Sunday, February 19, 2012

They Hate Us Therefore We Are

Whether or not we are conscious of it all the time, we all have something that makes us tick. It may not rise to the level of the Descartes expression “I think therefore I am”, but the thing is here, and it gives us the impetus to soldier on amid the burden of daily living. To some people, the thing serves as a yardstick by which to compare themselves with someone else and thus measure their progress in life. To most other people, however, the thing is a belief they quietly keep to themselves. This is especially true with the people who expect that their thinking will alter as it evolves and goes through the different experiences to then fashion a new outlook on life.

It also happens that an organized group of people would at times formulate a shibboleth they inculcate in the people they seek to turn into followers. This is what a number of Jewish organizations do as they operate under the motto: We, the Jews are hated therefore we are. And when you begin with this idea, it leads to the argument that goes this way: We, the Jews have the right to be, to be protected by the state, by every state on the planet where there is a Jewish minority. Consequently, the policeman of the world that is America must commit the resources it has to impose that edict on all the nations of the world by force of arms if need be.

To develop these ideas into a solid and exhaustive presentation would require countless hours of research to look for and identify the moments, the speeches and the expressions that encapsulate the meaning of what should go into the presentation. Sometimes, however, out of the blue comes a miracle that dumps under your nose a treasure trove not of gold or precious stones but of manna that will satisfy a hungry mind craving solid material to work with. This is what happened to me the other day when I read an article in the National Review under the title “Arab like Me” signed by Lee Habeeb and published on February 15, 2012.

The article has the subtitle: “Maybe, just maybe, Arabs can break out of their self-destructive hatred and envy.” It told me right away that I shall find in this piece plenty of solid food for the mind to chew on. And sure enough, I discovered to my delight that “plenty” actually meant the near totality of the Jewish talking points I would have wanted to assemble in one place for the purpose of discussion. All the points were here as if the gods had probed my head, detected my secret wish, decided to be good to me for God knows what reason, and give me what I was looking for on one silver platter. I found in the Habeeb article not only the points that can demonstrate the nature and the aim of the Jewish shibboleth that makes the Jews tick but also how it all fits within the grand theory I have been developing in my head for some time.

What I see as grand theory is that every organism alternates between being in one of two possible states. It can be in the passive state or it can be in the active one depending on the environment in which it finds itself. If and when the natural order of things is maintained, the organism remains in a passive state to quietly enjoy what nature has to offer. If and when the natural order is disrupted, the organism goes into an active mode and works to restore the lost order. There is, in fact, a concise saying in the American vernacular that encapsulates this idea. It goes this way: If it ain't broke, don't fix it. And this, of course, also means that when something breaks, you must roll up your sleeves and work to fix it.

From the most primitive organism up to and including the higher primates, the natural order of things is represented by nature itself and by the laws that make it work. But when it comes to the human species, the natural order of things can be represented by something we were born with, or something we have acquired through experience, or something that was inculcated in us by an outside agent. And each organism in its own way will move from the passive state to the active one to restore its order if and when it is disrupted. For example, the fruit-fly will always seek food, the bird will almost always repair its damaged nest, the monkey will prefer a banana over a book of poetry, and the human will sue to get back the supervisory position from which he was fired with cause or without one.

What this says about human beings is that they are prone to being taught to imagine an order of things that may or may not have existed in reality. But this order would be so real to some people that they can be motivated to sacrifice everything they possess, including their own life and that of others to recreate the order of their imagination and see it materialize. Such people will work diligently, even work fanatically as if they were restoring something that existed and was lost, or something that should have existed but was neglected by divine oversight. This is the sort of belief I see the Jewish organizations inculcate in the people they entice to follow them; the people they put to work on the pet project of the moment. This is what makes them so restless, always imagining a disorder in someone else's backyard they must fix with or without his consent.

At this moment in time, you find that the project on which the Jewish organizations are working, consists of strengthening a world of make-believe they have created to suit their purpose. Operating under the notion that they are hated therefore are facing a mortal danger, their current project is to get other people to join them in a crusade to bring more of them into the fold. The aim is to take to the world a gospel that speaks of an Israel which is battling a hateful humanity that is hell bent on annihilating Israel and all the Jews.

Thus, we see that Lee Habeeb finds it absolutely necessary to reveal a big secret to the world, particularly to the Obama administration, especially at this pivotal moment in history -- the start of the second year of the Arab Spring. Want to know what the secret is, my friend? Brace yourself because here it is: “There are two kinds of Arabs in this world … Those who hate Jews, and those who don't.” Get it? If not, here is the explanation: No people but the Arabs are split in their sentiments toward the Jews. As my friend – a survivor of the Holocaust with a tattooed number prominently shown on his arm -- used to say about the guards at the concentration camp: “If only they did not all look like blue eyed blonde Aryans, I might have thought of them as human beings doing a job they hate to do but forced to do it. But they were Aryans and they enjoyed making us suffer.” I wonder if Habeeb realizes that the Nazis hated the Jews and that the Jews returned the favor. Could it also be that there are Jews who hate Arabs? Any one Jew out there who may hate the Arabs? Is there one out there? Just one? Please speak up!

To make his point, Habeeb recounts an early experience he had when: “I wrote my first pro-Israel column for my college paper as a young student journalist.” There was a backlash that stunned him, he says, as a result of which: “I even thought ... of writing something negative about Israel … to balance things out...” Well, he didn't write something negative about Israel, and I do not know what would have happened if he did. But I had what you might call a mirror image kind of experience, and I know what happened. I had been in Canada about 3 years when the 1967 war broke in the Middle East. At a time when there was no such thing as political correctness, I would see in the media only one-sided articles describing the Arabs as being mad dogs, wounded animals, bloodthirsty savages and what have you.

I didn't think these guys loved us much but I did not bellyache. Instead, I wrote a very innocuous letter to the editor of the Toronto Star, and it was published sometime in 1968 under the inoffensive title: “Don't listen to propaganda, Egypt is a civilized country.” Surprise, surprise, I got a call from the Canadian Jewish Congress (CJG) who informed me that someone will come and talk to me. Having been baptized both a Copt and a Catholic, I called the Coptic priest of my parish to tell him what happened. He said he would be there at my house to see for himself what these people are up to. On the designated day, the man from the CJG came before the priest and so I said very little but listened a lot. He said I must be careful what I write because I could hurt myself going against what the Jews are trying to accomplish which is to foster understanding between them and the rest of society. The priest then came, and very little was said after that.

Unlike Lee Habeeb who contemplated writing something to balance things out, I did not entertain such thought because what was needed was not that I balance myself out but that I balance the tens of thousands of characters -- Jews and non-Jews alike -- who popped up all over the print and audio-visual media to compete against each other as they poured the rivers of anti-Arab venom held inside of them. And that was no ordinary venom because it was fueled by the molten lava of a volcano installed inside the belly of surrogate mothers, each vying to give birth to the most monstrous anti-Arab expression you could imagine. It was a horror show that lasted more than a decade. They didn't love us, these awful characters, even though they didn't know a thing about us and didn't know what they were supposed to hate. They just hated because the Jews instructed them to hate, lit the fires in bellies of some and erupted the volcanoes in the bellies of others.

And guess what happened when I refused to balance myself out? I was blacklisted but was advised that I would get what I merit if and only if I came to my senses and lent my name to an article that would sound very much like the one signed by Lee Habeeb. I told these people to go to hell, I sued them for thinking that I could be bribed and I gave them my finger, something I have been doing for nearly half a century now. And guess what, Lee Habeeb my dear “Arab” friend, you'll never know what a satisfying thing this is until you've tried it. In case you decide to make a move that will redeem you, let me assure you that you will feel as if you had come out of a Jewish sewer and dove into a sea made of cleansing soap and luxurious shampoo. You will feel clean, you will feel pure and you will feel good about yourself. It will be like going from a hell made of filth into a heaven made of freshness.

Will it be too difficult for Habeeb – or any other person for that matter -- to redeem themselves having gone to such extremes expressing an apparent hatred toward the Arabs and a fake love toward the Jews? Yes it should be difficult because these people have been inculcated with a multitude of subjects that were turned upside down. Much time will be consumed and much energy will be required to go over each item and turn it right side up. But luckily for us, there is an element of commonality here that we can use to make matters easy. It is that everything was turned upside down, and this makes it so that one simple rule can fix the problem. Because all that is good about the Arabs was attributed to the Jews; and all that is bad about the Jews was attributed to the Arabs, you may reverse everything that was shoved down your throat absent a push back, and you will find that everything has fixed itself.

For example, when you read in the Habeeb article something like this: “Arabs … are often pushed into a kind of groupthink, a kind of self-censorship...” you look around to see for yourself but hardly find someone representing the Arab side of the story, let alone a group of Arabs doing it. And so you wonder where this idea of groupthink came from. You then look to see who is representing the Jewish side of the story, and it is like stepping into an echo chamber with a million voices all barking the same thing over and over again, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year … year after year after year, decade after decade after decade. And you conclude that Lee Habeeb has lied to you because he was programmed to lie about these things. Well, he can do the same thing and look around to see for himself. He will realize that those who programmed him to lie are liars themselves, and perhaps conclude that the lies must now be reversed thus turned into truths.

You keep reading the Habeeb article and you meet this: “Say those words and … the subject turns to Israel. Always, it seems, it turns to Israel.” The truth is that the Jews in general, and the Israelis in particular adhere to the shibboleth: “We know we exist because they talk about us; and they talk about us because they hate us.” But the truth is that the last thing the Arabs want to do is waste time talking about the Jews or Israel. They usually don't but if provoked, they will. I have had to put up with this sort of absurdity myself since I started this website. People have accused me of devoting too much time writing about the Jews and Israel. When this happens, I respond like this: guess what I'm doing. I am only responding to articles that were written about Israel or the Jews. When no one provokes my ire with lies that are too pro-Israel or too anti-Arab, I write about other things. But rest assured, there are many out there who like to be provocative and thus, it looks like I'll be writing about the Jews and Israel for a long time to come. Not my fault; I'm innocent.

Here is another example where the truth has been turned on its head: “It is all about Arab self-doubt … a deep-seated fear that … Arabs won't be very good at the self-governance thing.” The fact is that for thousands of years, the Arabs have governed themselves and they did it very well. And for hundreds of years, they ruled over other cultures in Asia, Africa and Europe where they came to be accepted and appreciated as benevolent and kind and civilized rulers. By contrast, the Jews apparently governed themselves for less than a generation in ancient times after which they were kicked out of the place where they ruled. They were brought back to it later by Britain at which time they conducted themselves like ruffians again -- so much so that they lent credence to the saying: Jews can never govern themselves. This point was repeated many times throughout the centuries by people who realized that when your religion says you are the favorite child of god, you do not want to work or be told what to do. Consequently, you seek to live like a parasite at the expense of those who tolerate your sucking of their blood. This is why they cannot settle somewhere to prosper and multiply. And this is why there are so few of them even though they have been around longer than any other religion.

At some point in the middle of the article, Habeeb starts a paragraph like this: “To the dismay of Arabs … Jewish people turned an ancient piece of real estate ... into a thriving oasis...” The truth is that on a per capita basis, the money that was poured into Israel over the decades has exceeded (literally and I mean it, literally) by several orders of magnitude the money that went to develop say, Singapore or Dubai. Yet, if the American people were to force their government to stop pouring the money it borrows in their name and the name of their children into the black hole they call Israel, that distressing place will go into such a steep decline so fast, it will look worse than Sierra Leon in less than a year. The fact is that the people who call themselves Jews do not create wealth; they only accumulate and keep the wealth that someone else creates. To this day, Israel still receives what is called compensation but the money does not even go to the survivors of the Holocaust who live in abject poverty; it is looted by the people who are supposed to administer the program because they too would starve without it. Israel is an oasis of never ending pathetic poignancy, nothing else.

But you ask yourself why is it that Lee Habeeb brought up that point? And you find the reason a few paragraphs below: “This … friend … focuses on border disputes … I ask him why he is obsessed with the 1967 border dispute...” Habeeb makes this statement then goes into a one sided debate to explain why the world should allow the continued looting of Palestinian land by Israel. He then ties the idea of the borders with the subject of antisemitism, and he accuses the Arabs of being antisemitic. He does this despite the fact that it is the Jews who never cease to remind the Europeans and the Americans that modern Jews are no longer Middle Easterners but Europeans who settle in the Middle East to keep under check the real Middle Easterners who look non-white and have the ambition to invade Europe with the aim of changing its character -- something they will succeed in doing if Israel were to vanish. Believe it or not, my dear reader, all this and more is hidden in that one sided debate Habeeb was having with himself.

To be allowed to loot Palestinian land is an important issue in the roster of talking points that these people maintain. And they often tie the subject with something they like to say about Netanyahu since he is the foremost champion of the idea to expand Jewish settlements. This is what Habeeb does in his article, and here is how he does it: “Benjamin Netanyahu once gave a speech in which he pointed at a map of the Middle East. He rattled off many of the countries in the region 'Big countries,' he said. 'But small accomplishments.' He then went on to describe Israel … 'Little country,' he concluded. 'But big accomplishments.'” You get a sense of the subtle point that Netanyahu and Habeeb are trying to make if you are old enough to remember how and why the size of Israel entered the discussion in the late Sixties.

The Israelis and their mouth pieces in America used to say they want more land to use as a buffer zone between themselves and the Palestinian freedom fighters. They argued that the land must be wider than the range of the guns used by the Palestinians. But then came all sorts of new weapons (such as rockets, for example) that made this argument a moot one. This is when the Israelis and the mouthpieces changed their tune and started to talk about the Arabs having 22 countries while the Jews had only one. But this made it sound like they were envious of the Arabs, and so they quickly abandoned it. They changed their tune again to make it sound like it was the Arabs who were envious of the Jews. This is how and why they came up with the spin of the little country that has accomplished a lot versus the big countries that have accomplished little. They say this with one side of the mouth while the other side cries out: “Help us, America or we die of hunger. Compensate us, Germany or we starve to death.”

Now they have something new they can use to make the old argument and tell the world that it must let Israel loot more of the Palestinian lands. It is the Arab Spring which they use in this manner: “Today … The 'Arab Spring' is an opportunity like none the region has ever seen … But it is up to them to … make their own lives better that they will have little time left to burnish old grievances.”

What you see in that paragraph translates into this: Let bygone be bygone because: “Countries [are] built … on love, trust, shared sacrifice, and hard work.” But if you do this, you set a precedent on which they will pounce. They will grab it and use it to argue that because you have accepted to let them loot once, you must let them loot again – something they intend to do till they swallow all of Palestine.

Nothing can be more Jewish and more syphilitic morally than this. Lee Habeeb can claim all he wants that he may or may not be an Arab but those who call themselves reformed Jews say that you are a Jew if you feel you are one. Because Habeeb feels more Jewish than any Jew you will ever meet, he must be a reformed Jew of the first order and not an Arab if he ever was one.

End that crap, Lee. You have been unmasked.