most people closed their eyes expecting him to put an end to the practice on his own and without fanfare. Instead of doing this, however, he did the opposite which is the typical sort of escalation you get sucked into when you become ensnared by a trap of the Jewish organizations. Then one day, the camel's back was broken and the straw that broke it became the delicious scandal on which the media and the gossip mongers chewed to their endless delight. What happened here was the discovery that Senator Daniel Inouye had appropriated money for what was described as a school in the South of France whose mission was to take in Jewish girls from Morocco and prepare them linguistically, culturally and psychologically to settle in and to blend in their new environment.

The trouble, it turned out, was that no such school ever existed in the South of France or anywhere else. All that the Jewish organizations were able to produce to prove their claim and demonstrate their “dire need for assistance” was a Moroccan girl who was recently taken in by a French family. But get this now; the girl's proficiency in the French language, her perfect Parisian accent and her knowledge of French culture – all of which were acquired in Morocco – were of such quality that they put to shame the French family that took her in. The thing is that these people had a southern accent which made them sound more like Italians trying to speak French rather than French men and women speaking their own language. Thus, it came to light, that the Moroccan girl did not need help to blend in the French culture; she had the wherewithal to assist the people who took her in and teach them how to speak like the people from Paris they envied.

And this was the incident that compelled some people to dig into the past of Senator Inouye to find out what motivated him to do what he was doing. Luckily, this was an easy thing to do because the Jewish organizations had done it already -- they had the goods on him, my friend, they had the big goods. The story that came out was to the effect that the man was wounded during the war as a result of his clumsiness and his cowardice; two traits that endangered the lives of his comrades and may have caused the death of a number of them – so said the record that existed when he left the service. He tried to change the record but no one listened to his pleas for, he had no credible evidence to prove the version of the stories he was telling.

He responded to that attitude by running for Senator, intent on using his influence when he gets there to sanitize his war record. He won the election, changed the record and, in the process, made some people so angry that a number of his old comrades made a parallel record in which they recounted their version of the facts. This record was dug up by the Jewish organizations that used it to blackmail the Senator and force him to work for their causes. He did just that during the decades that followed and never relented. He did it the only way it can be done; by robbing America to give to Israel and to the Jews anywhere they happen to be. Thus, it can be seen that while he remains as clumsy and cowardly as ever, Daniel Inouye has graduated to a level where he can now endanger the entire American nation while showing no more remorse than he did when he caused the needless death of his comrades by clumsiness and by cowardice.

But this is not all that happened to the Senator because he is going through a big transformation at this time. Instead of being content to just transfer money and other aid to Israel and the Jewish organizations, he is working to bring about the sort of change that will hurt America more than ever before. In fact, he is working to usurp and to swallow the powers relating to the conduct of foreign policy that were placed by the Constitution in the hands of the executive branch. In doing so, he seeks to transfer those powers to the Congress where they will be placed in the hands of the traitors who have already turned the place into a sanctuary for the rug pisser from Israel. His aim is to have America run by an Israeli pissing dog rather than be run by an American human being who will be elected by the American people like says the Constitution.

And every time he delivers a verbal blow to the President of the United States, the traitors in the assembly of moronic bubble heads will give the pisser a standing ovation then fall over each other while running to their master to congratulate him for the excellent speech he just gave.

In consequence of these realities, the people of America must now adopt the method of coming right out and asking the candidates who run for office whether they will work for America or work for Israel. If they don't say it clearly and without a hint of equivocation that they will work for America and only America, these people should be trounced by the voters and yes, even blacklisted for life.