Friday, September 23, 2011

Voices Of Infamy Fill The Air These Days

Would you believe your ear if you overheard a conversation that went more or less as follows between two men in America or anywhere else in the world?

MAN 1: It was dull in our household, we didn't know what to do with our leisure time then came this man to live among us and suddenly it was like carnival every day in our house.

MAN 2: Funny you should say this because the same thing happened in our household when a man came amongst us and made things look and feel so interesting, we cannot live without him anymore, especially my wife who says he fulfills the duty of a husband like she always dreamed I would.

MAN 1: The same thing happened to us, and this is why when he asked to make love to our little girl too and teach her all about love, we said yes, and now we know she'll grow up knowing all about love and sex and how to enjoy them to the fullest extent.

MAN 2: You know what, we did better than you. When our man asked for the little girl, we gave him the girl and the little boy too so that he can grow up knowing all about love and sex and learn to appreciate them. I suppose I should consider myself better than you unless you decide to catch up with me in which case we'll be equal.

Your mind, my dear reader, must have veered to some Eskimo tribe where you may have heard that men share their wives with the strangers who might drop in on them but you are astonished about the fact that the children were offered as sex objects and used by the strangers in the story. But relax because none of this happened in reality. The story is an allegory for what happens everyday among the White Anglo Saxon Protestants (WASP) who run for office in America. And if you consider this to be a disease, then you should be alarmed to know that it is contagious and that it is spreading among White Catholics and Blacks too.

The sex maniac and pedophile that they compete to satisfy is the generic Jew. His sex addiction is the service of Israel, and the family he fornicates to service Israel is America. In fact, the characters who run for office in America behave like the two men and their wives in the story because there is nothing they will not say or do to give the Jew the best orgasm he can have so as to secure for themselves not his vote or his monetary contribution – they are minimal by all accounts – but his goodwill because without it, they believe he can turn the media against them and destroy their campaigns.

When the Prime Minister of Israel forces the American Administration to invite him with the express purpose of going there and urinating on the rug of the White House in full view of the cameras; when that character addresses a joint session of a Congress that has been gridlocked for months, saying NO at every occasion to its own President; when the Jew gets 29 standing ovations; when the majority leader of the Senate accosts him at the end of the speech to tell him it was the best he ever heard in that chamber, you know that America was given away by its elders to the most virulent rapists and pedophiles of all time. And you look again at the way that the majority leader spoke to the Prime Minister of Israel and you look at the indifferent manner by which the Prime Minister responded, and you begin to formulate another allegory inside your head. It is this: The Jew ejaculated 29 times over the heads of the Americans in both of their houses of legislation and they were filled with so much joy, they got orgasmic themselves 29 times. At the end of this pornographic exercise, the majority leader liked the performance so much that he ran after the Jew to say he wants to be his condom: “You can wear me like a condom, next time so that I may be a part of you delight,” says he and the Jew gives him a dirty look of disdain as if to say: “I had much better offers than you, old man. How dare you think of me as deserving of something as wretched as you.”

This is what America has been reduced to, my friend, and the net result is that its President can do nothing without getting permission from the Prime Minister of Israel. To wit, the President asked the Prime Minister just the other day to tell some 80 American legislators visiting Israel to okay the transfer of some money to the Palestinian Authority not because it was the right thing to do; not because it was American law; not because it was America's international obligation but because in the final analysis, Israel will benefit in that the security situation in the West Bank will be enhanced which can only be good for Israel.

And now that the season of American primaries to the presidency have come to coincide with the request of the Palestinians to have their country admitted as full member of the United Nations, the candidates are being mobilized in America by the generic Jew to stand in the way of this development even though it would be the most promising at serving the cause of peace if it happened. The reason why the Jews do not want to see the creation of a Palestinian state is that it will deny them the opportunity to gobble up the rest of Palestine by creeping annexation much as they have been doing over the last 63 years.

And so, the candidates are now running around promising the handful of columnists and editors who can possibly hurt them that they will offer American boys and girls to every generic Jew who will express the desire to have fun at the expense of America's honor.

They siphoned off everything else that America had, from wealth to weaponry; what is left is America's honor and now they want that too.