Wednesday, June 15, 2022

They call dead what they fear may kill them

 Clifford D. May pronounced international law dead then went ahead and proved that it was very much alive. He also showed how much it was scaring him and scaring those like him by its tenacious adherence to the principles of truth, honesty and justice, which are alien to his culture.


May did all of that in an article to which he gave the title: “Death of international law,” and the subtitle: “Flouted by despots and weaponized against small nations.” The article was published on June 14, 2022 in The Washington Times.


Unless you take the title and subtitle of that article in a figurative sense, you will have to declare them contradictory, which would nullify the premise of the article, and leave you with nothing to which you would want to respond. And so, for the sake of saving the day, we shall consider the Clifford May article to be a rhetorical attempt at demeaning international law, a trick he used to escape resorting to the rigorous requirements of having to prove anything while giving himself the wide latitude of saying any nonsense that will advance the fantasy he is promulgating.


So then, what is it that Clifford May is saying tongue-in-cheek? He is saying the following: “Russia, ruled by Vladimir Putin, is waging a war against Ukraine; and China, ruled by Xi Jinping, according to the US and the UK, is committing genocide in Xinjiang.” To avoid having to prove anything, Clifford May has employed the trick of saying this is a self-evident truth. Here is how he put it: “These are, self-evidently, egregious violations of international laws. But despots with nukes know they can commit crimes with virtual impunity”.


Do you get the gist of what Clifford May has tried to do here, my friend?


If you don’t, you need to recall that immediately after the defeat of Israel in the 6-year war that culminated in 1973, Israel called on its mouthpieces in North America and everywhere around the globe to begin insinuating that Israel can and will develop an arsenal of nuclear weapons. The aim was to reassure the Jewish rank-and-file that Israel may have been defeated this time, but will not be in the future because it will have the means to defend itself. And this charade has been going on to this day.


What Clifford May could have done to gain credibility among his readers, was to tell the truth about the history of that charade, and gone on to explain that Israel wishes it could be in league with the despots that have nuclear weapons. Had this been done, Israel would have had no need for America to cover for it when it embarked on the commission of crimes like the West says Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping do. And Israel would have gotten away with such behavior with virtual impunity.


But nothing like that was done in real life, and Clifford May took a sharp turn in his article. Instead of staying with the subject of crimes committed by the two superpowers, he turned his attention to Iran. This being his favorite subject, he transferred the value of the mischiefs said to have been committed by Putin and Jinping onto the Iranian situation by asserting that “Iran’s rulers comprehend that, which is why they are working so hard to acquire a nuclear weapons capability”.


Clifford May began the new discussion by attempting to discredit President Biden’s effort to bring back the common sense that was injected into the Iran nuclear situation by former President Barack Obama, and Biden’s attempt to return to the deal that was nixed by Donald Trump. May attempted the discredit, not by discussing proof, but by relying on an old Jewish joke that goes like this:


“President Biden’s diplomats have been attempting to strike a deal that they claim will keep Tehran out of the nuclear weapons club. If you believe that, there’s a bridge over the Persian Gulf I can sell you at a discount”.


So much for the credibility that Clifford May has tried to bring to himself.


Despite his failure on that score, May launched the usual diatribe which the Jews launch against those they dislike, such as Iran. He scolded that ancient country for the mischiefs it is supposed to have committed without comparing it with Israel whose crimes of occupation, apartheid, ethnic cleansing, and genocide surpass anything this planet has witnessed since the beginning of time.


If you want to know what it is that gives the Jews the chutzpah to make a mountain out of an Iranian molehill, and make a small joke out of a Jewish horror story, you need to read the following passage in Clifford May’s article:


“Concerns about the capabilities of Iran’s rulers are especially intense here in Israel. That’s because Israelis know how extreme those intentions are — more so than even those of Mr. Putin and Mr. Xi. The former is using military force to compel his neighbors to think of themselves as Russians rather than Ukrainians. The latter is using ‘reeducation camps’ to compel Uyghurs to think of themselves as Chinese Communists rather than Turkic Muslims”.


Yes my friend, the Jews say they know everything, even what others think. And because they know everything, they are certain that Putin making the Ukrainians think they are Russians, is worse than the Jews of Israel making the Palestinians think that Palestine is not theirs. And because they know everything, the Jews are certain that Mr. Xi using redemption camps to compel Uyghurs to think of themselves as Chinese rather than Turkic, is worse than the Jews of Israel making the Palestinians think that Palestine never belonged to them.


Can there be something more horrific to plague Planet Earth? I don’t think so.