Thursday, January 5, 2012

A Muddled Web Of Self Fulfilling Prophecies

The Iowa Caucuses which are the first of the primaries to choose the Republican nominee who will run against the incumbent Democratic President in the upcoming American election has come and gone resulting in an outcome that is at best inconclusive. When this is added to the confused scenario that was developed along the way, the result may be signaling that a change is taking place in America. To see this and to grasp the potential ramification, we need to understand something about the current situation, and how things got to be where they are. But we can do so only by going through the maze of noise and distortions that were pumped into the cultural life of America during the past half century, and this is where we begin to probe.

It is that in the name of moral clarity, the self appointed leaders of the modern Jewish movement have managed to erect a construct of ambiguities that is so contorted, it has muddled the web of relationships which ordinary Jews were trying to forge in good faith with the American public and the American pillars of power, having survived a sorrowful sojourn in Europe; one that triggered a string of pogroms against them and culminated in a Holocaust that did away with many of their relatives. Never again, said the Jews but their leaders had other ideas as can be seen from what follows.

The result of the work done by the Jewish leaders has been that contrary to the path normally taken by immigrants when they move into a new society, the path of the Jewish evolution in America ended up looking like an accident waiting to happen much as it looked in all the places to which they migrated over the centuries. This happened because instead of welcoming the opportunity to be like everyone else, the Jews were again made to trace the tortuous pattern that has led to their demise in every society where they tried to mix. It happened in America at the urging of their self appointed leaders who once again pulled the old trick of predicting that annihilation will be their fate if they did not follow the instructions handed to them now, and those that will be handed to them as time moves on. Thus, it can be seen that the false prediction of their annihilation has always been the main factor to trigger the attempts to annihilate the Jews. This has been the self-fulfilling prophecy that always delivered or came close to doing so.

What happens in practical terms as people migrate from one place to another is that they get to study the new environment so as to discover the traits that they and the locals may like or dislike about each other. This done, they highlight their similarities and iron out their differences then organize manners of interaction that satisfy everyone after which they live together in relative harmony. Instead of doing any of this, the Jews were forced by their leaders to seek a special place in American society and were granted that place. This was a success that the Jewish leaders managed to score by advancing the notion that antisemitism was a genetic defect common to all human beings; one that can only be contained by highlighting the uniqueness of the Jews and by treating them better than everyone else.

And there lies the mechanism responsible for the eternal damnation of Jews. It is a tool in the hands of leaders who use them and use their recurring tragedies to exploit every environment in which they set foot. But after they have squeezed all that they can from each environment, and when trouble begins to raise its head, the leaders who would have enriched themselves by now, bolt out in a hurry and leave ordinary Jews to suffer the consequence of what they themselves have wrought over time. Another tragedy takes place; it is used by a new crop of self-appointed Jewish leaders who quickly ask for monetary compensation and a special treatment for themselves and for the Jews they claim to protect. Thus starts the cycle once again as it has for hundreds of years if not thousands of them.

To pull off a demonic scheme of this nature in America, the Jewish leaders started to work on it the moment that they were allowed to migrate into the country, something that happened as a consequence of the events which took place during WWII in Europe. Knowing what they attempted to accomplish everywhere else in the world but failed miserably time after time, they modified their plans to suit the American scene. To this end, they engineered a master-slave sort of relationship with prominent figures whereby the Jewish leaders took on the role of master, and the Americans the role of slave. But unlike the claim they made to those they called their people, the aim of the leaders was never to save the Jews from the threat of a non-existent annihilation; it was to forge for themselves and for Israel a parasitic relationship with the American taxpaying public.

In fact, the aim of the Jewish leaders was twofold. First, it was to rig the American system of governance so as to make it possible for them to live well and prosper with the tax exempt donations sent to them by the wealthy Jews who took the trouble to establish fake charitable organizations and shelter their monies there. The second aim was to maintain the semblance of a viable economy in Israel where they temporarily parked their surplus money. They needed that facility to hunt for opportunities in the region and to hunt for them elsewhere in the world where they invested the money they spirited out of America under false pretenses.

To give this act of treachery the look of legality and remain safe, the Jewish leaders had the Americans tweak the foreign aid program in such a way as to protect them from being caught doing something illegal. These people did not mind being caught doing something unethical because they knew that being Jews, they were not going to be held accountable for that. On the other hand, the red line they tried to avoid crossing – not always successfully – was to do something that would be outright illegal. To this end, they had the prominent Americans convince the loathsome congress of treasonous prostitutes to tweak the laws in such a way as to serve the Jewish causes. And the horrible characters of that detestable assembly of legislators responded by writing the laws in such a way as to make the Jewish high crimes look like unethical indiscretions of such low intensity, they were not worth prosecuting. And the money flowed from America to Israel with some of it being kicked back to America and distributed as campaign contributions to the congress of pure filth.

And that filth does not remain in the US Congress alone but spills over to infect all forms of American political life. In fact, you see and feel aspects of the drama of horror when they hit you in the face as you watch the ongoing race of the primaries. Knowing that the final choice, when it comes, will be the nominee who will run in the general election against the incumbent president, you observe with fascination a uniquely American struggle unfold inside the same Republican party. You see players who are supposed to be on the same team clobber each other as if they were mortal enemies. And this is something they claim will help them determine who will merit to run against the Democratic antagonist; but they also acknowledge that the fight will produce the ammunition that the other side will use against them later on.

And this is when you begin to think that there is more to the drama than meets the eye. You see that the struggle must be unfolding inside a cocoon where deceitful ideas are incubated by the strategists, and dubious declarations are drafted to accomplish two opposite goals. You understand that the strategists aim to win the immediate vote of the hardcore Republican base which is extreme by its nature while trying to avoid losing the more moderate vote of the public at large; the one that will be solicited later in the year. But this is not all that you suspect is happening because you feel it in your bones that something more odious is shaping inside the cocoon. You spend time analyzing what you see and hear; and you realize that subtle work is being done to defeat the time honored notion which says that foreign policy disputes among the antagonists -- even of opposing parties -- must stop at the water's edge. But here they are of the same party, and they openly violate this notion. You conclude that what is happening is the work of the Jewish leaders whose aim is to make the talk about Israel the most important topic in this election cycle, not the future of America.

The way they pull off this feat in practice is that the Jewish handlers who volunteer to work for the candidates do so not only for one party but for both; not only for one candidate but for all of them. When debating each other, they highlight their ideological differences as each is seen to articulate a contrary position; be it the left leaning position or the right leaning one; be it a moderate position or an extreme one. You see such differences rise to the surface in all the subjects that come up for discussion except one. When the subject touches on matters that may be of interest to Israel, the debaters turn the exchange into a farce of Third World caliber. You are prompted to laugh and dismiss the discussion the moment that you see the antagonists become same-side protagonists; and you see them fall over each other as they compete to proclaim their undying love for Israel and their unbounded desire to inflate the importance of the Jewish skunk in the Arab garden whatever will be the cost to America in terms of lives and of treasure.

You understand that the aim of that policy is to prevent the Arabs from recreating in the region the model of peace and tolerance they once had; a model that the world clamors to see rise again but that the war mongers in Jewish America dread; a model that the Jewish leaders would kill and cause American boys and girls to be killed to stop in its tracks. You put two and two together and realize that the Jewish leaders anticipate the devolution of America; thus they turn up the screws on the system of governance to transfer more of America's wealth to Israel and more of America's influence to world Jewry before the Republic becomes a spent force. Being the opportunists that they are, they take advantage of the current election campaign to argue among themselves that since America still has something left to it, they can squeeze out a little more of it even if such act will leave nothing for its people but a depleted fruit that was once so full of juice and sweetness, it was the craze of humanity but is no more. Shed a tear for America and celebrate the glory of Israel.

It dawns on you that once again, the Jewish leaders have resorted to playing the card they always played to motivate their followers. It is the self-fulfilling prophecy of doom and gloom which they invoked the last time around not to warn the Jews but warn of a gathering storm that will unleash a mushroom cloud over America and thus annihilate that country and everyone in it. The false prophecy triggered the war on Iraq which they promised was going to result in kisses being blown to every American who will visit that country but whose consequence has been a calamity that America could have done without. The prophecy was fulfilled but not in the way it was predicted. And here we go again as the Jewish leaders push the candidates in the Republican primaries to warn that America is about to be annihilated, and thus advocate the launch of a war against another Middle Eastern country which they promise will result in kisses being blown to every American who will visit the Persian Gulf region. Don't bet your glut of houses on it, America.

And yet, you sense that despite the noise and the distortions that swirl around you, individual Jews are becoming increasingly conscious of what is happening around them, and conscious of the horror that is being committed in their name by leaders who appoint themselves head of one thing or another in the service of Jews. While these individuals show concern, they still feel helpless to do anything about the fake appointees. However, a handful of them are beginning to speak out and explain that the problem lies not with a humanity that is said to be antisemitic by genetic defect but with Jewish leaders who use the Jewish people and their tragedies to buttress their personal interests. Those individuals also see that the problem lies in part with the mass of ordinary Jews who are forbidden by religious beliefs to question the motive of their patriarchal leaders, a stance that prevents them from rebelling against the higher-ups however fake or useless they may be.

Reacting to these developments, you wonder what the American people are thinking of the never ending demands that the Jewish leaders keep making on behalf of Israel and of world Jewry. It dawns on you that individual Jews may be realizing for the first time that history is about to repeat itself, that Hell may be coming to the world once more and that they will find themselves at the center of it yet again. The dreaded end that their leaders always beg for may happen if only by accident, and the annihilation that the leaders keep predicting may be around the corner, brought to them by the activities of those same dreadful leaders.

You wonder if those Jewish individuals will be able to do something about the matter in time, and if the time has come during this election cycle when someone will be courageous enough to stand up and say that if elected, he will cut Israel loose to make peace with its neighbors and live inside the model of peace and tolerance that the Arabs know how to construct better than anyone else as they have demonstrated during the centuries when they were on top and never allowed a pogrom or a holocaust to happen.

The Jews are to accept this reality or suffer the consequence alone because not one American life or one American dollar will ever again be spared to give an Israeli prime minister a fake political erection he can show off in world forums and brag about the control he has over America's system of governance. Never again.