Tuesday, April 26, 2022

The inevitable has happened, time to cool it

 When a military as small as that of Ukraine stands up to and does well against the conventional part of Russia’s military — thought to have been equal, if not superior to all of the NATO forces in Europe — something profound is revealed.


It is that during all that time, NATO represented the overwhelming strength that people such as Clifford D. May and other warmongers have been advocating. And yet, this condition did not represent the “deterrent force” that should have caused Russia to chicken out and refrain from attacking Ukraine … which was the point that the warmongers were erroneously making all along.


And now that Russia has attacked Ukraine anyway, Clifford May and those around him are disregarding the fact that their theory proved false, and are saying the things which qualify them as being insane by definition. What these guys are saying, in fact, is that they want America and NATO to do, not just more of the same, but increasingly more of the same so as to obtain a different result.


You can see Clifford May’s argument as he formulated it in a “note” to President Joe Biden, written under the title: “Biden’s National Security Strategy still unavailable,” and the subtitle: “If he understands the threats, it won’t be what he planned.” It was published on April 26, 2022 in The Washington Times.


So, we ask: What is it that, speaking in the name of all the warmongers, Clifford May wants President Biden to do? Well, Clifford May first reminded the President that he did not have an adequate National Security Strategy (NSS) and that he should have one. He told him flatly that the new NSS should be “significantly different from the Interim” paper that the White House produced at an earlier date.


Then, Clifford May did something that is the essence of the Jewish strategy, the very stratagem that has been the secret of their early triumphs, as well as the cause of their terminal losses. I pause here for a moment to explain this point before proceeding with my discussion:


When you study the recommendations that were made by the Jews to America in what concerned domestic or foreign policy, they all aimed at serving the Jewish causes directly or indirectly … which goes without saying. But in addition to that, the Jews took credit for the few that succeeded, and blamed the many that failed on America. Their excuse has always been that they gave America the right advice but that America failed to properly implement their instructions. This is how the invasion of Iraq became an American failure, not a Jewish or at least a joint failure.


Back to our discussion. How did Clifford May propose to take over America’s new thrust in the foreign policy moves that are yet to be formulated in view of what has transpired since Russia’s attack on Ukraine? The following is how May proposed to do that:


“Given these developments, can we agree that you have some serious work to do on your NSS, and that the final product should be different from what your interim guidance suggests? And may I lend a hand? Your NSS should be predicated on ‘peace through strength.’ That’s not just a Reagan-esque concept. It traces back to an ancient Roman general who wrote: ‘If you want peace, prepare for war’”.


Let’s assume that being the soft-hearted man that Joe Biden is, he decides to give the Jews one more chance at redeeming themselves by devising a plan that will heal America of all the wounds that the Jews have inflicted on it over the decades. What will Clifford May and his gang come up with?


The following are excepts, presented in condensed form, of the advice that Clifford May has given President Joe Biden, in his note:


“To achieve peace through strength requires deterrence. That comes in two flavors. The more effective is deterrence by denial. Your policy instead was to refrain from provoking Vladimir the Terrible. However, you did attempt to establish deterrence by punishment. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin has been talking about integrated deterrence. If he’s implying a whole of government approach, that’s fine but hardly new. But count me among those who fear he really means talking softly and carrying a smaller stick. You’ve also been talking about a pivot toward Asia. How about dropping the pivot and reinforcing deterrence everywhere? It’s your job to lead the effort to revitalize NATO, possibly with Finland and Sweden coming onboard. A growing number of analysts believe that a new Cold War is already underway. A Sino-Russian alliance is driving the conflict. You must adjust your priorities — not least your spending priorities. If you want to chat about any of this, you know where to find me. Not a joke!”


As can be seen, Clifford May mentioned the newly formed Sino-Russian alliance but neglected to mention that nuclear saber-rattling has made its way in the discourse for the first time since Hiroshima.


Either Clifford May does not recognize that these are escalatory trends with the potential to wipe life on Earth, or he does recognize such a reality but does not care because he believes in the false prophesy that when Armageddon will be unleashed on humanity, the messiah will come, will save the Jews and will give them a renewed planet to remake as they wish.


And that’s a good reason why President Joe Biden should tell Clifford May and his gang to stay away from Planet Earth, and go take a hike on another planet far way from here.