Thursday, September 1, 2011

Repeal The Laws Specific To Israel

The American Congress will soon be back in session after the summer recess and the world will again be treated to the greatest pornographic spectacle of all time. Grown men and women in charge of running the affairs of their mighty country will be seen to bite each other in the back in an effort to paralyze one another and thus compete to serve the interests of the puny foreign entity they call Israel. What in hell is going on? To be certain, this question is so profound, we must go back to the beginning of time and search for answers.

It so happened that thousands of years ago there were groups of people who lived in the towns and the villages along the shores of the Red Sea and the Eastern Mediterranean. These people also lived further inland along the river valleys and their deltas where they farmed the land and where they husbanded their domesticated animals. Each of these groups had a culture of its own but all the cultures were based on a mythology that sought to explain the act of creation. It is that they all felt the need to answer the age old question as to how the Earth, the heavens and all that they saw came to be. This is how the drama that is our human civilization began and how it culminated in a set of laws that tell us how to live, develop, preserve what we create and pass it on to our descendants.

But this is not the end of the story because the plot of the drama is a complex one. Like a never ending soap opera, it has many twists and turns with recurring subplots, all animated by an endless number of characters. It is that besides the settled groups who lived along the Red Sea and the Mediterranean, there were the nomadic tribes that roamed the same geographic area. Most of these were peaceful tribes who minded their own business except for one tribe calling itself Hebrew that stood out as being exceptionally belligerent. Like the other nomads, the Hebrews had no land of their own and so they lived on the crumbs and the refuse that were discarded by the people of the towns, the villages and the farms. But when the crumbs and the refuse were not enough to satisfy them, the Hebrews raided the weak farmers and looted them. They also stole what they could from the towns and the villages that lived with little protection or none at all. Eventually the Hebrews developed the dream of having a land of their own, a land on which they could settle and live like the people of the towns, the villages and the farms who enjoyed the good life.

Like everyone else, the Hebrews had a mythology of their own which they modified to speak of a God who promised them what they wanted the most, a land of their own. And since looting from the neighbors was their method of survival, the god they imagined was a savage warrior who told them not how to live, to develop and to preserve what they create but how to maim, mutilate and murder their neighbors and how to grab by force the land that they covet. That god is also said to have taught them how to keep for themselves what they grab and how to preserve it for their descendants. Eventually, the Hebrews managed to grab a piece of land from the people of Palestine who had lived on their land since the beginning of time enjoying the milk, the honey and the prosperity they created for themselves. And for a while the Hebrews ruled over this land enjoying what the Palestinians had built. And because Judaism was the religion that the Hebrews were following, they called themselves Jews and so did everyone else.

Despite the divine lesson that told them how to keep the land and how to pass it to their descendants, the Jews were kicked out of Palestine whereupon the land was returned to its rightful owners. The demise of the Jews came during the Roman occupation of Palestine at the hands of legions that tolerated no disobedience and no rebellion. There began the sojourn of the Jews in the diaspora and lasted till the British occupied the land of Palestine in their turn some eighteen centuries later. This is when the Brits allowed the Jewish hordes to come into Palestine from everywhere around the globe despite the fact that they were Hebrews no more but were new converts to a cult that was more political than religious yet claimed to be based on the old Jewish religion that was no more. And the hordes of fake Jews stole the land of Palestine once again and they called it Israel.

While the method by which the early Hebrew tribe managed to grab the land of Palestine in ancient time remains unclear because the history is told through the religious mythology of the Old Testament, the stealing of Palestine in the modern era has a clearer history. This is true despite the fact that the self proclaimed historians of Jewish persuasion relentlessly and without shame attempt to tell that history in a language that matches the narrative of the ancient mythologies. These people try to make it look like what is happening today is happening by divine will as they draw fake parallels with an ancient history that remains without a shred of historical proof. Simply put, the so-called Jewish historians want to convince the world that the modern history of the Jews is a continuation of the stories peddled in the Old Testament.

What is clear about the modern history of Palestine is that shortly after the British occupation ended, the Jews -- now calling themselves Israelis -- asked the old colonial powers to help them maintain Palestine as a Jewish colony. They got the help they sought but only for a short period of time because the world soon realized how savage they were and abandoned them. In the meantime, however, the Jewish leaders were cultivating a relationship with America, one that grew massively but turned out to be more of a bizarre act of pornography than a love affair between two nations which is how it was described at the start. The net result is that the American support for Israel is today the only thing that sustains the latter and the thing that allows it to remain as belligerent as the savage Hebrews ever were in ancient times. And we see in the American-Israeli relationship a revival of the craftiness that was used by the ancient Hebrews. In fact, this craftiness is what the modern Jewish leaders use to maintain the American support for Israel, a support that remains without condition or strings attached.

To understand what is happening here, we first need to get an idea as to what the landscape looks like upon which the modern history of Israel is forged. Here is a puzzle to start you off. They cannot walk and chew gum at the same time but they can walk and serve Israel at the same time; they can also chew gum and serve Israel at the same time. In fact, they can do anything under the sun, do everything that needs to be done or do nothing at all yet they will serve Israel fully and will serve it with devotion each and every time. Indeed, they will serve Israel individually and will serve it severally if that must be but serve it they will as if ordained by the Almighty. Can you guess who that is? You guessed it; it is the American Congress now aptly called the shameless congress of ill repute.

And the question that the world is asking is this: How did it happen that the followers of a cult adhering to the traditions of a defunct ancient religion managed to develop such a lethal hold on an institution that used to pride itself on being the greatest deliberative body ever to grace this planet and turn the thing into a useless joint of political prostitution? The answer is that during the centuries between the Roman occupation of Palestine and the British occupation, the inheritors of the old Hebrew mythologies developed techniques and approaches that allowed them to assemble and to codify a set of tricks they now regard as a book of Jewish law called the Talmud. When the lessons of the Talmud were added to the craftiness and belligerence that the ancient Hebrews used to live by, the combination became the potent weapon that overwhelmed the defenses of the American system of governance and eroded the democratic principles upon which the Republic was founded.

The trick that the Jewish leaders used to take control of the Congress was to begin each new adventure by accusing someone innocent of the activity on which they were about to embark. The trick worked effectively because it distracted the public, even sent it on a wild goose chase thus gave the perpetrators the opportunity to proceed undetected with their devilish plan while the public was looking in the wrong direction. By the time the public got tired of chasing the goose that was not there and abandoned the chase, the perpetrators had finished executing their plan and had scored a fait accompli that no one asked them to roll back. This is what the Jewish organizations kept doing over and over, and this is where they succeeded brilliantly each and every time.

Here is one example. There was a time when the Jewish organizations in America incited the security apparatus in that country to launch an operation they called “Abscam” aiming to identify and to catch Arab agents who – the Jewish organizations whispered – were bribing American lawmakers to make laws that favored the Arab causes. By the time the security people had found that the scam was not an Arab scam but a Jewish scam that should have been called “JewScam”, the Jewish organizations had cultivated enough congressional male and female prostitutes to chair the important committees of the Congress. This done, the newly anointed prostitutes with a chair under each bum started to work for Israel as if there was no one else on this planet; not even the American public that elected the prostitutes.

Here is another example where you clearly see how the Jewish members and their running dogs abused the legislative body by using every parliamentary rule in the book to do end runs on the spirit of the democratic process. One of the most egregious trick they pulled in the U.S. House of Representatives was to suspend the quorum rule so that a handful of them (that's it, only a handful) could go into the chamber in the middle of the night and pass resolutions favoring their Jewish and Israeli causes then make the claim for the whole world to see and hear that the American Congress had voted unanimously in favor of Israel (Get it? A handful of prostitutes become a unanimous American congress.) And this is the sort of thing that transformed the American institution into the Jewish house of ill repute in the eyes of the world. It may be a neat trick in the eyes of the Jews and their supporters but it remains a deadly game when you consider the fact that the domination of the Congress by the Jewish organizations is what started the descent of America.

Another example in this vein is when they abused the courts by suing people and institutions left and right for the purpose of (a) winning exaggerated monetary rewards, (b) silencing the individuals who dared to criticize them or criticize Israel and (c) forcing some government departments to break with tradition even violate the jurisprudence to serve them exceptionally without serving everyone equally as stipulated by the Constitution. And while doing all this, they accused the Arabs (all the Arabs and by extension all the Muslims too) of abusing the American judicial system. What they did here was to claim without providing any proof that they found a document in which one Arab advised another Arab that if caught in America doing something illegal, he has the right to remain silent. That's all, my friends; that's all the excuse they needed to try and turn public opinion against the Arabs and the Muslims. Alas the ploy did not work because no American could see that the advice (even if given) was an abuse of the judicial system. But the thing is that the public was distracted enough by the trick, it failed to see that the Jewish organizations were doing end runs on America practicing the very thing they accused the others of doing which is to abuse the system and make it work for them.

And there is the example of the never ending attempts both in Canada and the United States to use the executive tribunals to set precedents that would influence the conduct of the courts thereby force the legislators to amend the existing laws or make new ones that will exclusively serve the Jewish causes at home and serve the Israeli causes abroad. In doing this, the Jewish organizations hope to circumvent the natural organic process for making laws upon which the system of the Common Law is based. And no one has yet come out and admitted that these are attempts to force the adoption of the primitive Talmudic Law in North America but sooner or later, this is what will happen and the process of Talmudization will continue in the open unless it is repudiated and it is ended right here and right now.

If you want to know what a serious matter this is, let me tell you what I saw. I saw fear in the eyes and I saw anger on the faces of prominent Jewish lawyers when the Minister of Justice here in Canada tried at one time to do an end run on the judicial process by abusing the executive tribunals. It is that he tried to get the tribunals to rule in favor of Jewish claims that the regular courts of law had rejected time and time again. In the eyes of the lawyers who feared the idea and were angered by it, this was the sort of thing that they knew had led to the rise of popular movements in Europe seeking a final solution to do away with the Jewish population once and for all. The Jewish lawyers had no trouble understanding even sympathizing with the people of Europe who saw the Jews not as contributors to their culture but as demonic agents who came to destroy it from within to pave the way to rule over them eventually.

There is only one way now to make sure that what happened in Europe in the middle of the Twentieth Century will not be repeated in North America now or ever. It is to comb the books of law, to find and to repeal all the laws that were made specifically to serve the Jewish and Israeli causes.

You must cleanse the books now before someone tries to ethnic cleanse the land.