Friday, October 21, 2016

A Stab at haggling more criminal Nonsense

Clifford D. May is at it again. Having gone through the full cycle trying to legitimize Jewish crimes in Israel by claiming that to reject them amounts to rejecting Israel and delegitimizing it – he is back at the starting point playing the notorious shell game which epitomizes Jewish dishonesty and moral bankruptcy.

He wrote: “A final stab at resolving the Palestinian-Israeli conflict,” an article that also came under the subtitle: “Obama must resist the temptation to tie his successor's hands.” It was published on October 18, 2016 in The Washington Times. To understand what the author is doing in this discussion, we need to know something about the shell game that Jewish hagglers play.

Once a Jew has gotten something from you by hook or by crook, and he is expected to return it, he'll insist on “negotiating” with a third party that might represent you or might play the role of mediator. The Jew will then haggle to death every session in which you'll be present till you get tired and walk away. This is when he'll initiate the shell game and play it on the third party.

What he would have done ahead of time was to make a list of the things he knows you'll never accept because they amount to surrendering the very thing for which you're negotiating. He'll pretend to conduct a normal negotiation till you indicate the willingness to give up a few things in return for getting back what he has that is yours. When all is said and done except for the signing of the agreement, he'll mention one of the things on the list, and make it a condition for signing the agreement. You'll refuse and he'll tell the third party you're to blame for the failure of the negotiations. This is so very Jewish, so dishonest and so morally bankrupt.

That is how two decades of negotiations have unfolded between the Palestinians and the Israelis under American mediation. Dennis Ross was the mediator some of the time – he who is the most extreme of the most fanatic of Jews you can imagine. He pretended to represent America when in fact, he only represented Israel, always Israel and no one but Israel. In this capacity, his goal was to sabotage the talks and set the stage to blame it on the Palestinians, something he did with the persistence of a monk dedicated to his calling.

And because Palestine is occupied and disarmed whereas Israel is fully armed by America, Israel went on to grab everything that the Palestinians indicated they might cede in return for ending the occupation. This done, the Jews justified what they did, saying that everyone knows they'll be getting these things if there is going to be a deal, so why wait for the deal to be done. They keep taking these things, they say, because it is the logical thing to do. That would be Jewish logic, you see, being so dishonest and so morally bankrupt.

So while the Israelis have been looting Palestinian properties during the time they were pretending to negotiate, they got Clifford May and a swarm of his ilk to say that Israel gave up many things whereas the Palestinians gave up nothing. Engaging in this kind of dishonesty has allowed these people not only to justify what Israel was doing, they also justified staying the course indefinitely.

In fact, maintaining the status quo is the reason why Clifford May wrote the current article. Like it says in the subtitle, he is calling on President Obama to “resist the temptation” of starting something that might help his successor end the looting of Palestine.

What worries the swarm is that America has come to realize that Israeli crimes against humanity are American crimes against humanity. Because America knows it will not escape responsibility for what it is enabling the Jews to do, it wants to back off before the situation gets even worse. And so, May writes that President Obama is contemplating “measures to discourage and/or punish those who support Israeli settlements beyond the 1949 armistice lines, and not vetoing a U.N Security Council resolution that would recognize a Palestinian state”.

The Jewish swarm also worries that when this happens, it will “give a boost to efforts to delegitimize Israel, notably the Boycott, Divest and Sanction, or BDS, campaign.” This is the Jewish way of saying let's not stop the gang rape and set the victims free because if we do, the world will know what we have been doing.

To justify that logic, Clifford May resorts to two Jewish tricks. One is to demonize the Palestinians; the other is to predict that horrible things will happen if the Palestinians get what they were negotiating for.

Well then, if this is what the Jews believe now, it is what they believed all along. It proves they were negotiating in bad faith, never intending to reach a negotiated settlement.

Yes, the Jews are not the first to negotiate in bad faith, but they are the only ones whose faith is so rotten, they negotiate to find out what else they can grab from you, and then do so under the watchful eyes of a naïve mediator … better yet, a mediator that is dishonest and in their pocket.