Saturday, June 11, 2022

He shows how to paralyze and conquer a society

 If you ever wondered how a handful of Jews can infiltrate a society and, working inside it, make it serve their agenda you now have a Don Feder article that explains it all with exceptional clarity.


What happened to Don Feder is that he got angry at Jonathan Greenblatt who heads the Anti-Defamation League, and published an article, thus took public the feud that must have been ongoing between these two for some time now.


This being an internal Jewish matter, I shall not take the side of one or the other of the combatants. What interests me in the Don Feder article is that he inadvertently lays out in great detail what Jews such as himself do to paralyze the normal unfolding of a society. When this happens, he works to conquer the society, makes it work to serve the Jewish causes, and ultimately destroys it before discarding it.


What you need to do to see that scenario play itself on a planetary as well as a small scale, is think of the thousands of Jews who infiltrated the Western so-called Liberal Democracies, doing inside them what you’ll see Don Feder do to expose and defeat the various stances taken by Jonathan Greenblatt on behalf of the Anti-Defamation League. To be sure, whereas Greenblatt is working to ascertain the survival of the League by hitching it to the rising Democratic Party of America, it is obvious that Feder is working towards the implementation of a grander but more sinister goal.


Once an anti-war activist, Don Feder who now professes his dislike of the Democratic Party, gives strong hints to the possibility that he is a fanatic member of the Republican Party, which makes him a turncoat neocon and a lover of wars. As such, he mixes religion and politics, and he views everything through the prism of what is good for Israel without so admitting outright.


You will detect most of these threads when you read the article that Don Feder wrote under the title: “Anti-Defamation League is defaming Judaism,” and the subtitle: “Its positions are as kosher as scallops wrapped in bacon.” It was published on June 9, 2022 in The Washington Times.


Look how Feder started his conversation: “If you’d like to know the Anti-Defamation League’s position on any issue, check with the Democratic National Committee. Under former Obama official Jonathan Greenblatt, the group rarely deviates from the left’s agenda.” This is vintage neocon-speak.


The writer goes on to show his attachment to Israel by issuing the following statement: “While it opposes the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement, the ADL supports Black Lives Matter, which supports BDS. BLM is rabidly anti-Israel across the board.” You cannot get a stronger statement of support for Israel than that even if Feder did not want to show his colors.


And there is more to the statement than meets the eye. What it shows is the technique of assigning guilt by association, a powerful tool used by the likes of Don Feder to discredit those whom they hate. Look how Feder did it: “the ADL supports Black Live Matter, which supports BDS.” Even though he is saying that the ADL supports Israel by opposing BDS, he consider the ADL to be as guilty as hell because it also supports Black Lives Matter.


This is what produces the principle of “if you’re not entirely and explicitly with us, you are against us.” It is the bomb that the Jews have thrown in the middle of the American political system, splitting it into a couple of enemies who cannot agree on anything despite the fact that they are compelled by their Constitution to work together for the good of America and the American people. But instead of doing this, the relationship of America’s politicos with the Jews compels them to work for Israel and only Israel.


This was not the first time that Don Feder contradicted himself in this article. He did it again while showing his allegiance to Israel, something he did without being as subtle as the first time. Here is that double whammy passage:


“In 2016, the ADL said it was ‘disappointed’ by delays in implementing the Affordable Care Act. Apparently, state-run health care is another Jewish value”.


Don Feder seems to want to say that state-run healthcare is not another Jewish value. In so doing he rebukes the Israelis that have been using that system since 1995. But look what Feder did. He wrote that the Anti-Defamation League is defaming Judaism because it takes positions that are as kosher as scallops wrapped in bacon. Does this not mean that Israel cooked the scallops and bacon which Don Feder ate in gulps?


And so it goes with the Feder article that eventually reaches this conclusion: “Under Mr. Greenblatt, the ADL has abandoned its mission to fight antisemitism and become the Court Jew of the Democratic Party.”


In trying to fight the “leftist” positions taken by the Anti-Defamation League, Don Feder has unveiled the weapons which the neocons use to paralyze a society as small as the ADL and as big as the world.


We are indebted to him because we can now take the measures that will do more than defeat the neocons; we can work on building a world that will withstand the evil schemes of their satanic collaborators.