Monday, April 18, 2022

How the US perpetuates Israeli aggression

 Writing a column in The Jewish News Syndicate, Ruthie Blum attacked the United States of America for what she says is that country’s perpetuation of Palestinian violence.


In fact, the title of Ruthie Blum’s article reads as follows: “How the US perpetuates Palestinian violence.” And she gives a quick summary of the article’s content in a subtitle that reads as follows: “Instead of directing its denunciations where they belong, the Biden administration is buying and selling the anti-Semitic deception that Israel is spurring Muslim rage by attempting to change the status quo on the Temple Mount.” The article was published on April 17, 2022.

Wearing the hat of a disinterested observer, we first ask if there really is violence in the patch of real estate recognized as Occupied Palestine the world over. And the answer is yes because an occupation is defined as the most virulent form of violence inflicted on a people whatever their judicial status. In fact, what we have here is a war that has been ongoing for more than half a century between the invading Jewish occupiers and the Palestinian victims.


In a war of this kind where the occupiers prevent the occupied from possessing traditional weapons, the victims have the right to use any improvised weapon they can produce themselves to fight the invaders. You can see how acceptable this is when you recall that the entire human race cheered the Ukrainian people when they were advised to make and use Molotov Cocktails to fight the Russian invaders.


And whereas the occupied victims have the right to use any method they see fit to fight the unwelcomed occupiers, the measures taken by the latter — that go beyond pure self-defense — are considered rubbing salt in the wounds inflicted on the victims by the invaders in the first place.


That explanation answers the question as to whether or not there really is violence in Occupied Palestine. We now ask if — like Ruthie Blum says — America is perpetuating this violence, and if so, is it doing it by encouraging the Palestinians to attack the Jews with Molotov cocktail, or by financing the Jews and arming them to do more than engage in the genocide of the Palestinian people … to attack the neighboring states, snatch lands from them and annex them to Israel?


No one that knows anything about the Middle East, will dispute the assertion that America is arming Israel while doing all it can to deprive the Palestinians from getting weapons from anywhere. So, the question to ask is this: What do the Jews believe they can do with the weapons they receive free of charge? To get inside the head of the Jews, we comb through Ruthie Blum’s article, and see what she says motivates her, and by extension motivates the decision makers in Occupied Jerusalem.


The following is a condensed version of the passages that tell the tale:


“The US State Department admonished against violence, saying the following, ‘We are closely monitoring events in Jerusalem during this sacred holiday period for Jews, Muslims and Christians. We urge everyone to refrain from actions that further escalate tensions. We encourage all parties to work together to ensure calm and the quiet enjoyment of all religious holidays’”.


Looking at that statement with the eyes of a disinterested observer, we conclude that beyond giving Israel cash and weapons free of charge, America does not seem to care that it has the duty to warn the Jews that being the occupiers, they are responsible for the violence that erupts in the territory they occupy. And given that Israel could not do what it does were it not for America’s money and weapons it receives in a never-ending stream of American generosity that’s beginning to hurt, America will have no choice but to reassess its relationship with Israel.


Because America is not doing what it is obligated to do, weird ideas are formed inside the heads of Jews, which we learn about when combing through Ruthie Blum’s article to see what motivates her, and motivates the decision makers in Occupied Jerusalem.


Speaking of the statement issued by the State Department admonishing both parties against violence, the following is the verbatim reproduction of what Blum went on to say, thus told another tale altogether:


“The message summed up nicely the false equation between Palestinian terrorism and Israel’s war against it that the administration in Washington has been spreading since President Joe Biden assumed office 15 months ago. To make matters worse, the powers-that-be in DC are not only ignoring reality, but reinforcing the sense on the part of the jihadists inside Israel and those governed by Hamas and the Palestinian Authority that it pays, literally and figuratively, to kill Jews”.


This is how the Jewish occupiers view the situation. They explain that there is no equation between the Palestinian victims and the Jewish invaders, a reality that is not in dispute. But where the Jews go weird, is when they say that the Palestinians who throw — not Ukrainian style Molotov Cocktails — but rocks at the Israeli armored vehicles, terrorize the poor soldiers inside those vehicles.


By contrast, say the weirdo Jews, when American made precision bombs rain down on Palestinian mothers nursing their babies, the victims can only feel elation as they ascend to Heaven, and not feel terrorized like do the soldiers in the armored vehicles.


As to you and me and the rest of humanity, my dear reader, because we cannot make those fatheads understand what a two-year-old monkey would grasp in a minute, the only thing we can do to bring peace to the Middle East, is implore the Americans to stop financing and arming the proverbial cannibals who feed on the flesh of those that have no means to defend themselves.