Tuesday, September 20, 2011

This Is What It's All About

A Jewish lawyer and a good friend used to say: “If you push the horse hard enough, he will speak up and you will get it from the horse's mouth.” Well, my friends, the horse has spoken and we have it from his mouth. We have this: “Are Palestinians entitled to a state? Before certain readers erupt at the mere suggestion that Palestinians may not be so entitled, we'd note that the Kurds … don't have a state. Neither do the Tamils … Uighurs … Tibetans … Basques … Chechens … or Flemish …” Here the horse is the Wall Street Journal which published an editorial on September 19, 2011 under the title: “The Palestinian Statehood Gambit” and the subtitle: “The U.S. should respond by cutting funds for the U.N.” In reality, the spirit of the horse is the Jewish lobby that is behind it all; the Wall Street Journal is the mouthpiece that is spewing it.

I do not presume to have pushed that lobby to do a foolish thing but I take liberty in telling a white lie by saying that I am not even happy these people exposed themselves as being foolish. Let us now see what is wrong with them. It is that they are powered by what has come to be known as the Dershowitz Syndrome. This is a psycho-cultural disease that says Israel has the right to do to the Palestinians anything horrific that someone has ever done to someone else on this planet. And of course, the right extends to all those who labor on behalf of Israel and try to hurt the Palestinians or hurt their backers. This is why the Journal has called on the U.S. to cut off funds for the U.N. The occasion here is that the Palestinian Authority (PA) has decided to declare statehood and seek recognition by going to the Security Council where it will ask for full membership. If the US will dare to veto the application, the PA will go to the General Assembly where it will most certainly be approved for the lesser status of observer state.

Reading the editorial and getting past that introduction, you now see that the authors begin to show their true colors. They do two things in this regard; they tell the Palestinians and the world what good things will not happen to the people of Palestine; and they tell what bad things will happen to them. First, the people of the lobby say this: “A vote at the U.N. won't create a Palestinian state...”, then they say this: “...and will likely retard the creation of one … It won't remove any Israeli settlements … and might … accelerate the pace of construction … [Israel] could also freeze tax transfers … The U.S. Congress might … cut off aid.”

With the exception of the cutting of American aid which is the prerogative of a sovereign nation, everything else on that list represents an aggravated criminal act that Israel threatens to undertake as an affront to the will of the United Nation. This is like the bank thief who threatens to kill the staff and the customers if the manager calls the police. But you know that the police will do little to stop the thief because it is the United Nation that is itself under the boot of America which allows Israel to live in that manner; even supplies it with the weapons to do what it does. America protects Israel in world forums especially at the United Nation where it uses the veto to shield it as it threatens to do in this case. In fact, America is saying to the world “Rule of law” my ass, this is for show and for pretense – Haven't you learned? When you trust me you proceed at your peril.

Having laid down the law of the savage jungle as it is practiced by Israel, by the Jewish lobby and by America, the editorial writers of the Journal now seek to demonstrate that it is the right way to doing things by contrasting it with the way that the Palestinians do things, a behavior they want you to believe is wrong. To this end, they scream at you: “It is all in the intent,” which you recognize as being the only tool they have in their toolbox by which they seek to convince people that all Jews are saints and everyone else is devilish. Brace yourself now, my friend because here it comes: “Why, then are the Palestinians intent on winning...? The charitable explanation is that they are using the statehood bid … to get Israel to agree to … a halt in settlement construction.”

Can you believe this, dear reader; can you believe it? What a horrible people these Palestinians must be! Here comes the Jews with the good intention to steal their land on which to build illegal settlements, and how do the Palestinians respond? They go to the United Nation which is the court to settle international disputes and they complain there. What scandal! What horror! Does this not send the chill down your spine, my friend? Now you know why the American Congress is so hot under the collar about the unseemly behavior of those Palestinians.

But there is more because one of those Palestinians is Mahmoud Abbas, their President. He too has bad intentions. In fact, he has more than that; he has a real ambition. Can you believe it? He has an ambition and not just any ambition, it is a real ambition. So then, what is this real ambition? Well, haven't you heard? He wrote about it in the New York Times in May. Can you believe it? He didn't even publish it in the Wall Street Journal; he sent it to the New York Times. And here is what this ungrateful man said: “Palestine's admission to the United Nations would pave the way for the internationalization of the conflict as a legal matter, not only as a political one. It would also pave the way for us to pursue claims against Israel at the United Nations, human rights treaty bodies and the International Criminal Court.”

What is wrong with this man, Abbas? He must be taking literally this thing about “rule of law.” Does he not know that the Jews are above the law and that most American politicians would send their children in harm's way to lose an arm, a leg and a reproductive organ to defend the Jewish right to live in a permanent state of criminality? Look what this will mean to Israel, warns the editorial writers of the Wall Street Journal, it will mean this: “...not the usual feckless resolutions at the U.N.'s Human Rights Council, but travel bans and international arrest warrants for Israeli soldiers involved in the 'occupation' of a … sovereign state.”

Wow! Did you get this? Abbas wants to move the whole matter from the feckless to the responsible. Can you imagine Israel being forced to act responsibly? What scandal! What horror! What chill running down your spine and mine! “In other words,” say the editorial writers of the Wall Street Journal, “what the Palestinians seek ... [is] another tool … [to] destroy Israel.” Yes, my friend, for Israel to act responsibly, says the Jewish lobby, would destroy it. This is why it is better to destroy the people of Palestine than change the regime of the fake state of Israel, an act that will save the Palestinian people and the Jews too. What calamity!

Having come to this point believing that these people are evil geniuses, you are hit with the reality that they must have a low IQ. As did a few others before them, they pick on something that Mr. Abbas said and they interpret it in a way that scares them instead of reassuring them. Here is that quote: “We are going to complain that as Palestinians we have been under occupation for 63 years.” Well, what happens here is that 63 years ago takes you back to 1948 when the United Nation mandated a homeland for the Jews in Palestine and gave them a state with defined borders. Ever since that time, Israel has illegally expanded by annexing territory it is not entitled to. Thus, the Palestinians can legally ask that Israel go back to the borders of 1948. The reality, however, is that the Palestinians are now asking to go back to the borders of 1967 with land swaps that will take into account a new fait accompli that Israel has forced on them. By accepting this deal, Israel would have gotten a guarantee that the Palestinians will not ask it to return to the 1948 border. But the truth is that the Israelis do not want to go back to 1967, they want the whole West Bank.

Let me be cruel for a moment now. I do this not because I am cruel but because I want you to see something cruel. I begin by asking you this: Do you want to know what it feels like to be mugged, my friend? Here; let the Wall Street Journal mug you. Read this: “Mr. Abbas may also see the U.N. Gambit as a cost-free exercise, since the international community (including Israel and the U.S.) hasn't exactly been punctilious in holding Palestinians to account for violating their diplomatic or political undertakings.” Here is a bunch of Jews that took pain to say piss on the law and the rule of law; we are above all this and we shall never abide by any law – now complaining that neither the world nor Israel nor America beat up on the Palestinians for not abiding by undertakings that the bunch does not even define. Crazy but what the heck!

Happy with their performance so far and thinking of themselves as prophets, they now look into the future and tell you what will happen. They say that there will be suggestions to defund the PA but that objections will be raised, and someone will want to accommodate these objections. Instead of doing this, say the editors of the Journal, what should happen is that America should close the office of the Palestinian representative in Washington and cut off funding to the U.N. itself. That is, America should cut off its own arm, leg and reproductive organ for the sake of the Jews who will gain nothing from this exercise except the knowledge that someone is willing to mutilate themselves to please them. A sick American response to a sick Jewish request.

And finally, they reiterate one more time that: “Perhaps it's also time to rethink the fundamental desirability of a Palestinian state...” And this is what it's all about, my friend. Way back in the Nineteen Sixties Golda Meir was saying that there was no such thing as a Palestinian people. The rabbis got to work on this and found passages in the Bible that justified having only one people in that place. Then the Christian fanatics of the American South offered to act as the echo repeaters for those rabbis. So now we have a chorus of idiots – among them presidential candidates -- urging the American Administration to join that racket and perpetuate the crime against the people of Palestine which, at its core, is a crime against humanity.

Let's see how a lawyer, former community worker and Nobel laureate in the White House feels about committing crimes against humanity.