Monday, September 26, 2011

Warning: Netanyahu Wants To Teach The World

On September 23, 2011 the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu gave a speech at the United Nations. Towards the end of it he quoted Winston Churchill who, it was said, lamented some seventy years earlier about the “confirmed unteachability of mankind.” But from the looks and the sounds of it, Netanyahu must have believed that his speech will contribute something toward the teaching of mankind because he went on to say this: “I speak here today in the hope that Churchill's assessment of the 'unteachability of mankind' is for once proven wrong.”

The problem with the Jewish culture in general but especially the Rabbinical Judaism faction which began to take roots eighteen hundred years ago is that it is too closely tied to religion and is for all practical purposes powered by it. Thus, the relationship between those who seek to teach and those who are supposed to learn is one that recognizes the teacher -- who usually is but not always a rabbi -- as having the kind of absolute knowledge which is derived from God. And this teacher would be transmitting his knowledge and wisdom to students who are but subjects of the realm. As such they must accept to play a subordinated role to that of the teacher therefore remain unquestioning toward him.

And so, every Jew who is today in the business of transmitting information of any kind or any importance to someone, view themselves as being teachers – if only for a fleeting moment – thus regard themselves as being guardians and transmitters of divine knowledge to an individual, an audience -- be it large or small – or to the general public. When these people speak, they expect to see expressions of awe and appreciation on the faces of the audience even if it is a captive audience that never wanted to be in the hellish position of having to hear what may well sound like unmitigated crap spewed by an ordained rabbi or a self-styled one.

It is inside this sort of mentality that was brewed the idea of Israel as being the nation of Jewish tailors, jewelers and violinists from Eastern Europe who nevertheless taught farming to the Palestinians that had been farming the land of milk and honey and the land of the Fertile Crescent since the beginning of time. It is also where the idea was brewed that Israel was a nation of Russian poets and Ethiopian dwellers of mud huts who told NATO all about the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and taught it how to get rid of them. And it is in such mentality that was brewed the idea that Israel was the nation of sheep herders from Yemen and from Morocco who taught the Americans how to make drones and use them against the enemy in Asia and the Horn of Africa. In short, Israel is portrayed as a nation of natural teachers who teach the world how to be the best world it can be in the same way that Israel is the best country that a country can be. And without a doubt it was in this spirit while powered by this set of beliefs that Netanyahu addressed the General assembly of the United Nations.

You smile, you clear your throat and you say: “Okay, so then what did this guy Netanyahu want to teach the world this time?” And before you finish asking the question, the answer hits your ears like a miraculous thunder out of the bowels of Heaven: “The truth,” says he, the truth is what I want you to hear. And not just the truth but the “systematic assault on the truth.” It is that the President of Iran claimed that the Holocaust was a lie, says Netanyahu and he wanted to correct that. To prove the Iranian President wrong, the Prime Minister of Israel described three places he visited lately which to him is proof enough that the Holocaust did happen. Consequently, he called the President of Iran a “Holocaust-denier” and commended those who left the room when he spoke the day before in that same hall of the UN General Assembly because, as he said, they stood for moral clarity and they brought honor to their countries. As to those who gave the denier a hearing, Netanyahu asked them point blank: Have you no shame? Have you no decency? He went on to hurl a few more insults at them and called their stance a disgrace and a mockery of the UN Charter.

You may want to say: This is the stuff that great teachers are made of. But before you do that you should know that by now Netanyahu's audience had dwindled to a small core as people were leaving the hall. Still he went on to warn the remaining few that the President of Iran and his odious regime threaten more than the Jews because “history has shown us time and again that what starts with attacks on the Jews eventually ends up engulfing many others.” He then gave a history lesson in a style that tells those of us who recognize it as being nothing more than vintage Judeo-Yiddish demagogic spin. In fact, what Netanyahu did was to tie the denial of the Holocaust with the religion of Islam. Whoa! you scream, hold your horses, mister, hold them back a moment because there is much that is deceptive here and much that must be corrected.

First of all, the so-called denial of the Holocaust did not start in a Muslim or Arab country; it started in Christian Europe. It did not start in any European country, it started in Germany. It was not a view held by many Germans but a subject debated by a small group of people who were fed up with the constant milking of the war events by organized Jews that never lived in Germany and never had family there but used the German feeling of guilt with regard to what was done to the Jews and asked for reparation payments over and over again without showing a sign that their demands will ever end.

Normally, when faced with a situation where a legal demand for compensation is likely to come, the thing to do is deny guilt and let the accuser prove otherwise. In fact, if you look at your car insurance, it should say on the back of it what to do and what not to do in case of an accident. One of the points made is that you should never admit the accident was your fault even if you are certain it was. Thus, you can see that denying guilt at the outset is standard practice, something that defense lawyers always recommend. As a consequence, more than 99 per cent of the time, people plead not guilty to an accusation they know is true but choose to let the accuser make it stick if they can.

Well, my friend, this normal procedure did not sit well with the Jewish organizations. They jumped into the act and asked the German Government to criminalize a legitimate form of self defense that people use everywhere without giving it a second thought. But criminalizing the act of self defense is something that happened in Germany, you saw it happen, you became outraged and you shouted that it was horrendously unfair! And you were correct especially in view of the fact that the Jewish organizations that worked to have the procedure banned were the ones that never stopped milking the German taxpayers. My friend, this Judeo-Yiddish way of doing things is not something that is practiced in theory; it is a savage reality to those who have suffered under a freakish law enacted by a German Government that has acceded to a flaky request just to please the Jews. Innocent people have gone to jail because of this legislation, and the time has come for the German Government to join the civilized world and repeal this anti-democratic law of primitive savages. Let people deny the Holocaust if that's what they want to do; or question it or believe in it as a religious dogma. It is their God-given right. No government can impose the belief in a historical event on someone. Period. You understand this, Germany?

And this thing happened in the first place because Germany managed to rebuild itself after the war and became an economic powerhouse. All the while, the Jews in Israel were beginning to discover that their culture did not permit them to run a normal country with a normal economy. The Zionist project was faltering and the Israelis were coming to the conclusion that they will need a permanent form of financing from the outside to keep Israel afloat. They saw Germany as a cash cow they could milk and they used the excuse of the Holocaust to demand reparation payments without end in sight. They got it again and again and again, and this is when the working people of Germany began to question why money was being deducted from their paychecks to be sent to Israel without proper explanation. They wanted to know the specifics for which they were made to pay this high price, and this is where the Jewish organizations responded by expanding the reach of the Holocaust denying accusations to encompass anyone they did not like such as those who asked too many questions. They called Holocaust deniers even those that did not deny, and they turned life hellish for some people to intimidate others. And this is another good reason why the German anti-democratic law of primitive savages must be repealed right away even if it is not expected that anyone will ever again be jailed on account of it.

But this is not the history that Netanyahu has relayed at the United Nations General Assembly on that day. Instead, he recited a made-for-the-moment fabrication of his own and called it history. He built on top of his fabrication a demagogic case by which to foster hatred against Islam and to add fuel to the fire of the war between the religions that the Jewish organizations started several decades ago. This was the time when those organizations contributed mightily to the defeat of America in Vietnam, something they did by weakening the home front using such props as The Pentagon Papers and many others. The Jewish organizations did this to get America out of Asia and into the Middle East where they pit it against the Arabs and against Islam. You may want to say at this point: With a friend like this who needs a skunk to sleep with in the same tent! And you would be joining many in the world who never stop asking this question about America.

Netanyahu went on to laud the success made by mankind in the fields of science and technology, and he promised a magnificent future for humanity on their account. He then dropped the obligatory Jewish bullshit that fell on the head of the audience like a dump of considerable weight and stink: “I am proud that my country Israel is at the forefront of these advances – by leading innovations in...” and he listed every field of science and technology you can think of. But when you analyze this idea, you find that if what he says is true, it would mean that Israel has two million scientists and engineers working and doing research not only in laboratories but in actual foundries that produce steel, copper, aluminum and all sorts of metals; and it would mean that they are working in factories producing home appliances and home entertainment equipment, cars, trucks, farm implements, construction equipment, communication gizmos and all sorts of tools and machines that equip those foundries and those factories.

But for this to happen, Israel would need 25 million blue collar workers laboring in those places which is double what America has today. And when you think that America, Japan and Germany dropped a few fields to maintain a lead in other fields, you conclude that Israel must be a land where biblical style miracles happen in modern times. How else could a population of 6 million Jews and 1.5 million Muslim and Christian Arabs do the work of 600 million? Or maybe this is all Jewish bullshit where the only truth is that there are no superlatives big enough to describe the exaggeration that these people are capable of spewing when they describe what they have accomplished. The Jewish bullshit is simply a dump of cosmic dimension, and it stinks like hell.

But all of that promise can still elude mankind, says Netanyahu, because of the marriage between religious fanaticism and the weapons of mass destruction. Aha, you say, he is finally going to talk about two important points troubling humanity these days. First, he is going to say something about the religious fanaticism that makes his people pretend to be the preferred children of God and that makes someone like him exaggerate Israel's success in the fields of science and technology. And second, he is going to talk about the weapons of mass destruction that Israel wants the world to believe it has but wants ambiguity to make it look doubtful it has them. But instead of bringing moral clarity to the subject -- something he discussed earlier in the speech -- he attacked Iran again. Maybe we should have a new expression to describe the morality of these people. Let us call it: Jewish moral clarity of the ambiguous kind. Or Jewish moral ambiguity of the clearest kind. Or clear bullshit of the Jewish kind.

And guess what Netanyahu did after that. He attacked the United Nations; the same United Nations that created Israel. But why did he do that? Why did he bite the hand that fed him? Because the institution is now considering the membership of Palestine. You see, my friend, to attack someone when you want something from them has always been the Jewish thing to do. But this is an attitude that almost never worked for them anywhere in the world until they came to America. This is where they discovered that when they decide they want to dominate an institution, the best thing they can do is attack it. This is how they took control of the media, the cultural and the financial institutions, the Senate, the House of Representatives and their committees, the various arms of the State Department, the White House and so on and so forth. Talking about the hand that fed them; these guys are stuffed with American hands.

Having attacked the UN, he then told it what to do. He said there is a report by the Human Rights Council condemning Israel for the attack it launched against Gaza and he wanted the UN General Assembly to reject it. To convince the delegates that they should do so, he dumped on them the same arguments that he and his people always dump on the Americans. It goes like this: We have good intentions; our enemies have bad intentions. When there is a fight between us, we are always right and they are always wrong. Thus, if we go to them with American made smart bombs, helicopters and jets; if we pinpoint and blow up their women and children asleep in their bedrooms, if we blast thousands of them to smithereens, and if in the process they kill one or two of our soldiers, they are the terrorists that stayed home and we are the saints that invaded their space. You condemn them and you kiss our bums. Enjoy the stink, America!

Finally, he said that he and all of Israel want peace; the reason why he wants the Palestinians to remain disarmed. You see, my friend, this is the way that he can invoke the Jewish form of moral clarity and confuse between the PEACE that he professes and the PIECE of land that Israel never ceases to grab from the Palestinians. We have seen this morality play itself out for six long decades, and it brought nothing but horror and terror to the people that have no means to defend themselves. I say, it is time that the Palestinians be given the means to defend themselves which, when they do, Israel will be forced to behave. And when this happens, the Jewish people will have been given a better chance at living a normal life at long last -- after centuries of trial and error resulting in countless dismal failures.

Netanyahu has nothing to teach the world. On the contrary, he and the Israelis have much to learn from it especially from the Palestinians who have shown grace and poise under Jewish savagery – so much so that the world has bowed to them and has left Netanyahu with no one to applaud his speech except a pathetic American delegation that was once the star of such events but was reduced to the role of comical relief popping up once in a while to soften the specter of tragedy that is Israel.