Sunday, April 21, 2013

Not An Act Of Supremacy But One Of Revenge

“Jihad Will Not Be wished Away” says Andrew C. McCarthy in his latest anti-Muslim diatribe. But unlike the previous diatribes in which he never made clear what he wanted, he finally gets to say what his point is and has been all along: He wants to see Jihad go away, he says. In fact, the quote with which I start this discussion happens to be the title of his latest article. It also comes under the subtitle: “But willful blindness remains the order of the day,” and was published on April 20, 2013 in National Review Online.

To begin with, it is universally acknowledged that when someone wants something, it helps if he explained how he imagines obtaining it. It would help even more if he had a detailed and concrete plan on how to go about doing that. The trouble with McCarthy, however, is that he never did anything of the sort, and he is not doing it now even though he makes one minor point in that direction he never made before. Otherwise, he acted this time the way he always did which is to present his views in the manner of a lawyer who litigates a case in court then leaves it to the judge and the jury to decide on a remedy.

There is no doubt that Andrew McCarthy is smarter than this. So why is he taking that approach? The answer is that his goal is not to reach an immediate workable solution; it is to score the ultimate grand solution when all will have been said and done. You reach this conclusion when you read the entire article but more specifically three of its paragraphs. Each one of these begins with a sentence that leads to the next and to the conclusion that he wants the “West” to get engaged in a fight to the death with Islam. The sentences are these: (1) “So will we be roused to meet the challenge?” (2) “We are in a war driven by ideology.” (3) “You do not defeat an ideology by hoping it will change or disappear.”

The question now is this: What role will his latest diatribe and the entire anti-Muslim campaign he has been waging, play in the grand scheme of things? Well, his goal has now been made clear, and it is to the effect that he wants to see Jihad defeated and removed from the scene. As to the immediate objective of the campaign, it is what he says it is in sentence (1), to rouse the public. And he goes about doing this the old fashioned way. That is, in his attempt to demonize the Muslims, he uses lies, spins, distortions, insinuations, false interpretation of the events, and non-existent associations.

He uses the tragic event that took place at the Boston Marathon to argue that “The bombs … won't kill thousands or even hundreds ... but the goal is to instill terror into the flow of everyday life.” But instead of suggesting that people not allow themselves to be terrorized – a suggestion that is usually made when a mass killing takes place in a movie theater or a school, for example – McCarthy links the 2013 event to the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center, and from there to what is happening elsewhere in the world.

Not only does he make that linkage but he also uses the occasion to beat up on those who may hold a different point of view, accusing them of “willful blindness.” To this end, he provides the readers with an internet link to an article written the day before by Kevin D. Williamson under the title “An Answer to Liberals' Prayers.” In it, Williamson makes the point that because the brothers responsible for the bombing turned out to be: “a pair of Chechen Islamists” they did not exactly fill the bill of those who wish they were “White” and non-Muslim.

And there lies a big long story that neither Williamson nor McCarthy fully explore. It is that Chechnya lies at the heart of the Caucasus mountain range where the White “Caucasian” race originated. This is the place where, according to Hitler, the Aryan master race took roots and made of  the art and science of war (therefore all forms of violence) the supreme expression of civilized behavior. Thus, faced with the fact that the brothers who committed the Boston act were Muslims, satisfies the likes of Williamson and McCarthy. But being of the Aryan race demolishes their argument that Islam was out to destroy a “West” they have always associated with being white skinned.

So then, what to do under such circumstances? Well, instead of saying they had a problem, they flipped the coin and said that the opposition had a problem. They explained that yes, the prayers of the opposition were answered but only partially. And this is because what turned out to be more lily white than many a European skin, also turned out to be more Muslim than many of the darker skin types.

But wait a minute … wait a minute. That may be a problem but there is a solution for it. Why not take advantage of the confusion and the raw emotions to put out the lie that the culprits have been apprehended, and that they turned out to be dark skinned? Yes, this is a great idea but what happens when the truth will be revealed and the world will know that the culprits are of the Aryan master race? No matter, the Jews always put out a lie that serves them for a day or an hour or even a minute. But they always survive to lie yet again, confuse again and take advantage of the raw emotions again. The truth is that if no one calls you to account for what you do while hiding under the principle of “freedom of speech” you go right ahead and be free to lie and lie and lie. And the Jews are never called to account for what they do or fail to do – so they lie and lie and lie, and they get away with it each and every time.

Okay, this is a good plan, but how to implement it? Well, the CNN network has a worldwide audience, and the Jewish Wolf Blitzer happened to be anchoring the special report on the Boston event. So why not call his colleague John King, himself a convert to Judaism, and tell him that a dark skinned individual was apprehended. This done, watch the lie spread around the world like a disease that may or may not have a serious side effect. But who cares about side effect – serious or not – when the satisfaction that results from spreading a lie is as good as having a Jewish orgasm; however long that may last.

And that's exactly what they did. Those who watched this part of the CNN broadcast tell me that the two and the few others who joined the conversation, repeated the lie at least a dozen times. Will someone now be held accountable for this deliberate act? Are you kidding! There will not even be an investigation to determine how the lie started and how it spread. They would fire an old Lebanese woman or a Latino man for expressing an honest opinion but they will not investigate a lie whose possible side effect may have been to delay the apprehension of the culprits thus allowed them to commit more violence before being apprehended.

None of this concerns Williamson or McCarthy because their ultimate aim is to trigger a war called Armageddon between the religions. It will fulfill the prophecy of the Rapture according to which the Jews believe the Messiah will come for the first time and bestow on them the mantle of master race, and let them rule the world. By contrast, some Christians believe that this will be the moment when Jesus will come for the second time, and convert the Jews and everyone else to Christianity. Like two scorpions, these two face each other, waiting for the other to drop its guards so as to strike and win the grand prize.

No, Andrew McCarthy is too smart to believe that the Boston event expresses the wish of a couple of brothers to take over the world armed with a pressure cooker and a pipe bomb. He must have already determined in his mind that the older brother developed a personal vendetta against a society he feels has rejected him because of his religion despite the fact that he married one of their own. He then dragged his younger brother into a scheme that ended as tragically as many other events in America.

Thus, McCarthy has joined the Jewish lobby in America and the influential pastors such as Mike Huckabee, to create and maximize the discord between the religions, especially the anti-Muslim sentiment, to accomplish an end they are too cowardly to admit to it right out.